


As Mother's Day approaches, I wish you and your mother a long and healthy life, happiness ~~想必你也在寻找这种句子吧?经过收集,幼儿教师教育网编辑为您献上母亲节祝福英语简单短句汇总,有需要的朋友就来看看吧!


1、Mom, thank you! When I stumbled, is that you've been supporting me. Today is you of festival, I sincerely wish you a happy holiday!

2、Never forget our mother, never because the passage of time and cut our mother's deep love. Happy mother's day!

3、Turn countless thoughts into infinite blessings in your heart, and pray silently for you, wishing you health and happiness.

4、Dear mother: you are my pride! Wish you a healthy body, smile!

5、Mother's Day greetings are short


7、Wemaynotbeangelsallofthetime,butwedoappreciatewhatyoudo. 我们也许不是一直都像天使那样乖巧,但我们确实感谢您的教诲。

8、Turn countless thoughts into infinite blessings in your heart, and pray silently for you, wishing you health and happiness!

9、Smooth the wrinkles on your forehead with my heart, and infect the white hair on your head with my love. Happy Mother's Day to you!

10、sometimes it may not seem like it, but i really do love you.有时候可能您看不出,但是我真的爱您。

11、May my mother always be happy, happy, healthy and safe every day!


13、person's lips can emit the most sweet words, is mother, the most beautiful and good voice, is the mother.

14、When would you like to pluck one red leaves, but she gave you a maple's woods; When you want to kiss a snowflake, she gave you the whole winter. She is our mother, said to all the mother: "mom, you were laborious!"

15、New mothers, the most is happiness. Lovely baby, feed. Ying ying smiling face, warm panGu. Heart turn, fall in love. Happy mother's day to, countless. Wish a new mother, enjoy the happiness of motherhood.

16、Mother's Day is coming, say to your mother: You have worked hard and Ilove you.



18、Bless mother, every day has today, every year has today.

19、You are so beautiful tonight my love, you are so charming my wife tonight, tonight I love you so my woman, festival happiness, I wish to do everything for you!

20、I just put a giftsintosthe mail、I hope it reaches you in time for Mother’s Day 、Have a very happy Mother’s Day、I wish I could be there to share it with you.我刚刚邮寄了一份礼物。希望它能赶上母亲节到您手上。祝您有一个很快乐的母亲节。我希望能在那边与您一起分享。


22、Thank you for being there for me through thick and thin. You are the best mom ever! 谢谢您一直以来的关爱和支持,您是世界上最好的妈妈!

23、On this day that belongs to you, I wish you peace and love your great mother!

24、You are like this beautiful May day. Thank you for your silent care. Happy Mother's Day!


26、Mother's Day, I wish you a healthy and happy day!

27、Motherly love is a crutch in difficulties. When I stumble, it helps me find my center of gravity and support a hopeful Yuan Ye.

28、Mom,I am concerned about you not just on this special dayEveryday would be Mother's Day within the year! Hope you enjoy yourself everyday!

29、I always miss you, and my filial piety will not change. Dear Mom, I wish you a warm Mother's Day!

30、There is a taste of hahaha, and everywhere is home. Mom, I love you. Happy holidays.

31、Sometimes it may not seem like it,but I really do love you.

32、Thank you for always being there for me, mom. Happy Mother's Day!

33、Mother's Day is coming, wish my mother good health and eternal youth!

34、Mother's Day is coming. I can't describe your kindness beyond words. Ican only silently bless you in my heart: I wish you good health and noworries!


35、Mom, how have you been? Don't be tired any more, and don't hang me up all the time. Everything is fine with me outside, so you can rest assured! Today is Mother's Day, and my mother wishes you health, longevity, peace and happiness.

36、The town, a chemical analysis too high and deep love. Mother, I won't make you cry. I wish you a happy mother's day!

37、Happy mother's holiday! Your thought-provoking cannot be rewarded. Only a brilliant smile answered on a long long road.

38、On this special day, Mom, I wish you a happy Mother's Day! Always young!


40、May my mother live a long and healthy life!

41、Mother's Day is coming. May mother be healthy forever and happy all her life!

42、don't take the time to tell you this often,but I love you,mom.

43、You were always there for me when I needed someone to be there, and I want you to know I will always be there for you.


45、The blue sky needs to be washed by rain; Bright flowers need the intimacy of bees; Green mountains need the snuggling of mountains; Gorgeous life needs mother's gift! I wish mothers all over the world health.


47、Mother's Day is coming. I wish my dear mother a happy, healthy and safeholiday.

48、Mother's Day is coming. With my filial piety, I wish my motherhappiness and sincerity. I wish my mother a happy holiday.

49、Mom, a thousand words are bowing. Happy Mother's Day!

50、Wish mother: a smile sorrow run; laugh troubles disappear; Three laugh in a good mood; Four laugh at heart; Five laugh merriment; Six laugh good body; Seven happy smile; Eight laugh wrinkles less; Nine laugh a backgammon; Ten smile joy!

51、Because of your love, I have my future; Because of your care, I am happy. The pain and hard work behind it bear witness to your love for us. Mom, I love you!

52、As Mother's Day approaches, I wish you and your mother a long and healthy life, happiness as the East China Sea and happiness for the whole family.



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