




1、am responsible for making money for the family, you are responsible for beautiful; I am responsible for you honey, you are responsible for beautiful dress; I'm in charge of send blessings, you are responsible for 38 women's day happiness!

2、Wife, today be 38 women's days, is your great holiday! At this moment, I must give you thousands of injunctions with to send regards, that is most valuable"poor"!YJS21.coM

3、Today is you of festival, you deserve a blessing: happy women's day!



6、Belong to your day, 38 women's days, wish you happy.


8、Because there is a woman, beautiful world! Family with a wife and sweet! Just because you are my happy! Dear wife, happy 38 section, young and beautiful forever.

9、Dear, today be 38 women's days, there are words I forgot to tell you: the world become more beautiful because of you, I can't live without you! I wish you youth and vigor forever, 38 section happiness!

10、For your hard work and patience on this holiday season.

11、women's days, the elder sister younger sister, let beauty string string, let happy rows, bling, games, shopping chores aside, the world is more beautiful because of you. Happy women's day!


13、One thousand lucky stars to you, lets the good luck revolve you!


15、Bless you, is you light up the world around me! Happy women's day!

16、The march eighth day texting, best wishes to everyone, women compatriots picturesque beauty, prompting a boast, everyone success have hair, happy laugh every day.

17、International working women's day, wish my side of the great women happy holiday!

18、Today is the international working women's day, on this special day I want to say two sentences.

19、Women's day is coming, I solemnly announced that all the world beauty is my elder sister!

20、The world because of had the woman, and looks very beautiful! The regards are only the short several lines, is actually a thick true meaning! I wish a happy 38 women's days, young and beautiful forever!

21、Your tender feelings is like the wind, all around each corner of the international working women's day.


22、Self-respect and self-strengthening, more knowledge more just. I know you are the best one of the women, I wish you a happy holiday!

23、feel very lucky and proud to have you such a mother!

24、The world because of had the woman, but appears particularly beautiful!

25、Happy women's day, early to wish you happiness, young and beautiful forever!

26、to your heart, like a star in the sky. Never change. You are the only one who can give me happiness in the world.

27、The world because of had the woman, but appears particularly beautiful! The regards are only the short several lines, is actually a thick true meaning! Wish 38 section happiness, young and beautiful forever!

28、Thanks to the women, to make social civilization polite!


30、Wishing you and your family a very happy women's day.


32、Today is 38 women's days, remember more rest, take good care of yourself.

33、Twinkling stars dance for you, smile and bless for you, the moon in the moment of joy, I want to quietly say to you: happy woman!



36、During the holidays, we won't forget you.



39、How I wish I dream of you, a gentle woman can wake a palace numbness in deep sleep. And I always believe that gentle woman is you! 38 section happiness!

40、We offer the international working women's day wishes to you.

41、Women's day came, the side each women say: hard!

42、In my heart, you'll always be the most beautiful, happy women's day!



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