





1. 了解传统文化、文化传统等概念的含义;

2. 学会写内容提要;

3. 学习关系性议论文的写法以及正反议论、比喻论证、类比论证等说理方法的运用。




一、 解题:


二、 作者简介:




三、 总体结构:

总--分--总 最典型的关系性

传 文 议论文

(传统)统 化(两重性)

文 传

化 统

四、 学习课文第1-3自然段:

1. 第1自然段--讨论





(仁人志士) 新民主主义革命直至社会主义革命




2. 第2自然段--讨论


3. 第3自然段--讨论





五、 学习“传统文化”:

1. 第4自然段--讨论




2. 第5自然段--讨论



3. 第6-7自然段--讨论



(2)各人对传统 文化进行分析批判,可以做那些工作?



六、 学习“文化传统”:

1. 第8-9自然段--讨论




2. 第10自然段--讨论





3. 第11自然段--讨论



“制约看……关怀” “一种……象征” “没有……巩固”

4. 第12-13自然段--讨论







七、 学习“财富和包袱”

1. 作者称“财富”“包袱”是如何而言的?



2. 我们说如何辨证地了解和掌握两重属性?


3. 现实中存在哪几种简单化的理解?


八、 小结










































(Senior 1B)

Part 1 阶段目标卡 Topic : Festivals

I 认知目标( Knowledge)

1. Can remember the following words and expressions (by pronunciation, spelling and writing):

theme, parade, holy, Easter, symbol, fighting, conflict, argument, opinion, destruction, major, probably, honour /honor(Am.E), ancestor, principle, nation, purpose, creativity, faith, commercial, joy, light (v.), similar, generation, salute, kiss, cheek, nod, celebration, respect, gift, cycle, fool, invitation, self-determination, reminder

dress up, in one’s opinion, play a trick on /play tricks on, take in, in common

2. Can use the following structures in different situations:

1) Useful expressions in the text

in my opinion, play a trick on /play tricks on, take in, in common, have something/nothing in common with …,as well as, get together.

2) Expressions on expressing and supporting an opinion

In my opinion, we should… I believe we should…

I don’t think it is necessary to… We must decide…

I hope we can make a decision. If we do this, we can…

3) Modal verbs (2): must, have to, have got to.

3. Can be familiar with the following world festivals and talk about them:

Chinese festivals: the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival (Yuanxiao), Tomb Sweeping Festival (Qingming), Dragon Boat Festival (Duanwu), Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival (Chongyang), National Day, New Year’s Day, Chinese Youth Day, Party’s Day, Army’s Day, Teachers’ Day, Tree-planting Day…

Foreign festivals: Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, Valentine’s Day, April Fool’s Day, Ramadan, Day of the Dead (from Mexico), Bon Odori Festival/ Ghost Festival (from Japan) (盂兰盆节), Mardi Gras, Kwanzaa…

4. Can read the reading materials correctly, including pronunciation, intonation, pause and fluency. And recite five to eight beautiful or important sentences.

5. Can understand the teaching material well, and retell the text and have a discussion according to the text after class.

6. Can get further information about festivals through classes, magazines, newspapers, related books, Internet and so on.

II 情感目标 ( Affect )

1. To get Ss to enjoy festivals and customs from different countries, and enlighten Ss to enjoy the beauty and the importance of festivals and customs.

2. To encourage Ss to show positive and healthy attitude towards festivals and customs from different countries.

3. To get Ss to know how to hold effective and successful festivals.

4. To get Ss to further understand the differences between Chinese and foreign cultures by comparing Chinese and foreign festivals and customs.

III 技能目标 ( Skills )

1. To train Ss’ four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in different periods.

2. To make Ss’ know how to write an invitation in English.

3. To help Ss to develop the ability of learning English through different ways, such as reading newspapers, magazines and books, surf the Internet, etc.

Part 2 Pre-unit Activities: Preview Task

1. Find information about the following festivals as much as possible through newspapers, magazines, related books and Internet.

Chinese festivals: the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival (Yuanxiao), Tomb Sweeping Festival (Qingming), Dragon Boat Festival (Duanwu), Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival (Chongyang), National Day, New Year’s Day, Chinese Youth Day, Party’s Day, Army’s Day, Teachers’ Day, Tree-planting Day…

Foreign festivals: Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, Valentine’s Day, April Fool’s Day, Ramadan, Day of the Dead (from Mexico), Bon Odori Festival/ Ghost Festival (from Japan) (盂兰盆节), Mardi Gras, Kwanzaa…

2. Read the following introductions of some famous foreign festivals.

Mardi Gras The America's most favorite celebration, and famous Mardi Gras takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana. Carnival has religious roots associated with Judeo-Christian tradition. Mardi Gras is set to occur 46 days (the 40 days of Lent plus six Sundays) before Easter and can come as early as February 3 or as late as March 9. Known as the “biggest free show on earth”, people there dress up in costumes for these events and enjoy this celebration by going to public parades where they catch “beads, doubloons, cups, and trinkets” that are all thrown from floats. They also have private celebrations, masquerade balls, held by clubs called krewes. The official colors of Carnival are purple, green and gold, chosen in 1872 by that year's Rex. The colors have meaning: purple for justice, green for faith and gold for power. King Cakes are eaten during this holiday.

Valentine’s Day February 14th, Valentine’s Day, is sweethearts’ day, on which people in love with each other express their tender emotions. People sometimes put their love message in a heart-shaped box of chocolates, or a bunch of flowers tied with red ribbons. Words or letters may be written on the flower covered card, or something else. Whatever the form may be, the message is almost the same -“ Will you be my valentine?” The symbol of valentine is a picture with a Heart and Cupid armed with bow and arrow. Many universities, high or elementary schools hold a sweethearts’ Ball for the young students to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Bon Odori Festival (Ghost Festival) Japanese has been looking upon Ghost Day Ceremony originating in Buddhist Ullambana. These two festivals were not only public holidays with enthusiastic festivities but also times when people gave presents to each other and enhance amity between them. The custom of giving presents might root in the transfer from the kind-heartedness of giving alms to the concern for the living families and friends. The Japanese also hang lanterns on July 15 to lead the spirits back to the earthly world and have them enjoy grand banquet. It is like our custom of releasing water lanterns and firing lanterns. Besides, they hold a “pot” ceremony, called “pot-reciting”, which praises Buddhist sutras, singing and dancing, receiving the departed spirits and sending away the solitary ghosts. Today, there are various scales of “pot ceremony” all over Japan, which is kind of an amusement gathering. However, current Ghost Day Ceremony is not full of gloomy atmosphere in its form, remaining only enjoyable sentiment in spite of the existing original meaning.

Halloween 1,000 years ago, the Celts living in the Great Britain believed that human is mastered by gods. They also believe that Samhain, the death god, would come back to the earthly world with the dead at the night on October 31. The Celts built bonfires and fired animals as sacrificial offerings to the death god. Some Celts were dressed in costumes made from animal heads or furs, which was the origin of contemporary Halloween masquerade. The night of the death god was a horrifying time that signified the coming of winter and was the beginning of Halloween eve. Today, the religious meaning of Halloween has been weakened; instead, the holiday expresses man’s cherishing memory of Halloween via innovative, ever-changing modern masquerade.

Day of the Dead, Mexico On November 2nd, each house roasts bread of animal forms, broiling chicken, hot chocolate and sweet corns, plus laying some toys on the altar because Mexicans believe that the dead children will come back to their own homes in the midnight. The altar for the dead elder is stocked with belongings of the merriment as they do; therefore, their Ghost Festival is just like a carnival when people walk around with masks, eating skull-shaped candies. And even a ghost image is put on the bread. In the evening, the whole family goes to the cemetery and clears the grave. Women praise all night in kneeling or sitting position while men are talking or singing. The flickering midnight candlelight is filling up the cemetery whereas walking singers are chanting for the dead Spirits.

Easter Easter, with its religious character, falls on the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after March 21st. Therefore, Easter happens sometimes in March, and sometimes in April. It commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb where he had lain for three days following his Crucifixion. His rise after three days indicates that he would accomplish his promise to rise again from the dead as proof of eternal life. As Christ’s return to life had occurred during the season of spring, some of the rites of Spring were still retained. Therefore, we see that although Easter is based on the events in the life of Christ, it has been influenced by older traditions. For example, the custom of dyeing eggs is still very popular among American children. Originally the egg symbolized fertility for the ancient Persians and Greeks who exchanged eggs at their spring festivals. But up to the Christian time, the egg symbolized the tomb from which Christ rose. For Christian lamb is the symbol of the sacrifice of Christ and pig the symbol of good luck. That is why both in Europe and in America, people have lamb and ham as their main meat on Easter Sunday. In all the spring season, people enjoy the Easter message of hope, joy and the resurrection of spirit.

Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day, which originated in America and was first celebrated in 1621 by the pilgrims of the Plymouth Colony, is the most typical and true national holiday of all the holidays observed in the United States of America. Because of the religious persecution by the established church in England, the pilgrims left their native land with the purpose of enjoying religious freedom. They first fled to Holland, and then sailed to America on a ship called the Mayflower. When they arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts, it was November, 1620. The first winter was very difficult for them and over half of them died because of hunger and illness, hard work and severely cold weather. In the spring of the next year, 1621, a friendly Indian named Squants, who had been captured and released by other English men, came to help them in planting the corn and fertilizing the soil. Then Squants brought the Indian chief called Massasoit who also treated them in a friendly way. With the help of the Indians, the pilgrims had a bumper harvest that year. They thought the harvest was a kind of deliverance by God, so they decided to have a day of celebration after their harvest to express their thanks to God. And they also invited the Indian chief Massasoit in gratitude and prepared a grand dinner out-doors. The celebration lasted for 3 days. On October 3rd, 1863, Lincoln issued the first National Thanksgiving Proclamation. Since then it has been the custom for the President of the United States to Proclaim annually the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day. The Thanksgiving dinner is mainly stuffed with roast turkey, squash and corn, pumpkin pie and Indian pudding a custard made from corn), etc. Today, American people have four days for this holiday, although the first Thanksgiving lasted three days. One is probably surprised to find the uniformity in the holiday scene of every family, wherever one goes in the United States. People go back home to enjoy the reunion of their family at the arrival of Thanksgiving Day.

Christmas Christmas Day, which is the greatest of the Christian festivals, falls on December 25th on which Christian people believe Jesus Christ was born, although no one can tell the exact date of his birth. This is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States, which is full of joy and gaiety, love and laughter, hospitality and good will. People usually have two weeks for this holiday. They begin to prepare Christmas long before the holiday comes. Small families and large business firms prepare the holiday differently. Stores are decorated with the traditional Christmas colors of green and red. Goods associated with Christmas become best sellers at this time. People like to decorate their stores and homes with Christmas tree, which is usually covered with strings of colored lights and a star fixed on top representing the star in the East which guided the three Wise Men to where Jesus was born. And Christmas food is special: peppermint-flavored red and white striped canes of sugar, bright colored hard sweets, chocolate bonbons, creamy homemade fudge and clusters of chocolate-covered raisins, walnuts or pecans, etc. On Christmas Eve families have a big dinner. Children hang their stockings by the fireplace, hoping that Santa Claus will fill them with sweets and toys.

Part 3: While-unit Activities: Five Separate Periods

Period 1: Warming up & Listening

Before having this period, the Students (Ss) are asked to collect information about the three festivals: Halloween, Bon Odori Festival, Day of the Dead.

Step 1 Lead-in

1. First, greet Ss with the questions “How are you feeling today?” “ Do you feel happy today?”

Then, Teacher (T) can lead in the topic festival/ holiday by asking some questions such as:

When do you usually feel happy? (Ss can give different answers)

Do you feel happy when there is a festival and you have holidays?

Then which festival or holiday do you like best? And why?

2. Chinese have many festivals. How many Chinese festivals do you know? And what are they?

( the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival (Yuanxiao), Tomb Sweeping Festival (Qingming), Dragon Boat Festival (Duanwu), Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival (Chongyang), National Day, New Year’s Day, Chinese Youth Day, Party’s Day, Army’s Day, Teachers’ Day, Tree-planting Day…)

Which is the greatest and the most important festival to our Chinese people? When do Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival? How long does the Spring Festival last? Why do Chinese people celebrate it? What is the theme of the Spring Festival? How is it celebrated?

3.Different cultures have different kinds of customs and festivals. How many foreign festivals do you know? And what are they?

( Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, Valentine’s Day, April Fool’s Day, Ramadan, Day of the Dead (from Mexico), Bon Odori Festival/ Ghost Festival (from Japan) (盂兰盆节), Mardi Gras, Kwanzaa…)

Step 2 Warming up

1. Show the Ss three pictures and ask them to discuss in pairs according to the following guiding questions:

Q1: Do you know the names of the festivals? (Halloween, Bon Odori, Day of the Dead)

Q2: Do you know which countries the festivals come from?

Q3: What are the people in the pictures doing? Why are they doing this?

2. Ask individual students to talk about the three festivals. The information of the festivals should include the name of the festival, when, where and how to celebrate it.

3. Which Chinese festival is similar to the three festivals? (Tomb Sweeping Festival)

Then get Ss to compare the Chinese Tomb Sweeping Festival with one of the three festivals. (Differences: time, people, place, the way of celebrating, etc. Similarity: ghost festival)

Step 3 Dialogue

Get Ss to work in pairs to make up a dialogue. One describes his/her favorite Chinese festival and the other describes his/her favorite foreign festival. Trying to compare them.

(The following form is presented for Ss to prepare.)


When is the festival celebrated?

Who celebrates the festival?

How do people celebrate it?

Why do people celebrate it?

What are some important themes, e.g.“family” and “peace”?

How old is the festival?

Step 4 Listening

1. Pre-listening: Present three pictures about Mardi Gras, Ramadan and Easter and let Ss to guess out the names of the festivals from what they can see from the pictures.

2. While-listening: Do the three festivals one by one. For each one, Ss can listen to it twice. The first time, Ss’ task is to find correct answers to the choices in the book. The second time, Ss’ task is to check their answers and T check the correct answers with the whole class.

3. Post-listening: Get Ss to listen to each festival again. While listening, try to take notes and get more information about the festival. Then ask Ss to describe the three festivals in their own words.

Step 5 Summary

Help Ss to have a revision of the festivals learnt in this class.

T: Different histories and cultures have different kinds of festivals and customs. We should get to know they all play important parts in learning a country’s language. We should respect and show positive attitudes towards foreign festivals and customs as well as Chinese ones.

Step 6 Homework

1. Listening work: Listen to the listening material about Christmas in workbook on page 77.

2. Written work: Write a description of your favorite festival. The description should include 1) the name 2) the time 3) characteristics 4) activities, etc.

Period 2: Reading

Step 1 Revision

Get Ss to work in pairs to ma tch the festivals in Column A with the information in Column B.

Column A Column B

1.Ramada A. celebrated on the 15th day of the

first Chinese lunar month

2.the Lantern Festival B. chocolate, bunnies, colored eggs for its


3.Mardi Gras C. Muslims fast during the daylight day

4.Dragon Boat Festival D. catching “beads, doubloons and cups”

thrown by parades

5.Valentine’s Day E. honoring love and lovers

6.Halloween F. eating Zongzi to honor Qu Yuan

7.Double Ninth Festival G. the time of ghosts, spirits, gravestones

8.Thanksgiving Day H. meaning clear and bright, mourning the dead

9.Easter I. offering thanks, family gatherings and meals

10.Tomb Sweeping Festival J. on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month as Senior

citizen’s Day

Step 2 Pre-reading

1. Make a comparison of Chinese Spring Festival and Christian


T: Which is the greatest and the most important festival to Chinese people? (the Spring Festival) And which is the greatest and the most important festival to Christian people in western countries? (Christmas)

Both of them are quite popular in the world. What are the differences between them?




Chinese Spring Festival


Time From the 1st day to the 15th day of the first Chinese lunar month

On Dec. 25

Preparation Do spring cleaning, do Spring Festival shopping (new clothes, delicious food, fireworks, New Year paintings, etc.), decorate the houses with Spring Festival couplets, paper cuts, Chinese knots… Do cleaning, do Christmas shopping (gifts, cards, sweet, cookies, etc.), decorate the houses with Christmas tree and colored lights…

Special Food New Year’s cake, dumpling ( jiaozi) , sweet dumpling (tangyuan)…

Candies, cookies, pudding…


Anything (foods, fruits, clothes, drinks…)

Anything (foods, fruits, drinks, desserts, Christmas decorations)

Major Activities Have family reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve, pay New Year’s visits, recreational activities (dragon dance, lion dance, stilt-walking…)

Family reunion, have a big dinner on Christmas Eve…

purpose Bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the new year, hoping for the best and the good future.

Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ

Note: The italicized words in the form above are suggested answers.

Step 3 Reading

T: Do you know there is another festival which follows Christmas Day in America. It is an important festival to African Americans. Is there any one who knows the name of the festival? (Kwanzaa)

1. Fast reading: Read the text on page 10 fast and try to get a general idea of Kwanzaa from the text. T can present a diagram of the information about Kwanzaa to help Ss to finish this task.

(Questionnaire: When is Kwanzaa celebrated? How long does it last?

Who created the festival of Kwanzaa? (Dr Maulana Karenga) Who usually celebrates Kwanzaa? Why is it celebrated? What are the characteristics of Kwanzaa?)

2. Careful reading: Get Ss to read the text carefully to get more details. After reading, Ss are asked to do True or False exercises.

1) African Americans have a long history and a rich culture, so Kwanzaa is an old festival. ( F ) (a young festival)

2) People created Kwanzaa to celebrate American culture. ( F ) ( to celebrate African culture)

3) The word Kwanzaa means first fruit in Swahili, one of the largest languages in Africa. ( T )

4) The African first-fruit festivals are completely different from each other. ( F ) ( to have many things in common )

5) Kwanzaa is celebrated on Christmas Day. ( F ) ( from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1 )

6) Kwanzaa is based on old African festivals. ( T )

7) People who celebrate Kwanzaa light a candle for each of the seven principles. ( T )

3. Dialogue.

Suppose you are the reporter of Overseas Wind Programme of Huipu Students’ Broadcasting. Now you are chosen to interview the foreign teacher John about the festival of Kwanzaa. Make up a dialogue with your partner. One acts the role of the reporter, and the other acts the role of John. The dialogue can begin like this:

Reporter (R): Good afternoon, everyone. Here is our Overseas Wind Programme. Today, we have a foreign guest in our progamme. He is our foreign teacher John. Hello, John.

John (J): Hello.

R: Welcome to our Overseas Wind Programme. Today we have a topic about the festival of Kwanzaa. So would you like to introduce Kwanzaa to us? …

J: …

Step 4 Discussion

Topic1: Do you agree festivals can help us understand our history and culture? How do they help us understand our history and culture?

Topic2: Nowadays more and more festivals have been created in my cities for various purposes, such as developing local economy, making the city well-known, etc. Our city Linhai created the Festival of the Great Wall in the South. It has been celebrated for three years. However, some Linhainese think holding such a festival causes some problems to the city. What effects does the Festival of the Great Wall in the South bring to us? Make a list

Good Effects Bad Effects

… …

Step 5 Homework

1. Oral Work: Read and recite the new words learnt in this class.

Read and recite some beautiful and useful sentences in the text.

2. Written Work: Suppose you are the journalist of Huip












希姆博尔斯卡,即维斯瓦娃·希姆博尔斯卡(Wislawa Szymborska),1925年7月2日生于波兰波兹南省库尔尼克的布宁村。1931年举家迁居克拉科夫,从此希姆博尔斯卡就一直生活居住在克拉科夫。第二次世界大战期间,希姆博尔斯卡在地下秘密学校完成中学学业,随后在铁路部门工作。1945年波兰解放后,希姆博尔斯卡进入克拉科夫雅盖隆大学攻读波兰语言文学和社会学。同时开始写作,在《波兰日报》的青年副刊《斗争》上发表了她的第一首诗《寻找词句》(1945年)。1952年出版第一部诗集《我们为什么活着》,并于同年被吸收为波兰作家协会会员。

























Teaching aims :

Knowledge: amusement, attraction, divide, unlike, risk one’s life, fall though,

Be ready to do, race against, next to, space, combine…with…,

Entertain, seem, so…that…, scream one’s way etc.

Ability: 1. Enable the students to talk about entertainment places.

2. Enable the students to ask and give directions

3. Train the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities

Moral lesson: To develop the Ss’ feelings of loving life and this colorful world

Important points: a. To master the uses of some words and phrases

b. The-ing form -----used as Adverbial

Difficult points: a. How to ask and give directions

b. How to understand the texts quickly and well

Teaching methods: asking and answering, practicing, scan & skim reading

Teaching aids: a tape recorder, a blackboard and a slide projector

Teaching periods: 5 periods

The first period

Warming-up, listening and speaking



狭义娱乐公园(Amusement Park )---以缆车、竞技、美食为特征的娱乐设施,有的娱乐公园还有表演。

主题公园(Theme Park )--- 所有的缆车、吸引物、表演和建筑都围绕着一个或一组中心主题的娱乐公园。例如迪斯尼公园

传统公园(Traditional Park )---强调缆车游戏,而且没有给吸引物赋予主题的娱乐公园。

电车公园(Trolley Park )---以创建于19世纪末和20世纪初为代表的,由路面电车公司为了招揽周末业务而建造的娱乐公园。

Step I. Greetings

Step II. Lead- in

T: The summer vacation is coming. We’ll have time to have a good rest.

Maybe some of you will be take to travel. As is known to us, on the the beautiful parks that make this world full of fun are the places which tourists must visit. This unit we’ll learn sth about them. First let’s read the

New words and phrases in this unit.

Step III. Warming-up

T: Now please turn to page 64 to look at the four pictures in Warming-up

And answer the following questions:

Where were these pictures taken ?

What are the things in the pictures called ?

Have you tried any of these things?

Where did you try them ?

What other equipments can you find in these parks? 答案在板书中

If you haven’t, would you like to ? Why or why not ?

(Give the students several minutes to discuss then collect their answers )

Suggested answers:

Activity Reasons for liking it Reasons for disliking it

Roller coasters Exhilarating experience Awful

Bungee jumping Adventurous; exciting Causing injury

Free fall rides Stimulating Full of danger

Fast cars Giving great pleasure Feeling tense

Scary films Looking for thrills Frightening

Step IV Listening

T: Now look at the part of Listening. We are going to hear something about two parks. It will tell us the theme of each park and the reasons why they choose the park. I’ll play the tape three times.

For the first time, you just listen to get a general idea. Then listen to the

Tape a second time and do the exercise. At last you can check your answers when I play the tape recorder for the third time. Let’s begin.

Step V. Speaking

T: Look at the map on P65. And read the dialogue between Speaker A and B.

Then ask the students to make a similar asking-the-way dialogue in pairs

According to the map. ( After a while, the teacher asks some pairs to come to the front of the class and give their performances.)

Language points:

1. amusement

u.n 娱乐,消遣,兴趣 c. n 快乐的事,娱乐品,文娱活动

My chief amusement is fishing .

To our amusement, the teacher sang funny song in class

There are plenty of amusements here-cinemas, theatres, concerts and so on. (这里有许多娱乐项目,如电影、戏剧、音乐会等等。)

Games and sports should not be treated only as __________.

a. an amusement b. amusement c. amusements d. the amusement

补充: Amuse vt 使。。。发笑 / 逗。。。笑 amuse sb with sth

Amusing adj 令人发笑的,逗人笑 amused adj 感到可笑的

He often amuses us with humorous words.

What he said was so amusing.

We were amused by what he said.


2. theme一般指论文、演讲、音乐等的主题,也可指谈话等的题目、话 是正式用语

subject 是表达该含义的普通用词,用法范围较广

topic 指讲话、文章等的题目、话题或论题,(节、段)的主题,用法也较为广泛

Very few people can understand the theme of this kind of music

What’s the subject of this text?

Please find out the topic sentence in this passage.

3. attract vt 吸引、招引、引起、引诱

+ sb /sth / sb to sp

Bright colors attract children.

I tried to attract his attention, but failed .

What do you think attract so many visitors to the West Lake?

Attraction n 吸引、吸引力、吸引人的事物

The main attraction of the circus was a dancing bear .

4. get it在口语中用作不及物动词,可能表示“明白、理解”,“猜中”, 等义;

make it表示“及时到达”或“做成功某事”

catch it (因做错事而)挨骂、受责备、受罚、被打中

take it认为/ 假定/ 想象。。。

This is the whole story. Get it ? 这就是整个过程,明白吗?

You get it . 你猜中了。

I think we’ll just make it . 我认为我们会及时到达的。

It’s hard to make it to the top in show business .演艺行业要达到顶峰是


You’ll catch it if you’re not careful!你若不小心就会挨骂的。

He caught it right in the eye. 他的眼睛被打个正着

I take it that we are to discuss it with our head teacher. 我认为我们该。。

I can hardly take it that he could finish it in such a short time. 我几乎无法想象。。。

5. lead to 通向,通往/ 导致,招致

All the roads lead to Rome.

Hard work leads to success, while laziness leads to failure.

This street leads you to the station.

lead vt (1)引导,带领 They went out of the forest with a peacock leading the way .

(2)领导,率领 That general once led the Long March.

(3)使得,导致(某人做某事)What led you to believe it.

(4)(使)过某种生活 We are leading a busy life.

Lead by the nose 牵着鼻子走/ 完全控制某人

Lead off 开始/ 首先

Lead on 劝诱,哄(骗)

Lead up to 导致,打算(干什么)

Don’t let anybody lead you by the nose .

Who is going to lead off?

The salesman tried his best to lead people on to buy the goods.

What does he lead up to by doing this ?

Step VI. Summary and Homework

T: In this class, we’ve done some listening and speaking. We have also talked

About some equipments for pleasure in amusement park and practiced

Asking the way and giving directions, using the expressions on P66. After

Class, practise more dialogues about giving directions and preview the

Reading material “Theme Parks”. So much for today. Goodbye, everyone.

Blackboard Design

Unit 22The First Period Equipments for pleasure in the amusement park : roller coasters, racing cars, free for rides, bungee jumping, monorails, swings, shooting galleries, roundabouts, bumper cars and so on Language points : 1. amusement 2. got it ….

P.S. _________________________________________________________



The Second and the third periods

Step I. Greetings

Step II. Lead-in

T: Yesterday we practiced giving directions and talked about some equipments for pleasure in an amusement park. Today we are going to read a passage. It is about some theme parks in the world. It will show you what you can do in each theme park. Do you know what is a theme park? Please read the text and the answer is just in it.

Questions for fast reading:

1. What is a theme park?

2. What theme parks are mentioned in the text?

(World Park, Ethnic Culture Park, Ocean Park, Disneyland, Universal studios )

Questions for scan reading.

1. How are the theme parks different from traditional amusement parks?

2. If I want to look at buildings, castles and statues from other countries,

Which theme park should I go? (头三道题答案均在第一段)

3. What can we see at the China Ethnic Culture Park?

4. Why do people go to the theme parks?(4。5。6。答案在第二段)

5. If I want to learn about life in the ocean, which theme park is best choice?

6. Where is Ocean Park? How many sections does it have? What are they?

What places can you go to at the lowland?

7. What’s the theme of Disneyland? What can meet in it ?

8. What’s the name of another big theme park in the US? At Universal, what are all the rides and activities based on?(7.8答案在第三段)

9. There are so many themes parks in the world. However, why new theme

Parks are still being built? What makes it possible for to experience almost anything without danger in these new theme parks? (最后一段)

The main idea for Each Paragraph.

Para1. The definition of theme park and introduction to some theme parks in China

Para2. Something about Ocean Park in Hong Kong

Para 3. Disneyland and the Universal Studios in US

Para 4. The reason why new theme parks are being built

Language points in the text.

1. unlike adj 不同的,相异的 The two flowers are quite unlike.

Prep 不像, 与。。。不同 Her baby is quite unlike her .

Unlikely adj 未必的, 不大可能的 She is unlikely to win the game .

不太真实可信的 That is an unlikely story.

Likely adj 很可能的 be likely to do= It is likely that…

2. teach sb sth (仅供参考)

A. + sb sth = + sth to sb

give , show , send , write, bring , offer, read , pass, lend ,

hand , tell , pay , throw, allow , wish , teach , promise , refuse etc

B. + sb sth = + sth for sb

make , buy , do , fetch, get, paint, save, etc

3. opportunity 强调是很恰当的机会

It’s a good opportunity for me to practise speaking English with them.

find/ make an opportunity of doing / to do…

have no/little / not much opportunity for doing / to do…

seize / miss an opportunity

take the opportunity of doing/ to do …(趁机会做某事)

chance 强调偶然性

Don’t give such a good chance to study abroad.

By chance 偶然地,意外地 I found that book by chance

Take a chance / take chances 冒险 They are taking chances.

By any chance 万一,碰巧If you, by any chance, come here , please tell me

Take one’s chance 碰运气,冒险 He went to California to take his chance .

4. divide / separate

separate 指把原来连在一起或靠近的“分隔”开来,也可指“离别,分手” 多与from连用;它还有形容词词性,意为“单独的,各自的”

divide 指把整体“划分”或“分割”成若干份,多与into, among 连用


A. The Pacific separates Asia from America.

Please separate the white shirts from the colored ones .

We separated at the railway station.

The babies are sleeping on separate beds.

B . The mother divided the watermelon into eight parts.

The students are divided into five groups

He divided the cake among the children.

Three divides nine. / Six divided by 2 is 3.

5. explore vt . 控测; 勘探/ 探究,仔细探查

explorer n 探测者; 探究者

exploration n 探测,探究, 探查

exploratory adj 探查的,探测的

Scientists will explore the Arctic regions.

6. Visitors can go on exciting rides where they can feel what it is like to do the

Things they have seen their heroes do in the movies.

7. If you want to know what it feels like to fall through the air, take off in a rocket, fly a helicopter or fight alien creatures in outer space, visit one of the theme parks in your area


Blackboard Design

Theme parks Questions: 1. What is a theme park ? 2. What theme parks are mentioned in the text?Language points: 1. amusement 2. opputunity 3. divide 4. explore ……. …….. …….

P.S. ______________________________________________________________



The fourth period

Step I. Greetings

Step II. Revision

T: In the last period, we have learnt a passage about theme parks. Now let’s

Answer some questions. Please listen carefully.

1. Which park is China’s largest theme park ?

(The World Park )

2. What can you do at the World Park in China?

(We can look at buildings, castles and statues from more than 30 countries )

3. What’s the theme of the Disney parks ?

( The world of Walt Disney and his characters: Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and many others )

4. Which section of the Ocean Park in Hong Kong should you go to if

You want to learn about the giant dinosaur’s footprints?

(At the Lowland.)

Step III. Grammar

T: Now, please look at the two sentences on the blackboard.

( Bb: He stood there. He read a newspaper. ) How can we join these two

sentences into one? Who can do it ?

S1: It can be joined like this : He stood there and read a read a newspaper.

(The teacher writes it on the blackboard. )

T: That’s right. Sit down, please. We can also say:

He stood there, reading a newspaper. (Write it on the blackboard and

Mark it with (1))

(Bb: First he graduated from the college. Then he went to a factory. )

Who can join them into one sentence?

S2: Let me try. After he graduated from the college, he went to a factory.

(The teacher writes it on the blackboard. )

T: You are right. We can also say: having graduated form the college, he went

To a factory. (Write the sentence on the blackboard and mark it with (2))

Now pay attention to these two sentences marked with (1) and (2). In the

Second sentence, there are two actions. One is “graduated from the

College”, and the other is “went to a factory”. Which happened first?

S3: The action “ graduated from the college” happened first.

T: Right. Now let’s look at the first sentence. There are also two actions

Which happened first?

S4: In this sentence, two actions happened at the same time.

T: Very good. Attention, please. When two things happen at the same time, or

Almost at the same time in one sentence, we often use the following structure:

v-ing (phrase ), main clause/ or main clause, v. –ing (phrase ) 板书

While one thing happens first , the other happens later, we usually use the

Following structure:

Having done, main clause/ or main clause, having done . 板书

Ss: Yes.

T: Now look at the three sentences in the box in Grammar on Page 55. Can you

Say something about the actions in them ?

T: Good. Now look at Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 in Grammar. Rewrite these sentences using the -ing form, paying attention to which action happens first.

(After several minutes, check the answers )

Step V. Summary and Homework

T: Today, we’ve done some exercises about the- ing form used as adverb. In

This part, you should pay attention to the time when things happened.

After class you should practise more to master them better. Don’t forget

To prepare for the Integrating skills. OK. That’s all for today. Class is


Blackboard Design

The fourth period He stood there. He read a newspaper. ----○He stood there and read a newspaper.○He stood there, reading a newspaper. First he graduated from the college. Then he went to a factory.○After he graduated from the college, he went to a factory.○Having graduated from the college, he went to a factory.……. ….. …….

P.S. ____________________________________________________________




The fifth period

Live to Ride (为飞车而活)

Step I. Greetings.

Step II. Lead- in

In the text “Theme parks” we know something about the famous theme parks

Both in china and in US . From it we know that a theme park is a collection

Of rides, exhibitions or other attractions that are based on a common theme.

This class let’s see more about rides in these parks. Please look at the part of

Integrating skills

Step III. Reading.


1. For many visitors, what are the theme parks all about?

2. What are the differences between today rides and the early days of roller coasters?

3. What is another attraction found in many theme parks?

(Thrill ride. 动感电影)

4. What the difference between thrill ride and the roller coasters? Give a


5. Where can thrill rides send you ? and what can you feel in them?

6. What’s the limit to the fun ? ( the imagination of the designers of the

thrill rides. )

Language points.

1. ready adj (1) 有准备的,准备好的(for ,with )只作表语

Supper is ready.

If she ready for the trip?

Are you ready with your work ?

(2) 甘心的,愿意的,情愿的,乐意的(to )

I’m always ready to help you .

Are you ready to go with me to Beijing.

(3) 易于。。。的,动辄就。。。

Don’t be so ready to quarrel.

(4) 迅速的,立刻的,即时的(只作定语)

Pay him ready money.给他现钱

I bought a set of ready-made clothes. 我买了套成衣

Adv 事先准备好地 Alice doesn’t buy food ready cooked .


2. go through

(1) 经历,通过He once went through much hardship.

The deal didn’t go through.

(2) 仔细检查,全面考虑/ 审查

They went through our luggage at the customs .

Let’s go through the arguments again.

(3) 搜查 The policeman is going through the pockets of the


(4) 做完某事 Let’s go through the exercises.

Go through with 把。。。进行到底

He is determined to go through with the invention.

3. Scream one’s way 一路尖叫着

Feel one’s way 措索着走

Fight one’s way 奋勇前进

Lose one’s way 迷路

Make one’s way 取道前进

Force one’s way 挤着向前走

Wind one’s way 蜿延前进,曲折前进

Get one’s way 实现了愿望

Have one’s way 随心所欲

Homework: Review the words and expressions in Unit 22.

Finish all the exercises in it.

Blackboard Design

The fifth period Live to ride Language points:1. be ready to do 2. go through 3.scream one’s way …… …………...

P. S. __________________________________________________________







③培养学生关心科学、研究科学和探索科学的精神。 教学难点:






有机化合物种类和数目繁多的主要原因是碳原子的结构所决定的。 【新课】: §5-1 甲烷

通过全体学生的探究练习引入甲烷的结构。 [课堂探究练习1] 碳原子和氢原子的结构示意图。 答案:

[课堂探究练习2] 已知甲烷仅由碳、氢两种元素组成,其中质量分数C%=75%,H%=25%。请同学们推出甲烷的化学式。 解题过程:






②讨论结果:可能有两种结构——平面正方形结构和正四面体结构,如图[合同范本网 36gh.com]


















氢气是合成氨和合成汽油等工业的原料;炭黑是橡胶和染料的工业原料。 【总结】[本节课的主要知识点] 【作业】——教材79页:














(多媒体展示) “自古以来就是中国的领土”、“问题的由来”(教师简介)。“争端”说明近期中日关系趋于紧张。回顾近代历史,日本发动或参与的侵华战争就有三次。今天,我们就一起来学习日本对华第一次大规模的侵略战争——甲午中日战争。

(多媒体展示)要求学生总体上掌握日本发动战争的目的、经过和结果。 1、日本发动战争的目的以及战争名称的由来(多媒体展示)介绍日本的崛起——通过两幅漫画对比明治维新前后日本的变化。改革后的日本走上了资本主义道路,不仅摆脱了沦为半殖民地国家的命运,还走上了对外侵略扩张的道路。








(多媒体展示)教师小结:甲午中日战争的目的、起止时间、重要战役和结果。 (二)《马关条约》

时间:1895年4月 双方代表:李鸿章(中)伊藤博文(日) 地点:日本马关 2、《马关条约》的内容与影响(多媒体展示)







4、甲午战后,帝国主义掀起瓜分中国狂潮,中华民族危机空前严重 (多媒体展示)《时局图》直观形象地展示帝国主义掀起瓜分中国的狂潮。 5、台湾人民抗击日本侵略者的斗争



目的:日本为了征服朝鲜、侵略中国、称霸世界 甲 黄海大战 邓世昌

经过: 辽东半岛战役 旅顺大屠杀 日 战 威海卫战役 北洋舰队全军覆没

结果:清政府战败 签订《马关条约》 影响:大大加深中国半殖民地化程度 性质:日本挑起的侵略战争

自主探究二:甲午中日战争给予我们的教训与启迪是什么? 学生结合所学知识,合作探究。教师归纳总结(多媒体展示) 教训:落后就要挨打。

启迪:落后就要挨打,只有提高综合国力,才能屹立于世界民族之林。 结束寄语:

1、目的:征服朝鲜→侵略中国→称霸世界 2、起止时间:1894——1895

3、重要战役:黄海大战 、辽东半岛战役、威海卫战役 4、结果:清政府战败 签订《马关条约》 (二)《马关条约》

1、时间:1895年4月 代表:李鸿章(中) 伊藤博文(日) 地 点:日本马关2、内容:割地 赔款 设厂 增辟通商口岸 3、影响:大大加深了中国社会的半殖民地化的进程









②促使学生在阅读中涵 养自身的浩 然正气和高尚的精神。




学生在初中阶段已经学过文天祥的《过零丁洋》,对文天祥其人其事已有所了解并且已经具备初步理解文言文的能力。因此,本教学设计主要通过问题探讨的方式,来体会文天祥在作出选择时所表现出来的'爱 国情怀。



新授课教学环节:预习检查、总结疑惑 →情境导入、展示目标→合作探究、精讲点拨→反思总结、当堂检测→发导学案、布置作业

【课前准备】 生自主预习课文,发放预习学案让学生提前了解文天祥事迹。

检查落实学生的预习情况并 了解学生的疑惑,使教学具有针对性。












明确:第一阶段是:“初至北营……北亦未敢遽轻吾国。”第二阶段是:“不幸吕师孟构恶于前,贾余庆献谄于后……予不得归矣。”(按:吕师孟叔侄先后投降元军,文天祥曾上书要求宋朝杀掉他们的亲属,因此和吕师孟结下了仇恨。“构”,造成、结成;“恶”,怨恨、仇恨。“构恶”,即“结仇”。贾余庆在德祐二年二月元军使者入临安城封府库之后,他以右丞相充“祈请使”出使元军,与元军合谋扣留文天祥。“献谄”,向敌人献媚,指合谋 扣留文天祥。这两个分句也可泽为:吕师孟以前和我有仇,贾余庆在背后(卖国)媚敌出卖我。)第三阶段是:“未几……北驱予并往,而不在使者之目。”


















ppt 越国以鄙远、共其乏困、既东封郑、阙秦以利晋





(1)比较阅读:删去 “虚词”



佚之狐:“矣”(心情沉重)“必”( 坚定、胸有成竹)

郑伯:“也”( 心平气和、引咎自责、情真意切)“然”“焉”(语意转折,以情感人)








ppT 烛之武()退秦师,在()加上一个词或短语。





ppT批注:(前面的叙述都是先说普,后说秦,而这里,说成“秦晋围郑”, 让秦伯充当郑国命运主宰者的角色,含有对秦伯的恭维之意。( “若”一词言外之意是:“亡郑”于你并无益处。这是以退为进






板书:利弊对举 利益引诱



板书:引史为鉴 层层递进 揭示虚伪








有鉴于上述情况,如何实施文言文教学呢?我认为文言文教学既要教“言”,也要教“文”,言文兼顾。首先要注重文言文语言教学,着力于必要的文字梳解、语言品味,走出了“重文轻言”的误区;其次要促进学生积淀民族优秀文化,要探究语言文字中的文化信息,挖掘教材文本中的文化因素并实现教学实施中的文化传递,走出“有言无文”的误区;最后要重视反复诵读,模仿练读,想象品读,实现 “文”“言”融合”。我认为张必锟先生提出的“一个转变”和“一个转移”是行之有效的方法。“一个转变”是课堂教学要从教师讲解为主转变为以学生练习诵读为主;“一个转移”是把立足点从讲翻译、谈语法转移到指导学生诵读上来。通过诵读以“文”引言,以言带文,实现“文”“言”两个要素的交融合一。海仙师姐评价我的上课风格是“男人天生的大气和女人自然地细腻”,这或许就是我在文言文教学中所要追求的。





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