



外校博士申请书 篇1

Dear Sir,

I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further mystudy in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university.

My name is Li Jin, an undergraduate student of the Department of AppliedPhysics, Huabei University. Next year in the summer, I will graduate and get myB.S. degree. I plan to continue my study and research in this field. I choseBoston University because there are a congenial team of researchers, an array ofdatabases and research projects in your school of Physics. I believe myinterests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school. And my solidacademic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduatestudy.

I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the GraduateApplication Forms, the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships, andother relevant information. My mailing address is shown on the top of thisletter.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

外校博士申请书 篇2



1990年至今,被北京燕山石化公司研究院聘为助理工程师。第一年,我负责一个 5升的`反应器,用于聚合羧化丁二烯-苯乙烯乳胶。然后我被调到另一个研究组去合成PET/PHB共聚物,一种聚酯的亲戚,具有液晶的特性。我是小组的副组长。我们可以在2升不锈钢反应器中制备出具有高分子量和优异性能的新型聚合物。在此单体中,纯度在99.99%以上;这让我的领导很满意。








外校博士申请书 篇3









外校博士申请书 篇4










外校博士申请书 篇5

Dear XX,

For the past three years, my undergraduate education has exposed me to thevarious sub-fields of Computer Science (CS). However, our syllabus has focusedmainly on "traditional" CS topics, such as Operating systems and single-CPUsystems. We have had barely a glimpse of the newer technologies that are likelyto change the way computing is done in not-so-distant future. The desire toexamine such subjects in greater detail is what has prompted me to opt forgraduate study.

Most of my interests are in the fields related to information systems andsharing of computing power and resources. I am interested in Database managementsystems. We have had a course on this topic in our undergraduate program and Iwould like to explore it greater detail. Another subject that I would like tostudy further is that of Distributed Operating systems, a topic which we studiedbriefly under the course on Operating systems. Networking is the third field Iconsider interesting enough to study in greater depth. We have not yet had acourse on this subject but I have a fair amount of knowledge through independentreading.

I have tried, throughout my undergraduate career, not to restrict myactivities to those imposed by the syllabus. I have been a member of theorganizing team of my college’s annual intercollegiate technical festival. Ihave participated in an Internet Workshop conducted by Indian Institute ofTechnology, Mumbai, whose aim was to explain the underlying concepts used in theNet such as routing, domain naming, protocols & also to give an overview ofInternet related languages such as HTML, VRML, JavaScript and Java. I have alsoattended a seminar on E-commerce organized by Verifone India Ltd, an Indiansubsidiary of Hewlett-Packard. These seminars have given me " extra" informationwhich was not possible through the undergraduate program.

In addition, I have participated in Software Developing Competition where Ihad developed ‘Graphical Sorting Tutor’ in C along with my co-developers. Thisproject sought to demonstrate and explain the various sorting techniquesgraphically. I am also developing an Intranet e-mail Client and Server in Javaas my final year project. This will be developed using SMTP & POP3 protocolswith minimal MIME conformance. These projects have exposed me to the industrystandards in software development along with the invaluable experience I gainedfrom them.

The fact that more than five of the faculty of your department are workingon subjects that I would like to pursue further, especially information systems,parallel computing, and distributed systems, and that your department isnationally ranked has in large part determined my decision to apply to youruniversity. I also believe that I possess the capacity for hard work & themotivation required to perform well in an undergraduate program as competitiveas yours. Since my economic resources permit me to partially fund myself for theduration of graduate course, I request you to consider me for any form offinancial aid such as teaching and research assistantships.wWw.yjS21.cOm

In conclusion, it is my belief that a higher degree in CS from an esteemeduniversity like yours will prepare me for the challenges of the rapidly evolvingcomputer industry.

Yours sincerely,


外校博士申请书 篇6

Dear x,

There are a great deal of media and communication courses available, but adegree in public relations is something I could thrive on. I believe myestablished communication skills and enthusiasm for dealing with other peoplewould provide a solid foundation for which to further develop those skillsincorporated into this course. I relish the idea of a career working with thepublic, based on critical thinking and strategic planning, thus justifying myapplication for this course. My interest in current affairs has stemmed from theA Level politics course I am studying, which engrossed my from day one. Criticalanalysis and presentation of information plays an integral part of this subject,and consequently these skills I have gained from this would prove to be avaluable stepping stone into public relations.

My interest in media and communications was fueled by a previous passion tostudy journalism. Work experience in a local newspaper office and at a Germanregional newspaper office provoked a desire to learn more about where ourinformation was coming from and who wrote the press releases that we based ourfront page articles on. Consequently, I carried out additional work experiencein a PR consultancy, whilst on a German exchange, and I am currently waitingfrom several consultancies in my area that I recently applied to.

Since year 10, I have been an active member of my schools web team and havehad various articles published relating to subject departments and school tripsI have been on, such as the history-based trip to Eastern Europe. My spare timeinvolves reading books from contemporary authors (John Simpson, Michael Mooreetc) as well as more classic books, such as Catcher in the Rye, To Kill aMockingbird and Animal Farm. I enjoy many aspects of music. I have recentlystarted to teach myself to play the flute and I regularly attend various musicconcerts.

At the weekend, I work for HMV (who I have enquired to about a summerplacement at their in-house PR office), which I thoroughly enjoy due to thecreative environment and strong emphasis on customer service. I have had parttime jobs for the last three years, thus allowing me to not only manage my timeefficiently, but to develop various skills in communication with the public andmy ability to work in a team.

Evidently, my studies and interests to skills like teamwork, communicationand multi-tasking that I would develop in a public relations degree, hopefullygiving merit to my application for this course.

Yours sincerely,


外校博士申请书(实用6篇) 2025外校博士申请书(必备6篇) 涂博士申请书九篇 外校通宿申请书(锦集6篇) 申请外出离市申请书6篇
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