







[重点词汇]:promise, pretend, offer, refuse, come out, include(contain), develop, describe, remove, support, cross, character, press, print, tie,

[重点词组]:pick up, agree to sth., lie to sb., throw away, call at, at the same time

enjoy doing, look down upon, to everyone’s surprise, find out, come out, cut…into, find out, the rest of., by doing sth., be+ adj.+ to do.

[重点句型和交际用语]:1. It seems that…. 6. I’m not sure.

2. I don’t think so. 7. Do you call that…?

3. That’s not fair. 8. How did… come out?

4. I believe…. 9. What’s the problem with…?

5. I guess…. 10. too+adj.+for sb./sth…(to do)






1. 1)agree with “同意,赞成” ,后接人或表示“意见;观点;看法”的词。

1>You’d better agree with your boss/her. 你最好还是同意老板/她的意见。

2>I completely agree with your views on this point. 在这一点上,我完全同意你的看法。

3>They don’t quite agree with my-methods(opinions,idea). 他们不太赞成我的办法。

>>agree with还可表示“与 一致”(气候,食物等)适合。

1>The verb must agree with the subject in person and number.动词在人称和数上必须与主语一致。

2>The climate here doesn’t agree with me. 这儿的气候我不适应。

2)agree to意为“同意 赞成”,后接表“提议;安排;计划”等的词。

1>Both of them agreed to my plan(proposal/suggestion) about the travel.


3)agree on“对 取得一致意见;在 方面同意或意见一致”,后常跟表具体的协议的文件、计划、行动等的名词。

1>Both parties agreed on the terms of the contract.双方就合同中的条款达成了一致意见。

4)agree to do sth.“同意做某事”

1>We agree to go there.

2>He agree not to attend the meeting.

5)agree + that表示“一致认为,同意”

1>We all agree that his idea is a fine one.我们一致认为他的主意不错。

2. cross

1)adj. 脾气不好的,易怒的

1>He has never heard cross words from his wife.他从妻子那里从没听见过气话。

2) vt. 跨过,穿过

1>If you cross the street alone, please be careful.你自己过马路,一定要当心。

3) n. 十字,十字架

1>The question is marked with a cross.那个问题被标了个十字。

3. pretend vt. + to do/that-clause(不定式和从句作宾语)

1>He lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead when the bear came near.


2>She pretended not to have seen me when I saw her.


3>They pretended to be working hard when the old man entered the room.


4>I pretended not to know the secret.


5>Before the enemy, he pretended that he didn’t know me.


6>Please don’t pretend that you know everything.


3.refuse vt. + n./pron./to do

1>She was sorry to refuse his invitation to the party.


2>He refused my help, and tried his best to do it himself.

他拒绝了我的帮助, 尽力自己干了起来。

3>they refuses to tell us their address and telephone number.


4>I received an invitation yesterday but I refused to accept it.

昨天我收到了一份请贴, 但我拒不接受。


1>He refused me money.他不肯给我钱。


1)动词guess 可直接带宾语,也可接at 介词短语,可接复合宾语或that从句。

1>Can you guess (at) the price?

2>Can you guess (at) his age?

3>I guess her to be over thirty.=I guess that she is over thirty.

注:习惯上在名词answer 或it前不用at。如:He guessed the right answer.(他猜出了正确答案。)You guess it.(你猜猜看。)

注:give a guess或 make a guess均表示“作一猜测”的意思。

2)guess 可用来表示“觉得”,“认为”,=think

1>I guess men’s hands and fingers are too big!

2>I guess it’s going to rain soon.

注:believe, suppose, guess, find, feel许多时候可接 that从句,在意思上相当于think。

5. character

1) a Chinese character意为“一个汉字”。

1>In the beginning (=At first) they used to carve Chinese characters on stones to record important dates in history.


2) character表示小说、戏剧、电影等中的“人物,角色”。

1>I find all the characters in his new play amusing and interesting.


2>Jack was a remarkable character.杰克是个不寻常的人物。

3) character表示“特征”,“特性”。

1>What is the character of the chemical?这一化学物质有什么特性?

2>The two problems are quite different in character.



1>He is a man of strong character.他是个性格刚强的人。

6. past

1) n.过去

1>He would like people to forget his past.


1>The past week has been very interesting.


1>They went past without noticing the board.


1>It was five past eleven.

2>She is already past eighteen.

7. tie

1)tie to“捆,绑,拴”,也可引申为“约束,束缚”。

1>he tied the horse to the tree.

2>He is tied to his work all day.他整天都被工作缠着。

2)tie up“捆紧”;“绑起来”

1>Please tie up all these boxes.

2>The thief was tied up.

3) tie n.“领带,绳子”,也可引申为使人结合起来的某种“关系”。

1>He was wearing a red tie.

2>Please find me a tie to tie up all these books.

3)We are united by some invisible tie.我们被某种无形的纽带连结在一起。


1)invent=create or design something not existing before,“发明”、“创造”

1>What happened before printing was invented? 在印刷术发明以前情况怎么样?

2>Edison invented the electric light. 爱迪生发明了电灯。


2)invent还可用来表示“虚构”或“捏造”一个情况,=make up or think of。

1>He invented an excuse for being late.他编造了一个迟到的借口。

2>The whole story was invented.整个故事都是虚构的。

vt.& vi.按;挤;压

1>The shoe is pressing my toe.这只鞋挤我的脚趾。

2>If you want to start the computer, press this button.如果你想开电脑,请按此按钮。

3>The little boy pressed his nose against the shop window.


4>He pressed my hand warmly when we met.我们见面时他热情地紧握我的手。

5>I don’t like shoes that press.我不太喜欢太紧的鞋子。

10.print vt. & vi.印,打上印记;印刷,付印,发表

1>The mark of the boy’s shoes is printed clearly in the mud.


2>That terrible accident was printed on my memory.那次可怕的事故牢记在我的心中

3>The top line of this page hasn’t been properly printed.这页上端一行印刷得不好。

4>This machine prints 2,000 pages in an hour.这部机器每小时印2,000张。

5>The new press prints rapidly.这台新的印刷机印得很快。


1)form v.“形成”、“建立”、“养成”的意思。

1>These pieces of bamboo or wood were tied together to form a book.


2>A sentence is formed by putting words together in a proper order.


3>Steam forms (is formed)when water boils.水一沸腾,蒸汽就形成了。

4>They formed(=set up) a trade union to organize all the workers.


5>We have formed (=set up) a class for beginners in French.


6>His character was formed in his childhood.他的性格是从小养成的。

7>A good idea formed (was formed) in his mind.他脑子里有了一个好主意。

[注]form the habit of …=fall/get into the habit of…,在意思上接近。get used to…,表示“养成了习惯”。

He has formed the habit of taking notes in class.他已养成了上课记笔记的习惯。

2) n.“形状,形态”;“形式,方式”;“表格”。

1>Ice, snow and steam are different forms of water.冰、雪和蒸汽是水的不同形态。

2>This verb has two past forms.这个动词有两种过去时形式。

3>Please fill in the form in ink.请用钢笔填写这张表格。

搭配:take the form of…采取…的形式 in any shape or form无论什么形式


1)include vt. “包括”、“包含”

1>This plan includes most of your suggestions.这项计划里包括了你们的大部分建议

2>The group included two engineers and twenty workers.


[注] include +doing

My job doesn’t include making coffee for the boss.我的工作并不包括为老板煮咖啡。

2)including 作介词,后接名词、代词或名词性从句作宾语。 Included用作形容词,有被动含义,应放在名词/代词之后。试比较:

1>A lot people attended yesterday’s meeting, including 10 foreigners.

2>At least 20 persons got hurt, including 3 policemen.

3>All of us, Gary included, will make a trip to London next week.

13.by+doing “用……方式”、“凭靠……手段”

1>I make a living by teaching English at school.我以在学校教英语为生。

2>The boss has made a lot of money by selling building materials.


3>We can learn spoken English well by pactising speaking English a great deal both in and out of class. 通过课堂内外大量的讲英语训练,我们可以学好英语口语。


1)vt. “答应”、“许诺”。

(1)promise+n./pron. promise sth., promise sb. sth.

1>He that promises too much means nothing.许愿太多的人是不打算兑现的。

2>I’m afraid I can’t promise you anything.恐怕我们什么也不能许诺给你。

(2)promise to do sth./promise sb. to do sth.

1>I never promised to obey her orders.我从未答应过要服从她的命令。

2>Promise me never to trouble me again.答应我决不再麻烦我。


1>He promised he would never do it again. 他答应以后再不这样干了。 2>He promised that he would pay back the money within two weeks. 他答应两周内还钱。


I’ll try to help him out, but I can’t promise.我将尽力帮助他,但我不能许诺。

3)link-verb, “预示着”、“有可能”

The clear sky promises fine weather tomorrow.请晴朗的天空预示着明天是个好天气

4.n. “诺言”,常作可数名词。

1>It’s easy to make a promise.许愿是容易的。

2>I’m sorry for having broken my promise.对不起,我食言了。

3>Give me your promise that you will never do it again.答应我以后再不那样干了。

[注]make a promise许诺, keep a promise遵守诺言, break a promise.违背诺言

15.too…for… 太过于

1>The dress is too small for me.

2>The question is too difficult for me.

3>The work was too much for him.

16.back to front穿反了

back to front是合成词,由“名词+介词+名词”构成,在句中作状语,如果词与词之间有连字符连接,相当于形容词。

The old man has on his sweater back to front.

联想:face to face 面对面的back to back背靠背的

side by side肩并肩的 hand in hand手拉手的

shoulder to shoulder肩并肩的 neck to neck齐头并进的,并驾齐驱的


1. in surprise, to one’s surprise

1)in surprise意为“惊奇地”常位于动词之后作状语,表示方式。

1>John turned around and looked at me in surprise.约翰转过身来,惊奇地望着我。

2>“A farmer?” said the Frenchman in surprise.“农夫?”那个法国人惊奇地说到。

2)to one’s surprise /to the surprise of sb.意为“使人吃惊的是”、“出乎意料地”,常位于句首,作状语,表示行为的结果。类似的结构有:

to one’s joy/delight/pleasure使人高兴的是

to one’s sorrow使人悲伤的是

to one’s satisfaction使人满意的是

有时为了强调产生某种情感的程度,可在to 后面的名词前加great, deep 等形容词或在to前加副词much。

1>To the surprise of the young couple, they found the necklace missing.

使这对年轻夫妇惊奇的是, 他们发现项链不见了。

2>To their great joy, the sailors saw land at last. 水手们终于见到陆地了, 他们兴奋不已。

3>Much to my surprise, she failed in the examination.


2. job, work, works,labour

1)job 常指具体一件工作,是可数名词。work泛指所有长期的或短期的需要体力或脑力的工作,是不可数名词,通常与job替换使用。如:

1>He did a lot of useful jobs/work.

2>I can not find work in this town.

3>Thousands of workers lost their jobs when the factory closed.

2)好的工作或特别困难的工作,习惯上用job,另外,quite a job也是表示特别困难的工作。如:

1>He has a good job in a bank.

2>It was quite a job (a difficult job) finding his lost child.

注:make a good/fine job of sth.做得好。

句型:look for a job寻找工作find a job找到一份工作ask for the job想要这份工作take the job接受这份工作

习惯用语:out of a job失业on the job工作着,忙碌着倒霉a bad(good)(幸运)事 do a job on sb./do sb’s job毁了某人

3)works 著作;作品 the works of Karl Marx卡尔*马克思的著作

The Complete Works of Lu Hsun 《鲁迅全集》works of literature and art文艺作品

>>works (建筑等)工程;[军]工事;[用作单或复数]工厂 e.g. public works公共建筑工程,市政工程the Ministry of Works 建筑工程部 defensive work(s) 防御工事 a cement works水泥厂

>>works活动的机件 e.g. clean the works of a clock擦洗钟的机件

>>works (神学用语)善行,德行


1>Labour creates the world. 劳动创造了世界。

2>He was well paid for his labour. 他干的活得到很好的报酬。

3. method, way, means


There’s only one way of doing this properly.

The way she spoke hurt me.

What is best way to make tea?

That’s English way of living.

2) method 指系统的、具有一定理论性的方法,强调条理性和高效率。如:

>>method 后面可接to do sth./of doing sth.

We must improve the method of teaching English.

You should use different methods to solve different problems.


If you do it with this method, you’ll succeed.如果你用这种方法做,你会成功的。

>>way表示用什么方法时,常与介词in搭配而means则常与by搭配,也就是说in this way, by this means, with/by this method.

3. everyday, every day

1)everyday adj.常用作定语,意为“每日的;日常的”,如: everyday life(日常生活),everyday English(日常英语)等。 2)every day是名词词组,常用作状语,意为“每天地;天天地”。

1>He can speak everyday English very well.

2>Teaching the students English is my everyday job.

3>I teach the students English every day.

4>The film is about American everyday life.

5>They go to school every day except Sunday.


例1 I would love____ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone

分析 此题中would love/like后须跟不定式,不接动名词作宾语,由此可排除C 、D。又 would love to do sth.表示现在或将来的愿望,显然与本题语境不符,因而排除A 。正确答案为B 。大意为:昨天晚上我本想参加那个晚会,但我不得不加班了几个小时来完成一份报告。would love to have done表示希望做但未能做成。

如:I’d like to have come over to see you last night, but someone called and I couldn’t get away.昨晚本想来看你,但有人找我,脱不开身。

例2 The house ____ doors and windows are all closed is for sale.

A. of which B. whose C. its D. that

分析 答案为B. 此题中的关系代词whose 指物,可与of which 替换,指人时可与of whom替换。如:

The new machine whose parts (=the parts of which) are too small to be seen is made in Shanghai.零件小得看不见的那部新机器是上海制造的。

>>如果用of which 代替题干中的whose,应写成:

The house the doors and windows of which are all closed is for sale.



题1.She pretended _____ me when I passed by. (NMET89)

A. not to see B. no seeing C. to not see D. having not seen

分析 pretend后要跟不定式作宾语,不定式的否定形式是在 to 前加not。因此答案为 A 。

题 2 ---Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?


A. I don’t believe B. I don’t believe it C. I believe not so D. I believe not

分析 本题答案为D。注意I believe not是省略形式,其完整的含义是I believe that it isn’t going to rain over the weekend.

题 3 ---_____ the sports meeting might be put off. (NMET95)

---Yes, it all depends on the weather.

A. I’ve been told B. I’ve told C. I’m told D. I told

分析 该题的考试目标是动词的时态和语态。从it all depends on the weather一句的时态和所告知的内容可以断定,应该用现在完成时的被动语态。答案为A。

题 4 _____ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

A. There B. This C. That D. It (NMET95)

分析 在英语中为了保持句子平衡,常将较长的主语放在句尾(常由不定式短语或连接词引导的从句构成)。而将先行词it置于句首充当逻辑主语(或形式主语)。本题中真正的主语是that English is being accepted as an international language. 答案为D。

改错题: (carelessness)

1>He didn’t pass the driving test because of careless. After all, he is still a boy.

2>---How much does the book worth? ---$ 10. (is / worth-cost)

3>Do you still remember that afternoon when we spent together? (when)/-which/that

4>This is the girl his parents are both engineers. (whose)

5>He is ill in bed. Let’s go to call ^ him. (on)

6>To our surprises, he has got a good job in the company. (surprise)

7>At last the agreed with our suggestion about the work. (to)

8>He did do the work very well. That’s because he was praised. (why)

9>It’s very difficult of us to get there in time. (for)

10>The boy wanted to smoke, but his mother told him not ^. (to)

11>He gave me some informations on the computer. (information)

12>She is famous for her works and ^ a writer. (as)

13>Words written on animal bones are difficult to be read. ( be)

14>I’d like to be taking to the cinema to see the film. (taken)

15>---How long have you studied English? ---From 1990. (Since)

16>Now wood is used to making paper. (make)


1. job/work/works

1>In our factory he has a ____ as a cook. (job)

2>I have much ____ to do this evening. (work)

3>Teaching English at school is my _____. (job/work)

4>He’s been out of ____ for nearly two years. ( work )

5>The iron and steel ____ was closed for Christmas. (works )

6>The carved figure is an unusual ____ of art. (work)

2. included/including

1>A lot of students were praised at the meeting, Tom ___. ( included )

2>A lot of students were praised at the meeting, ___ Tom. ( including )

3>All kinds of food are ___ in the shopping list. ( included )

4>The rent is 70 dollars a month ___ water and electricity. ( including )

5>The price ____ postage then. ( included )

3. move/remove

1>He was ___ from his position as chairman. ( removed )

2>After entering the room, he ___ his hat and gloves. ( removed )

3>She ____the sofa to the corner. ( moved )

4>Don’t ___ about while I’m taking your phone. ( move )

5>What do you advise for ____ ink from my clothes. ( removing )

6>The audience were deeply ___ by the story. ( moved )

4. problem/question

1>The ____ is too difficult for him to answer. ( question )

2>The ____ is too difficult for him to work out. ( problem )

3>She couldn’t get the job, the ___ is that she’s a woman. ( problem )

4>---Can you make it that we must get there before 6 p.m.?

---No ______. ( problem )

5>There are many social ____ in America now. ( problems )

6>Last period our teacher ____ us on verbs. ( questioned )


1. It’s impossible to stop the d_______ of society. (development)

2. He told all his friends about it, i_______ Jack. (including)

3. The wood f_______ tens of years ago. (formed)

4. I have never seen him and his name is also u_______ to me. (unknown)

5. The pot is made of m_______. (metal)

6. The farmers p_______ the oil from these beans. (pressed)

7. Wait a moment. The papers are being p_____ at present. (printed)

8. The teacher asked us to take out a s___ of paper and write words on it.(sheet)

9. The paper is made from fishing n________. (nets)

10. Is the ________ (发动机) made in China or in Japan? (engine)



1 be kind to sb 对某人友善

It’s kind of sb to do…eg,It’s really kind of you to let us use your computer.

Would you be kind enough to do sth? 劳驾,请您…好吗?

=Would you be so kind as to do sth? eg,Would you be kind enough to close the door,please?

2 be honest with sb/about sth对某人、某事坦诚

To be honest/Honestly speaking坦白说 make/earn an honest living正当谋生

3 be loyal to…对…忠诚

4 表喜欢:I like/love/enjoy/prefer/am fond of /am into/am keen on(热衷于)/am crazy about…

5 surf the Internet上网 chat online

6 be cast away(因沉船)流落(荒岛) a castaway一个流落荒岛的人

7 a car/bus/plane crash车、飞机撞毁,失事 crash a car/a plane 撞毁车,飞机

8 survive the crash在空难中幸存下来

9 land on a deserted island 降落在一座孤岛上

10 hunt for food/hunt for a job寻找食物,找工作

11 make/build a fire生火 light/put out a fire点火;灭火 catch fire着火 be on fire在燃烧

set sth on fire=set fire to sth放火烧,引燃… start a fire/fight a fire放火,纵火;救火,灭火

A fire breaks out.火灾爆发 play with fire玩火,做危险的事

go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火,冒一切危险

12 in order to do(句首,句中)=so as to do(句中)为了

13 develop a friendship with sb= make friends with同某人交朋友

14 even though(=although,though)虽然,尽管

eg,We decided to part,even though we loved each other.

even if (=no matter if)纵然,即使

eg,Even if I sell my house,I’ll keep my bussiness going.

15 treat/regard/look on/think of him as a friend把他视为,当成朋友

16 share happiness and sorrow分享痛苦和欢乐

share an interest/opinion有共同兴趣,持共同意见

17 care about 关注,在乎,在意

eg,The only thing you care about is money. eg,He doesn’t care about clothes.

care for①(否定,疑问句)喜欢,想要eg,I don’t care for coffee.

eg,Would you care for a cup of tea?

②照顾,照料eg,She cares for her sick mother.

18 表责备,遗憾:should(=ought to ) have done本该做(事实没有)

should not(=ought not to) have done本不该做(事实做了)

need have done本需要做(但没有) needn’t have done本不需要(但却做了)

19 be quick in mind=be quick-minded反应快

have a quick temper=be quick-tempered性情急躁

20 go outing外出郊游

21 be/get angry with sb生某人的气

22 drop sb a line=write a short letter to sb给某人写封短信

23 keep/bear sth in mind记住

have sth in mind在想,心里想 have sth on one’s mind有心事,担心

make up one’s mind(to do)下定决心(做) change one’s mind改变主意

come into one’s mind=come across one’s mind=cross/enter one’s mind

=strike sb(sb’ mind)=occur to sb(想法,念头)浮现,掠过脑海

bring/call sth to mind使想起,忆起

eg,The photo brings those good old days to mind.=…brings back those good old days.


a heavy load off my mind卸下包袱

my mind goes blank.我的大脑一片空白。

out of sight,out of mind.眼不见,心不烦

二 重点句子:

1 I don’t enjoy singing,nor (neither)do I like computers.

Rock music is OK,and so is skiing.

Mary enjoys pop music,and she is also a bookworm. So it’s with me.

2 One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes.

I was about to cook when the telephone rang.

I was making coffee when the doorbell rang.

3 In order to survive,Chuck develops a friendship with a volleyball.

4 Even though Wilson is just a volleyball,he becomes fond of him.

5 Friendship is about feelings and we must give as much as we take.

6 Just write your message and click it away.(点击鼠标)

Unit2 English around the world

一 重点短语

1 all the way(一路上)一直,不停地eg,We flew all the way from Seattle to London.

2 make yourself at home别客气 help yourself (to sth) 请自己取用

3 drive sb crazy使发疯 Got it. 明白,懂了 Make it成功做到

4 forget to do忘记要去做(还未做) forget doing 忘记做过

remember to do 记得要去做 remember doing记得做过

regret to tell/say…遗憾地告知,说… regret doing 后悔做过

mean to do 意图,打算做 mean doing 意味着…

try to do 努力去做 try doing尝试着做

go on to do接着做(另一件事情) go on doing接着做(同一件事情)

4 the majority of …=most of ….大部分

5 in total=in all总共,总计

6 be equal to①与…相(平)等②能胜任的(able) eg,I’am sure she’s quite equal to the task.

7 a number of 大量的(谓语动词用复数) the number of…的数量(谓语动词用单数)

8 mother tongue/native language母语

9 global culture全球文化

10 have a good knowledge of 非常熟悉,充分了解 have a good command of 精通,掌握

11 turn down the radio调小(音量)

turn down one’s offer(request,invitation)拒绝某人提议,请求,邀请

12 stay/sit up(very late)熬夜

13 come about 产生,发生

How did it come about that… ? 对比:bring about导致,促成

14 stay/remain the same保持不变

15 end up with/as/in/doing以…告终

eg,British English started borrowing words from other languages,ending up with different words.

eg,He ended up as the head of the company.




本单元围绕the Silver Screen(影视) 这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。影视作为人类文明的一大体现,作为当今社会人们主要休闲、娱乐方式之一,是一个非常贴近生活、具有时代性、可挖掘性的教学主题。

本单元所选的语言素材涉及中外名片、著名演员、著名导演, 具有典型的时代气息,有利于学生了解外国文化,增强世界意识。正如新课程标准中的教学建议所提:学习中文影视文化有利于“拓展学生的文化视野,发展他们跨文化交际的意识和能力”;在利用现代教育技术观看影视片断、影视海报的教学过程中,“拓宽了学生学习和运用英语的渠道”;同时本单元的教学对教师本身的中外文化修养、广阔的知识面等方面有非常高的要求。


1. 语言知识重点与难点




2. 综合知识重点与难点

(1).对国外著名影星、导演及他们作品的了解。如教材中涉及的Meryl Streep,Keanu Reeves,Steve Spielberg等,以扩大学生知识面、文化视野。如何填补学生这方面知识缺乏的信息沟。





1. 学习、掌握关系副词when,where.,why 引导的定语从句及介词+关系代词引导的定语从句。

2. 学习掌握一些有关影视的词汇:

如: career, director, script, play a role in ,Oscar, award, studio, scene, follow-ups等。


如:graduate, attack, creature, owe…to…, take off等。

3. 学习掌握一些用于讨论、评价电影的结构句式:

如:What’s the film about?

What do you think about the story of the film?

How do you feel about the film?

I like / don’t like the film because…

The film is about… I think the ending of the film is …

4. 提高学生语言听、说、读、写的能力及扮演角色、编写剧本、撰写影评等的综合语言运用能力?

(二). 情感态度

1. 学习几位著名影星、导演执著于艺术、献身于艺术的敬业精神和对人类艺术的巨大贡献。

2. 从Keanu Reeves 艰辛的成功途中(In the begin did many small jobs, then played in many cheap films.)我们可以学习到:要成就事业需付出辛勤劳动,要有持之以恒、坚持不懈的恒心与毅力。

3. 通过学习国外著名影视界人物,培养学生了解、尊重异国文化,体现国际合作精神。

4. 通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与人合作,相互学习,相互帮助,培养其团队精神。


1. 认知策略


2. 调控策略


3. 交际策略


4. 资源策略



1. 了解英语国家影视界艺术家的成长经历、成就和贡献。

2. 通过学习,了解世界著名影视文化,培养世界意识。

3. 通过中外影视文化对比,加深对中国影视文化的理解。


(一) Warming up



1.师生互动:教师提一些问题如Do you like seeing films? How often? Favorite actor? Actress? Film? 在此过程中教师可展示一些学生熟悉并喜欢的名演员、名片的海报,从视觉上激发学生对本话题的兴趣。

2.小组活动:教师选取几副不同题材的电影画面(可选取教材外的其它画面),要求学生进行小组合作,每小组选一幅画面进行讨论What is happening in this scene? What happens before/after the scene? 要求学生不拘泥于已知的电影内容,发挥自己的想象力,给出各种不同的观点。



本单元的听力是培养学生捕捉特定信息的能力,并让学生熟悉interview这种形式。Task: To discuss what questions the reporters will ask when interviewing famous directors.


1. 师生互动:教师设置开放性的问题,进一步启发学生思考,并为过渡到听力部分做准备。问题可设置为:Of course these films now are very popular and successful, and what does the success of the films bring to the actors? 学生各抒己见,金钱、荣誉、名气,成为公众人物后带来一个问题They received a lot of interviews。

2. 小组活动:教师引出问题What questions will you ask when interviewing an actor?通过小组讨论,收集尽可能多的问题,一方面让学生预测听力中可能会出现的问题,同时也对interview这种形式有所了解。

3. 班级活动:完成听力练习





Task: To interview famous actors and directors in different ways.


1、师生互动:教师可设置问题了解学生对电影大奖及获奖演员的了解程度,为接下来的两位演员的介绍作好铺垫。问题可为Can you tell me some famous awards to the films in the world? Try to tell the famous actors, actresses and the films you know that have won the Oscar.

1. 班级活动:教师可为学生播放分别由Meryl streep和Keanu Reeves主演的电影Out of Africa《走出非洲》和 speed《生死时速》片段,并可展现他们主演的其它电影的海报,让学生在视觉上对这两位演员及他们的表演有所了解。

2. 个人活动,但先把学生分成两组,分组阅读,然后完成下面表格中的信息。

Birth (time/place)


Beginning of the acting career



3. 小组活动:选两位学生,一位当主持人,一位当Meryl streep/Keanu Reeves,其他同学充当观众,模仿央视“艺术人生”的形式作一访谈,要求主持人留一些时间给观众提问。

4. 师生互动:教师可引导学生讨论下列问题:

1) Why are they so popular and successful?

2) What is needed to be an actor/actress?

3) Would you like to be an actor/actress one day? Why(not)?

6. 小组活动:教师播放电影“home alone”《小鬼当家》片段,将原声消去,让学生分组给出对白及表演,最后可让学生互评哪一组做得最好。

(四) Word Study(提前):




在教学过程中,先利用图片,实物等教具对学生进行直观的教学,使之有更清晰的认识后,再辅之以语境,利用语境来推测词义,达到猜词的效果。如给出The Matrix和The Matrix Reloaded的电影海报,学生很容易得出:The Matrix Reloaded is the follow-up of The Matrix。通过这样的铺垫,学生在做第七小题时,只要利用好文中的线索Speed II, Jurassic Park III就可以轻而易举的得出follow-ups。



作而突出导演的重要作用。Task: To experience being a director (write one scene of the film and act it out).


1.师生互动:教师提问If you want to make a film, who do you

need to invite?通过此问题引出电影制作过程中所需的各种角色,如photographer, actor/actress, editor, director等等


1)教师可设置这样的讨论题:What part would you like to play in making a film?根据选择分组,让他们讨论选择各角色的理由。同时讨论各角色在电影制作中所做的不同工作。通过讨论,学生不难发现,在电影的制作过程中,导演起了非常关键的作用。


Think of one scene you are quite familiar with and act it out.

a. What would the scene be like and what happens in it?

b. Who are the main actors in that scene and what do they do?

c. Write a short dialogue and act it out


本篇阅读材料是人物传记,介绍了著名导演Steven Spielberg 的成长经历以及他的主要成就和作品。通过文章的学习,旨在了解西方的电影文化背景以及学习名导Steven Spielberg的那种对自己的事业坚持不懈、孜孜以求的精神。



分别给出阅读材料中提到的五幅电影(Jaws, E.T., Jurassic Park, Schindler’s List, Saving Private Ryan)的图片,把学生分成不同的小组,对图片进行预测,各个小组根据不同的图片猜想影片的大概内容及主题。


快速阅读课文的Para3-5 , 查找出有关这5部电影内容和主题的信




1) When and where was he born?

2) When did he start making films?

3) What did he use to make films at first? and later?

4) What was his dream?

5) What did he study?

6) When and with what did his career take off?

7) What does Spielberg owe his success to?

(七) Post-reading

该部分可分成两块,其中第二块内容可以提前到阅读中去完成,也可在读后总结,当学生读完影片内容时,可以根据自己的理解写出五部影片的内容是什么(写尝试应用定语从句,体验定语从句的结构)。第一块(Questions)中第1,3,5三个问题比较难,从文中直接找不到答案,也是学生理解上需要升华的部分。可以通过分组,让学生讨论来理解这几个问题。让学生领会以下几点:1)、英语作为工具的重要性 2)、不懈努力、持之以恒 3)、成功需要家人的支持,合作、互助精神。

(八)Language study

这部分的重点是学习掌握关系副词when,where,why 引导的定语从句及介词+关系代词引导的定语从句。Task: To talk about some famous directors in China and some of their most famous and popular films, using attributive clause.


1. 师生互动:教师提一些问题如What Chinese directors do you know?

What are their well-known films? 在此过程中教师可展示一些学生熟悉的国内知名导演的海报,从视觉上激发学生的兴趣。然后谈论某个导演及他的代表作品,引出定语从句。

如Zhang Yimou is the famous director who successfully directed the film Hero.

2.小组活动:教师选取几副大家熟悉的国产大片的电影画面,要求学生进行小组讨论,分别来自什么电影,他们的男、女主角(main actor/actress)分别是谁。然后用定语从句知识来谈论。如:Shaolin Soccer is a funny film in which Zhou Xingchi plays the main role.

3.班级活动:给出几副图片及几个关键词(key words),用所学定语从句来描述图片。如:

北京申奥成功图 Beijing the city Beijing is the city where/in which the 2008 Olympic Games will be held.


(九)Integrating Skills

该部分主要阅读张艺谋的影片Not One Less并学习如何评价电影及写影评。Task: Make comments on films and write reviews about them.

1. 师生互动:教师可设置问题了解学生对张艺谋及其主要作品的熟悉情况,为接下来阅读Not One Less 作铺垫。问题可为 What does he do? What is famous for? What films has he directed? What is his recent film? What else do you know about him? 同时呈现张的有关信息表格,为后面的Survey 作铺垫。通过提问谈论《一个也不能少》有关情节,为阅读作铺垫。

2. 个人活动:阅读Not One Less ;回答问题,填写信息表。

3. 班级活动:学习写review 的有关建议。并以Not One Less 作为例子写影评一篇。

4.个人活动:Survey--Your favorite director and his film in china

5.小组活动:讨论关于Your favorite film What’s it about? What kind of story do you think it is? How do you think of the actors/ actresses?...

6.个人活动:模仿前面所学,写一篇影评 My Favorite Film




The 1st Period

Teaching objectives and demands:

1. The activity is designed to encourage students to think about going places and traveling and to activate relevant vocabulary.

2. Ask the students to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transportation, plan a route and explain the plan

3. Language use: Manipulate listening, speaking practice

Key points:

1. Everyday English for communication.

2. Words and useful expressions

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warming up

1. Brain-storming

When we talk about traveling, what can we think of?

2. Back-up questions:

How can we go there? (transports)

Where are we going? (destination)

With whom are we going traveling?(accompanies)

What can we eat? (food)…

3. Compare different transports and discuss in a 4-person group and tick the transport if it suits the condition.

Bus Train Ship Air-plane



On land


Without much money

Discuss the best transport for students of Senior One in Beijing to travel to Shanghai.

Step 2 Listening

Boarding calls commonly heard in airports and wrote down the information they hear.


1. Excuse me, I am flying to Japan today, but I don’t know where I should gop. Could you please help me?

2. Excuse me, can you help me ? I am flying to Changsha and it says on my ticket that the gate is A25. Well, this is gate A25, but there’s no one here.

3. Hi, excuse me, I need some help. I am going to Paris at 11:45. Someone told me that there’s been a change. Do you know anything about that?

Extension Ask the Ss to write announcements about the following situations. the announcements can be read to the class or used for pair work.

1. Flight 225 to NewYork has been delayed and will depart one hour later.

(Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please. Flight 225 to NewYork has been delayed and will depart one hour later.)

2. Flight 2312 from Nanjing to Shanghai will depart from Gate D5 in twenty minutes.

3. Flight 778 to Berlin will depart from gate C3, not gate C7.

Extension 3 Page 97 workbook airport theme.

1. Your attention, please. Flight CA1145 from Beijing to Tokyo is now boarding at agte D45.Please get your boarding cards ready and go to the gate.

2. Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention pelse? The gate for flight UA445 from Beijing to Changsha has been changed. The new gate is gate A15. We will begin boarding in about ten minutes. Thank you.

3. Attention all passengers on flight SE3765 from Beijing to Paris. Your flight will be twenty minutes late because of bad weather. Please be ready to board the flight at gate E34. Thank you.

key to the listening exercise:

Beijing Forbidden City, Great wall, Tian’an men Square Train

Paris /France Eiffel Tower, Museum,saw “Mona Lisa” Bus and lift

North Pole/South Pole Walked, saw animals plane, walked

The Moon looked at the earth, jumped Spaceship

In the Ocean Looked at fish Swam had to swim

Step 3.Speaking

Time machine

Useful Expressions:

I would like to travel to the year…

I would like to know what life was like….years ago

I want to know what life will be like … years from now

To which year do you want to go?

Do you want to travel to the future or to the past?

Step 4. Homework

(1) Finish off the exercises of Unit 3 in the workbook.

(2) Revise the key points of this unit.

(3)List the friend they get to know in class and write down some thing they want to know.

Evaluation of teaching:

The Second Period

Teaching objectives

1. Develop the students’ comprehension of explorative passages, especially their ability of analyzing the structure of such kind of articles.

2. Offer the students chances of self-culture by working in groups and seeking information about the adventure travel out-

3. Infuse the students with basic knowledge about the friend and friendship

4. Learn some words and useful expressions from the text.

Teaching Approach

municative Approach should be used throughout the class. Stress should be laid on:

2.Learner-centeredness; learning-centeredness

3.Task-based learning

4.Activity-based teaching (class work; individual work; group work)

Teaching type: Reading comprehension

Teaching Procedure

Step 1. Report in class

A student is asked to report something interesting he or she picks up from newspaper or magazines.

Step 2.Review and check

Ss have a word dictation and check their homework in workbook

Step 3 Notes:

1. travel,journey, trip,and voyage

travel is uncountable,and means much the same as traveling in general.

Journey is countable, a long distance from one place to another.

trip is a return journey,is often used together with the activity which is the reason for the journey

voyage journey at sea

2. round-trip ticket,one-way ticket

Step 4 pre-reading (group work )

Many people like traveling, but for what reasons do people like it?

It takes time and costs money

It may not be as comfortable as you are at home.

Why do people like traveling? can you give /name any reasons?

Step 5 Reading Listen to tape and finish the following items

The reading states that people are beginning to travel for new reasons.

for a change, fun ,knowledge, sightseeing

1. to see famous and nature beauty

2. to meet new people

3. to try new kinds of food

4. to experience life in other places

5. to get away from the bad weather

6. to look for an unusual experience and adventure


Hiking is a good way to combine exercise, travel, and adventure.

Hiking is easy, fun and cheap.

A hike will be more successful if you put safety first and plan the hike carefully.

Good points Bad Points

1.close to nature Dangerous

2.inexpensive,cheap Uncomfortable

and exciting easy to get tired, exhausting, tiring

4.good to take fresh air no fun, inconvenient

5. easy to do and helpful t take exercise boring, long walking with heavy bags

6.not much equipment unhealthy food

7.easy to decide where to go and stay poor living conditions(sleep in open air)


Rafting is another kind of adventure. Some people like to go down a quiet stream, others like the more adventurous white water rafting.

There are basic safety rules and skills you must learn before you go rafting. P18

1.the basic equipment a raft, paddles, good clothes, helmet, life jacket

2.the places to travel on rivers or streams or whitewater

3.activities to do try whitewater fating to be careful not to hit rocks trees and other dangers think about safety, wear good clothes

4.basic skills how to handle the raft, paddle and to get in and out the raft, how to swim

Suggestions for some vocabulary of the reading text:

what is the text about?

what kind of words will be used?

adventure travel







life jacket

Step 6 Post-reading

Key to post –reading exercise 1 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.d 5.c

Similarities Hiking Rafting

Step7. Homework

(1) workbook

(2) Revise the key points of this Unit.

Evaluation of teaching:

The Third Period

Teaching aims and demands

1. The students are asked to master the Grammar

2. Integrating Skill: reading

3. Oral practice: manipulate oral practice relevant to the reading material.

Key points: grammar and reading

Teaching methods: Reading -Sentence structure----explanation

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

(1) Check the homework exercises.

(2) Revise the key points of the previous lesson.

Step 2. Language study

Task: writing about 60 words to finish the story

We paddle all day today. We saw monkeys in the trees, but we saw no human being. We like our canoe. It is a local canoe made of solid wood. The river is fast-flowing and there are some rapids. We had to get out and carry the canoe in some places. It was very happy!

What a terrible day! We paddled all morning. The river got narrower and narrower. there were bends in the river and lots of rocks. At about midday, the river disappeared. We saw a wall of white water in front of us. It was a huge waterfall. At the bottom of the waterfall were lots of sharp rocks. We made our way between the rocks to a small beach below the water. It was very hard work because the water was so fats. Then we had to carry the canoe on our heads up the steep bank of the river to the top of the fall.

It took us two hours to carry, push and pull the canoe all the way up the side of the waterfall. We stopped at the top and put down the heavy, awkward canoe in a small pool. We drank some water form our bottle sand lay ,exhausted, in the shade.

Suddenly, Alex shouted, “where is canoe? ”I sat up and started at the pool. The canoe had gone.” There!” Screamed Paddy. Then I saw it. The canoe had drifted out into the river. It was almost at the top of waterfall.

Step 3 Integrating skills


The trip should combine travel and learning about the environment. (Red-river village, snow-Mountain)


where he wants to go and why and try to get the others to agree

1. Decide who will represent each destination

2. Prepare a role card based on the example in the book/

3. plete the role cards

4. Review the rules of the discussion.

5. Let each group member introduce himself and state their opinion

6. When each member has stated his opinion, ask question, discuss, and debate

7. Try to reach a decision

Step 4 Grammar

P19 Ex1

Common words used in continuous tense

go, come ,leave. start. arrive, get ,return ,fly ,meet, stay, see….off, take off ,die

3.Extra Exercise

Step 5 Writing

Step 6 Homework

(1) Finish off the work in work book

(2) change the 10 sentences into indirect speech

(3) Try to write a news story in about 100 words on page 88

(4) Revise the grammar on page 178 to page 180

Evaluation of teaching:

The Fourth Period

Teaching aims and demands

1. Integrating Skill

2. Grammar and writing

3. Get the students to write an email

Key points: 1. Useful expressions; 2.writing 3.grammar

Teaching methods: Written practice and grammar.

Teaching procedures

Step 1. Revision

(1) Check the work exercises.

(2)A test for unit 1

To get the students to Review the grammar and write the passage on page 88

Pal Restaurant is one of the many restaurants where people come to eat, drink, talk and enjoy music. It is different from other restaurants because its owners are a group of college students. “We run this restaurant to make friends,” says the manager, Hu Ming.

But the students’ parents say that they are unhappy about this. “We can’t stop them but we want them to put study in the first place.” Teachers do not support them, either. Hu Ming says that a teacher has already told him that he should spend more time on study.

All the managers say that running a business takes a lot of time. “We don’t have the money to hire enough waiters or waitresses, so we do most of the work ourselves,” says Liu Tao. “Sometimes we have to skip classes to keep an eye on the restaurant,” says another boy.

But Liu Tao says they are doing OK.

3 Answers may vary. Possible titles/headlines include “Study First or Business First?” “Students Running Bar”

Step 2. Integrating Skill

Instruction: The reading describes different kinds of friends. Let the students read the first paragraph and answer questions 1-3, then ask them to think of words that can be used to describe the different kinds of friends. You can also tell the students to choose words from the “5-star friend” activity in the student’s book.

Extension What does it take to make a friendship work? The students can work in groups and select one kind of friendship described in the reading and think about the advantages and disadvantages of such a friendship. What problems might arise? How could they be solved? (The students can refer to the listening activity).

Suggested answers

1 C

2 A fair-weather friend will only like you when you are happy and popular; a forever friend is a true friend and will help you when you are in trouble.

3 List the characteristics of each kind of friend:

A fair-weather friend only likes you when you are happy and popular, doesn’t help you when you have problems. (students can add more)

A school friend studies and plays together with you, sees you in school. (students can add more)

A forever friend knows everything about you, always listens to you. (students can add more)

4 Sarah helped Janet overcome her shyness and deal with her classmates. Janet helped Sarah study math.

5 Answers may vary.

6 You can make friends with people from other countries by reading e-pal/pen pal ads in newspapers or on the Internet.

7 One of the advantages of having friends in other countries is that you can learn more about the world. You can also learn more about other languages and cultures. There are a few disadvantages, including the fact that it can be difficult to be friends if you live far away from each other.

8 Answers may vary. One possible interpretation is that all the people around us could be our friends; friendship is a two-way relationship and it takes work and patience to develop a good friendship.

Step 3 Writing

Ask the students to read the e-mail and find out what the girl wants to know more about. Tell the students to think about what they want to tell the girl. As a pre-writing activity, the students can list the things they want to include in the e-mail. When the students have written the e-mail, you can compare what they have written.


A learner log is a set of questions that will help the students to reflect on how and what they have learnt. The students are asked to rate their “comfort level” and summarize what they have learnt. You can use this as an activity in class or let the students complete the log at home. Throughout the book we offer different assessment tools and we recommend that you try as many of them as possible. Learner logs and other similar assessment tools are simple to use and have a positive effect on the students’ learning and learning habits over time. The students may find it difficult to answer the questions at first, but if you use the log consistently it will help the students pay more attention to their learning strategies and set better goals. Once the students are used to the format and expectations, you can use the learner log and other assessment activities in combination with discussion and goal-setting activities.


Ask the students to read the e-mail ads in Unit 1 and choose one to reply to. Before the students start writing, they should think about what they want to write.

Extension Use real e-pal ads from the Internet and let the students find a real e-pal from another country. If your students do not have easy access to the Internet, you can simply copy more e-pal ads and bring them to class.

Sample E-mail

Hi Jane:

My name is Xiao Fei and I come from Hunan. Hunan is in the south of China. I am a middle school student and I like speaking English. I read your e-pal ad and I would like to be your e-pal. You wrote that you like rock music. Can you tell me what bands you like? Have you ever heard any Chinese rock bands? You also wrote that you like talking and joking around. I do too! I think you and I can be good friends. Please send me an e-mail as soon as possible.

Xiao Fei

Assessment Criteria:

An e-mail is less formal than a letter and more formal than speaking. A good response to the e-pal ads should include information about who you are and where you are from. Try to encourage the students to use indirect speech to refer to the e-pal ad.

Step 5. Homework

(1) Finish off the exercises in the workbook.

(2)Write an email into my email-box.

(3) Summary the key points in this unit

Evaluation of teaching:

The Fifth period Students have an Integrating examination

The Sixth period Teachers comment the examination and Review the unit.

====请记住我们的域名: maguihao.====























































































































Warming up & Speaking

1. match…with… 把….和….相配

2. action film 动作片

3. romantic comedy 浪漫喜剧

4. shootings and fights 枪战

5. at the art festival 在艺术节上/期间


6. magical power 魔力

7. magic tricks 魔术技巧

8. welcome to + n. 欢迎到…. Welcome home!

give sb a warm welcome 热烈欢迎

9. a world of magic and wonders 充满魔力和神奇的世界

10. a series of 一系列的

11. seem like =look like 看起来像

12. treat sb to sth 请某人(吃…) treat sb badly 虐待

treat ...as/like...

13. in trouble 在困境中

get into trouble 陷入困境

ask for trouble 自找麻烦 make trouble 捣乱

put sb to trouble 给人添麻烦

take trouble to do sth 不辞辛苦的做某事

14. do the right thing 做得对

15. come across

1. be understood;

He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not come across.

2. make an impression;

She came across well/badly in interviews.

He came across as a sympathetic person.

3. meet or find sb/sth by chance = run into

I came across some old photos in a drawer.

16. fight against 与…作斗争/打架/打仗 fight n.

fight with; fight for

17. believe 和believe in

believe in 信仰 (真理;宗教;原则)

信任= trust in;trust;have trust in

信赖=rely on

I believe him, but I don’t believe in/trust (in) him.


Do you believe in God?


believe sb/what sb said 相信某人(所说的话)

believe ...to be... 认为...是...

believe...to have done 认为/相信...做过某事

believe that... 相信;认为

trust sb/sth 信任;信赖=have confidence in

trsut in sb/sth 信任;信赖=trust=believe in

trust to +n.(luck/fortune...) 一味(盲目)信赖

trust sb (not) to do 对某人做某事放心;信得过

trust sth to sb =trust sb with sth 把某事交给某人放心

trust that

trust that...

I believe/trust that you will join us. (trust比believe语气强)

I believe him to be an honest man.

=I believe that he is an honest man.

I believe him to have passed the exam.

=I believe that he has passed the exam.

I can’t trust that boy out of my sight.


18. grow up to be... 长大后成为...

19. share the same goal 有着共同目标

20.be strong in heart and mind 意志坚强,头脑聪明


21. whisper sth to sb 小声/悄悄给某人说

whisper sth in one's ear 咬耳朵

in a whisper 小声地

22. as if 好像

23. not all = all not 并不都

not every = every...not 并非每个...都

not both=both not 并非两个都...

...not all of them were safe.=...all of them were not safe.

Not both of the students are good at English.

=Both of the students are not good at English.

完全否定:None of the rooms are safe.

Neither of the students is good at English.

24. if only 要是…就好了

If only my mother were here with me.

25. be about to do sth when… 正要…这时…

26. turn around 转身

27. walk/run up to; go/come up to 上前去

28. go past 从...的旁边过去


29. play a trick on sb. 给某人恶作剧

30. apologize to sb for sth 向某人道歉

make an apology to sb.

31.(1) 摆脱…的习惯

get out of the habit (of doing sth) ;

get rid of the habit of

break off the habit of

(2) 养成…的习惯

get/fall into the habit (of doing sth)

form the/a habit (of doing sth)

(3) 有…的习惯

have the/a habit of

be in the /a habit of

32. TV series 电视连续剧

33. primary school 小学 elementary school

34. Attention, please, I have an announcement to make.


May I have your attention, please? 请大家注意啦!

35. run after 追赶;追求;追捕


36. be similar to 与…相似 the same as 和...一样

37. in other words 换句话说 in one’s own words

38. just like us doing what we do 就像我们做我们的事

=just as we do what we do

39. come (back) to life 苏醒;复苏;恢复生机

bring sb (back) to life 使...苏醒;使...恢复生机

40. in a way 在某种程度上

41. lose oneself in = be lost in 沉浸于; 沉醉于

Lost in thought, he almost knocked into a tree.

42. be eager/anxious to do sth 迫切地/渴望要做某事

be eager for/about/after 渴望得到

be anxious about 为...担忧;焦虑

long for 渴望得到 be dying for


be amused at [by, with] 以...为乐; 对...觉得有趣/好笑

run / take a risk (in doing sth) 冒险

an injury to a person’s reputation 损毁某人的名誉

6. achieve success 获得成功,

8. give a reason for doing sth 为做某事给个理由

15. China’s fifty-five minorities 中国的五十六个民族

17. the opportunity to do sth 做某事的机会

21. the first (+n) to do sth 第一个做某事的

24. What is it like to do sth? 做某事是什么样的感觉?

What does it feel like to do sth? 做某事是什么样的感觉?

25. It seems that+从句 好像…

33. cut off the electricity 切断电源

1. succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事=manage to do sth

3. get a wonderful view of 对…尽收眼底



Step 1: Go over the words and expressions once again by a dictation or sentences making:

Forecast, major, trend, contemporary, indicate, urban, energy, ensure, system, consumer, reform, customer, goods, purchase, tiny, cash, remain, importance, regularly, physician, cure, biochemistry, educator, hopeful, reality

In general, keep in touch with, pay attention to, in store,

Virus, via, mosquito, prevention, persuade, defenseless, illness, treatment, liquid, unprotected, sex, lack, proper, discourage, cheer, network, specialist, meaningful, boyfriend, identify, billionaire, stranger, weep, cell, chemical, radiation, fighter, contrary.

Cheer….up, a great many, on the contrary

Drown, bleed, choke, prevent, electric, electrical, wire, container, scream, witness, calm, panic, ambulance, tip, slightly, chest, circulate, pulse, wound, blanket, manage, pale, motorcycle, sudden, worn-out, eventually, bite, tap, loose, bandage, explanation, first aid, keep in mind, roll over, manage to do sth, , in honor of

Coal, attend, issue, environmentalist, summarize, content, introduction, representative, killer, access, violence, premier, stress, equality, fairness, responsibility, willingness, harmony, suffering, unfair, wipe, worldwide, alternative, defend, incorrect, affect, advise, take notes, the United Nations, take action, air conditioner, in harmony with,, put an end to, wipe out , advise sb. Not to do sth,

Frightening, hurricane, astronomy, uneasy, unpleasant, upset, terrify, erupt, ash, mud, spot, flee, urge, meanwhile, sheet, protect, severely, heart-breaking, giant, steady, steam, full-powered, steamship. Unbelievable, stillness, whisper, appropriate, at hand, knock about, all of a sudden, as though

Step 2: Come to the following topic and ask the Ss to say something about each topic:

life in the future; deadly diseases and attitude towards AIDS, cancer, etc.; first aid and medicine; nature ecology and the environment; natural disasters

Step 3: Review the new Grammar Items:

Noun Clauses:(2); Subjunctive Mood (虚拟语气); Inversion; Ellipsis

Noun Clauses:(2)

What life will be like in the future is difficult to predict.

They are careful about what they wear.

If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different….

Subjunctive Mood (虚拟语气)

If everyone in the country knew first aid, many lives might be saved.

I wish that she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.

I wish I could remember more about my mum.

We wish we could have arrived there two hours earlier.

If I had not been tired, I would have helped her.

If he had known the news, he might have told you.

If it were to rain, I would stay at home.


Not until we know more will we be able to improve the situation.

Only by changing how we live can we save the earth.

Had I known that air conditioners cause so much pollution, I would never have bought one.

There exist serious problems and there is still time to take actions.


A word about your composition.

Though tired, he was not disheartened.

You would do the same.

Sit down , please.

We’ll do the best we can.

Everybody gone?

That letter was the last.

Step 4: Some exercises on the Grammar.

Step 5: Review Functional Items in the Units6-10

Making prediction/ Supporting an opinion/ Express dos and don’ts/ Express feelings

A. Making prediction:

What will life be like in the future?

How will people….

Where will people work….

It would be wonderful if …..

It would be bad for …. If…….

It’s possible/ impossible to …..

No one can predict what /when…...

B. Supporting an opinion:

I think that …. Because ….


One reason is that…..

For example, …..

If we/they were to …. We/ they could …..

Challenging an opinion

Perhaps, but what if/ about….

Have you thought about….

What makes you think that ….?

Could you please explain ….?

If I were you, I would …..

C. Express dos and don’ts:

You should always….

You ought to /should….

You must/ have to….

You should not …..

You should never….

You must never…

D. Express feelings

How terrible!

It makes me feel uneasy when…

I think it’s very unpleasant……

It makes me feel very worried….

I get very upset….

It’s a frightening thing….

I dare not….

I’m really scary….

It takes my hair stand on end.

Step 6: Some additional exercises.


A Teaching Plan

Title of lesson: Unit 2 English around the world

Type of lesson: New lesson

Teaching aims: Ss will be able to use the functional sentences to express their

language difficulties and be able to have a good understanding of the

differences between Br E and Am E through the practice of the four

basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Teaching contents: 1. Vocabulary: 40 (大纲), 8 (课标)

2. Functional sentences

3. Grammar---Direct Speech & Indirect Speech (2)

4. Topic: Language learning (1)

Teaching focus: 1. Differences between Br E & Am E

2. Language difficulties

Teaching aids: Tape recorder, computer, projector, worksheet

Period One: Warming up & Listening

Aim: Ss will be able to practise their listening skills by doing the exercises and to

know that Br E & Am E are sometimes different.

Step 1: Listening

Ask the Ss to listen to the dialogue twice and then do the multiple choice.

1) Joe came to Britain _____.

A. by train B. by air C. by ship

2) He came from the city _____.

A. Seattle B. London C. New York

3) Joe felt _____ after he got to Nancy’s home.

A. surprised B. excited C. tired

4) Joe wants to use Nancy’s _____.

A. telephone B. computer C. bathroom

5) The bathroom is _____.

A. the second door on the right downstairs

B. the second door on the left upstairs

C. the first door on the left upstairs

Step 2: Reading and discussing

1. Ask the Ss to read the dialogue and try to find out what Joe was looking for with the help of the picture.

2. Ask the Ss to have a discussion in groups of four about the reason why Joe can’t find it.

3. Help the Ss to understand Br E and Am E are sometimes different.

Step 3: Listening

1. A brief introduction of the dialogue.

2. Ask the Ss to listen to the dialogue and finish the exercise

( question answers or multiple choices ).

3. Ask the Ss to listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks or write down a

whole sentence.

4. Check their answers, hand out the listening material and ask them to read it.

Step 4: Homework (A task )

Ask the Ss to think about more examples to show the differences between Br E & Am E and complete the form given below

British English American English




Period Two: Speaking

Aim: Help the Ss learn to use the functional sentences to express their language

difficulties through the practice of reading and speaking.

Step 1: Dialogue One

1. Ask the Ss to read the dialogue after the tape

2. Ask the Ss to practise reading individually

3. Ask the Ss to practise reading in groups of three

4. Ask the Ss to act it out in class

5. Ask the Ss to finish the exercise (Page 9)

Step 2: Dialogue Two (the same step as Dialogue 1)

Step 3: Dialogue Three (补充旧教材S1U3中的对话, the same step as Dialogue 1)

Yang Mei is now studying in the States. She meets her new teacher, Sara for the first time. Sara is an American. They are talking before the term starts.

Sara: So you are Yang Mei. Nice to meet you.

Yang Mei: How do you do? I’m sorry. I know only a little English. I have some

difficulty in pronouncing some of the words in English.

Sara: No, you’re doing fine.

Yang Mei: Thank you.

Sara: And when do you take your next exams?

Yang Mei: In June.

Sara: I see. What do you want to do next fall?

Yang Mei: Pardon? Would you please say that again more slowly?

Sara: What do you want to do next fall?

Yang Mei: Next what? I’m sorry I don’t quite follow you.

Sara: What do you want to do next September? Do you have any plans?

Yang Mei: I’d like to study medicine and become a doctor.

Sara: Right. Nice meeting you, Yang Mei. Bye.

Yang Mei: Goodbye.

Step 4: Functional sentences

1. Ask the Ss to pick out from the three dialogues the functional sentences about language learning

2. Help the Ss summarize the functional sentences ( Textbook Page 10)

Step 5: Practice & Communication

Ask the Ss to make up new dialogues with the functional sentences in pairs. Some situations are given to help them. They may think of other proper situations in which they use the functional sentences.

Situation 1: You ask your friend if he/she knows how to say “网站” in English and how to spell it.

Situation 2: You are not sure about the spelling of the word “favourite” and your classmate tells you the different spellings in Br E and Am E.

Situation 3: You telephone the flower shop and ask the florist the deliver some flowers to your girl friend. You tell the florist your friend’s name and address.

Period Three: Reading

Aim: Help the Ss have a good understanding of the text and solve their

difficulties with the passage by reading, discussing and doing the exercise.

Step 1: Pre-reading

Some questions for discussion:

1. How many languages do you speak?

2. Which is your native language?

3. Do you speak English as well as your native language?

4. Do you think it necessary to learn English well besides your native language? Why?

5. In what situations do you use English?

Step 2: Reading

1. Ask the Ss to read the text fast and try to find out the answers to the following two questions.

Questions: 1) How many people in the world are speaking English as their

native language?

2) What is English in most international organisations?

2. Ask the Ss to read the text again and then try to judge the following statements (或参见目标练习册Page 16). They may do the exercise individually first and then discuss their answers in groups.

( ) 1)We can find native speakers of English in Britain, America,

Canada, New Zealand, India and so on.

( ) 2) The number of people learning English as a second language is

far less than that of people speaking English as native language.

( ) 3) In some countries such as Philippines and Pakistan people speak

their own languages at home while English in public.

( ) 4) English is widely used in tourism as well as international

organisations and trade.

( ) 5) Those who come to China on business and vacation can speak

Chinese very well.

( ) 6) English is not only the working language but the one of global


Key: F F T T F T

3. Ask the Ss to read the text aloud following the tape and pick out the difficult words and sentences.

4. Help the Ss to solve their difficulties.

Step 3: Post-reading

1. Give the Ss several questions and ask them to have a discussion in groups of four and then give a report in class.

Questions: 1) In which countries do we find most native speakers of English?

Give the names of them.

2) How many people speak English as their native language?

3) How many people speak English as a second language?

4) What is the number of people learning English as a foreign


5) In which part of China people speak English as a first or second


6) Why is it becoming more and more important to have a good

knowledge of English?

7) Living in China you can use English every day in different

situations. Give two examples.

8) What about the present situation of English learning in Beijing?

What do you think of that?

2. A task activity: Suppose it is now and the Olympic Games are being held in Beijing. Many foreign guests have come to Beijing and they want to have a good understanding of the city. You are a college student and also act as a volunteer of the Games. Think about and tell us what you can do for the foreign guests.

Period Four: Language study

I. Word study

Aim: Help the Ss learn to use some useful and important words and phrases.

Step 1: Ask the Ss to finish the exercise on the textbook (Page11)

Step 2: Help the Ss learn some words in detail

1. find

--Ask the Ss to repeat the following sentences and summarize how to use the word “find”.

1) I found the bathroom, but I didn’t find what I was looking for. (find+sth.)

2) The situation is found in countries such as India, Pakistan, Nigeria and the Philippines. (find+sth.)

3) In which countries do we find most native speakers of English?(find+sb.)

4) I’m sure that you’ll find the book interesting. (find+n.+adj.)

5) When he woke up, he found himself in hospital. (find+oneself)

6) You’ll find it difficult to get along with him. (find+it+adj.+to do)

7) We found that he was a good-natured man. (find+that-)

8) They finally found out the truth of the matter. (find out )

2. the number of / a number of

--Give the Ss the following examples and ask them to tell the difference between “the number of” and “a number of”.

1) The number of the students in our school is over .

2) A number of students in my class are fond of rock music.

3) The number of traffic accidents recently is increasing.

4) A large number of doctors and nurses have contracted SARS.

--Ask the Ss to complete the following sentences according to the Chinese translation.

1) The number of the students standing outside of the office is about ten.


2) A number of my friends are going abroad for a holiday this National Day. (我的一些朋友准备在这个国庆节出国渡假。)

3) The number of days in February is either 28 or 29. (二月的总天数不是二十八天就是二十九天。)

4) A number of traffic accidents recently have been / are caused by new drivers. (近来相当多的交通事故是由新司机引起的。)

3. except / except for

--Show the Ss several examples and help them explain the sentences in English and tell the difference between “except” and “except for”.

1) All of us went there except him. (He didn’t go there.)

2) We go to school every day except Sunday. (We don’t go to school on Sunday.)

3) Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. (You made a few spelling mistakes in your composition.)

4) In China students learn English at school as a foreign language, except for those in Hong Kong, where many people speak English as a first or second language. (The students in Hong Kong speak English as a first or second language.)

--Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks with “except” or “except for”

1) All the students began to write down the numbers except one boy. He seemed to be thinking about something.

2) The movie was good except for the ending. The ending was not wonderful at all.

3) I enjoyed the party except for the music because the music was too loud.

4) Everybody except John was able to answer the question. He needed help.

5) We had a pleasant time there except for the weather. It rained nearly the whole day.

6) There was a broken chair in the room. Except for the broken chair, the room is empty.

4. trade (见学习丛书第11页)

5. stand(见学习丛书第12页)

Step 3: Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks with the proper phrases given below.

make oneself at home in total come about

more than at all more or less

1. Tell me how the accident _______________.

2. What is the number of the visitors to the exhibition _______________ ?

3. The repairs to the car will cost _______________ 200 yuan. I’m not very sure.

4. During the dinner party, the host asked us to _________________ and to help ourselves to whatever food we liked.

5. It was early March, but the weather was not _______________ cold.

6. People _______________ 18 years of age have the right to vote in China.

Step 4: Translation (Workbook P93)

Ss are asked to finish the exercise individually and then have a group


Period Five Grammar

Aim: Help the Ss distinguish a request and a command and learn to report

requests or commands.

Step 1: Ask the Ss to look at the sentences and decide which is a request and which is a command. (Textbook Page 12-1)

Step 2: Ask the Ss to do the exercise in pairs (Textbook Page 12-3)

Step 3: More exercise (Workbook Page 93-1)

Step 4: Ask the Ss to finish the checkpoint and make a summary

Period Six: Integrating skills

Step 1: Discussing

Ask the Ss to have a discussion on the homework about the differences between Br E & Am E.

Step 2: Reading

1. Ask the Ss to read the first passage and finish the reading comprehension

2. Help the Ss to solve their problems about the passage

3. Ask the Ss to read the second passage and finish the exercise

4. Help the Ss to solve their problems about the passage

Step 3: Discussion

Ask the Ss to have a discussion about the different dialects in Chinese. Ss are given the task before class and they are expected to collect some information. Ss are encouraged to report what they have learned about the different dialects in Chinese.

Step 4: Writing

Ask the Ss to write a short passage in which they compare American and British English or dialects in Chinese. They should be given some language help.

For example: There be…,

the differences in …between…,

spelling and pronunciation,

be spelt…,

pronounce the word…,




almost the same…,

have some/no difficulty in …,

understand each other…








I wish I could sing like her. 我希望能像她那样唱歌。

Mary's dress is red, like mine. 玛丽的衣服是红色的,和我的一样。

There are several people interested, like Mr Jones and Mr Simpson.



feel like:想要

look like:似乎,好像

(2)like作为动词,常作及物动词使用。意思是“喜欢;爱好;希望;想 ”


I like bananas. 我喜欢香蕉。

Do you like your teacher? 你喜欢你们的老师吗?

I'd like to see you. 我想见到你。






He seemed quite angry at you. 他好象对你生气了。

Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for the drunk.


Danger seems to attend everything they have tried.


He seemed excited. 他好象很激动。

(2)seem后接to be结构时,有时会省略掉to be。


The headmaster seems to be a fixture in the school for quite a long period.


Yesterday I met a man who seemed (t0 be) the famous actor.


(3)seem后接that或者as if从句。有时that和as if可以省略。


”At that time, it seemed as if I couldn't think of the right word anyhow.“


It seems to me that you are right. 我认为你是对的。

It seems to me that there is something funny about the case.


(4)句型:There seems/seemed (to be)…

There seems to be something wrong with your recorder.


There seems to be a man over there in the darkness.



(1)suggest表示“提议;提出;建议”的意思,后面常接动词-ing形式,不能接不定式;接that从句时,常用虚拟语气,即should + 动词原形,其中,should可以省略。


She suggested going there by train. 她建议坐火车去那里。

She suggested that we (should) go there by train.


I suggested that we (should) do it like this. 我建议这样做。



The smile on the boy’s face suggested that he was happy to have given his life to his motherland. 这个男孩脸上的微笑暗示出他很高兴为自己的祖国献出了生命。

When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, Mr Thompson shook his head. 当我暗示说,这准是某些村民进来偷喝掉的,汤普森先生摇摇头。


1.seem, look 与appear的区别:

seem, look, appear这三个词一般用作半系动词,都可以汉译作“似乎”或“看上去”。



A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby.一位飞行员看到一个气球,好象要飞向附近的英国空军基地。

It seemed certain that this would win the prize.



He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful state.


My wife was wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse.




Babies of two months old do not appear to be reluctant to enter the water.


The actress is thirty-five years old, but she appears a lot younger.


2.give up, give in, give out的区别:

(1)give in to somebody/something表示“向某人/某物屈服、让步;投降”。后面不能直接接名词,属于不及物动词的范畴。


He would rather die than give in. 他宁死不屈。

He has given in to my idea. 他已经顺从了我的想法。

(2)give up: 后面接名词或者动词-ing形式,属于及物动词的范畴,意思是“放弃”。例如:

He gave up his position as then general manager. 他辞去了总经理的职位。

He had a hard time giving up smoking. 他戒烟很辛苦的。

(3)give out: 表示“分发;用完,用尽”的意思。


You are required to give out the pamphlets


Give the money out to the children.


Our food supply gave out at last.


His strength gave out(= run out). = He ran out of strength.=He was worn out.=He was tired out.他已精疲力竭。


1.What do you think we can do to protect our cultural relics?

此句中的do you think为插入语。句子的疑问语序由它体现,而其它成分用陈述语序。做单项填空题时要注意这个现象。

2.Where there is a river, there is a city.

And we should build a website where people can look at the pictures and paintings.

这两句都含有where引导的从句。第一句为where引导地点状语从句,第二句为where引导一个定语从句。在where引导定语从句时,其前面往往有一个表示地点的词作先行 词,此句中的website即先行词。


We should be sent where we are most needed. (where引导地点状语从句)

We should be sent to the place where we are most needed. (where引导定语从句)


3.Ronaldo has done more than just playing football.

Yao Ming has more than just size: he also has great skill and speed.

这两句都包含有more than just结构。此处的意思是“不仅…,不止…”。


He did more than just helping us out, he also gave us a lot of money to set up a new school for poor children.


They were more than willing to help you. 他们非常乐意帮助你。

Some of the stories were really more than could be believed.



英语的语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态。 主语是动作的发出者为主动语态;主语是动作的接受者为被动语态。


(1)若宾语补足语是不带to 的不定式,变为被动语态时,该不定式前要加”to“。此类动词往往是感官动词。如:feel, hear, help, listen to, look at, make, observe, see, notice, watch 等等。


The teacher made me go out of the classroom.

-->I was made to go out of the classroom (by the teacher). We saw him play football on the playground. -->He was seen to play football on the playground.

(2)带有情态动词的被动语态:即:情态动词+ be +过去分词,构成被动语态。


Coal can be used to produce electricity for agriculture and industry.




This is a photo of the power station that has been set up in my hometown. (注意up)


My sister will be taken care of by Grandma. (注意of)


Such a thing has never been heard of before. (注意of)


(4)由believe, consider, declare, expect, feel , report, say, see, announce, suppose, think, understand等动词构成的被动结构:

It is said that… 据说

It is reported that… 据报道

It is believed that… 大家相信

It is hoped that… 大家希望


(5)不及物动词或动词短语如:appear, die, disappear, lost heart, come true, fall asleep, happen, last, lie, remain, sit, spread, stand, break out, keep silence, take place. 无被动语态。要想正确地使用被动语态,就须注意哪些动词是及物的,哪些是不及物的。特别是一词多义的动词往往有两种用法。解决这一问题唯有在学习过程中多留意积累。


(错) The price has been risen. (不及物)

(对) The price has risen.

(错) The accident was happened last week. (不及物)

(对) The accident happened last week.

(6) 不能用于被动语态的及物动词或动词短语:

fit, have, hold, marry, own, wish, cost, notice, watch agree with, arrive at / in, shake hands

with, succeed in, suffer from, happen to, take part in, walk into, belong to。


This key just fits the lock. 这把钥匙就是开这把锁的。

Your story agrees with what had already been heard. 你的故事与(我们)已经听到的说法是一致的。

(7) 系动词无被动语态:

appear, be become, fall, feel, get, grow, keep, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste,



It sounds good. 听起来声音不错。

It tastes delicious. 尝起来很香。

(8) 带同源宾语的及物动词,反身代词,相互代词,不能用于被动语态:die, death, dream, live, life, smile。


She dreamed a bad dream last night. 昨天晚上她做了一个噩梦。

He died a heroic death. 他死得很英勇。

(9) 动词wash, clean, cook, iron, look, cut, sell, read, wear, feel, draw, write, sell, drive… 用主动形式表示被动:

The book sells well. 这本书销路好。

This knife cuts easily. 这刀子很好用。

(10) 特殊结构:make sb. heard / understood:使别人能听见 / 理解自己have something done : 要别人做某事

She spoke at the top of her voice to make herself heard.


I had my hair cut yesterday. 我昨天理发了。

【考点透视 考例精析】

[考点] 考察地点状语从句。

[考例1] There were marks on her trousers ______ she had wiped her hands.

A.where B.which C.when D.that

[解析] A which和that引导定语从句,故排除;when引导时间状语从句,与句子的意思不符,应该用where引导地点状语从句,本题的意思是“她的裤子上她檫过手的地方有脏痕”。

[拓展] 要注意where不仅可以引导地点状语从句,还可以引导定语从句。这时,where前面往往有一个表示地点的名词。


They have never gone to the place where we intended to meet before.

[考点] 考查被动语态。

[考例2] Many man-made satellites __________ space by China over the past five years.

A.was been sent up B.was sent for

C.have been sent up into D.has sent into

[解析] C 根据句子结构看应该使用被动语态,因而排除D项;表示“发射升空”用send up into…。sent up“发射”,其后不能接名词,send for意思是“派人去请”,与句子的意思不相符合。

[考点] 考查固定搭配的用法。

[考例3] --I’m going to see the victim’s brother.

--I’d rather you __________.

A.didn’t B.have not C.don’t D.do

[解析] A 第一个人所使用的时态为将来时,表示将来的打算。但是第二个人用的是固定句型:I would rather somebody did something. 所以只能选A项。

[拓展] 另外注意句型Somebody would rather do something than do something 。两个动词都用原形。


I would rather do some work than stay home every day.

[考点] 考查时态和语态。

[考例4] The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics ________ by .

A.has been completed B.has completed

C.will have been completed D.will have completed

[解析] C 首先,此句的construction work 与complete是动宾关系,construction work作从句的主语,所以应该使用被动语态。再由 by 2006可以知道,该动作现在尚未完成,所以用将来完成时态。



1.After the earthquake, it is very difficult to r_____________ the buildings and other things.

2.Columbus said that he had discovered the new c_____________.

3.The earthquake d__________ several buildings.

4.The o___________ language of Japan is Japanese.

5.As more and more cars entered people’s homes, p_______ is becoming more and more serious.

6.These two countries have different__________(文化).

7.He had _____________(包括)a large number of funny stories in the speech.

8.Will you help me ___________(准备)for the get-together of the old classmates?

9.We not only communicate with words, but also with ___________(手势).

10.Can you find our _________(位置) on this map?


1.--Smoking is bad for your health.

--Yes, I know. But I simply can’t __________.

A.give it up B.give it in C.give it out D.give it away

2.--The window is dirty.

--I know. It ________ for weeks.

A.hasn’t cleaned B.didn’t clean

C.wasn’t cleaned D.hasn’t been cleaned

3.To enjoy the scenery, Irene would rather spend long hours on the train ________ travel by air.

A.as B.to C.than D.while

4.His behavior at the party last night seemed rather out of _____. Many of us were quite surprised.

A.practice B.place C.polite D.pity

5.–What can I do for you?

--I’d like to borrow a science book, _________ that is simple and written in English.

A.which B.one C.but D.all

6._______ the poor, Tom himself has been living a very simple life.

A.Devoted to help B.Devoting to helping

C.Devoted to helping D.Devoting to help

7.--Do you like Nack?

--Yes, Nack is good, kind, hardworking and intelligent; ______, I can’t speak too highly of him.

A. as a result B.in a word C.by the way D.on the contrary

8.--What’s the matter with you?

--Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach. I __________ so much fried fish just now.

A.shouldn’t eat B.mustn’t have eaten

C.shouldn’t have eaten D.mustn’t eat

9.He lives in a big house whose windows ___ over an avenue with trees and flowers on both sides.

A.look into B.look up C.look out D.look on

10.He became a millionaire at last, _________ himself the richest one in his family.

A.to make B.making C.made D.to be made



There are some very good things about open education. This way of teaching allows the students to grow as people, and to develop their own interests in many subjects. Open education allows students to be responsible for their own education, as they are responsible for what they do in life. Some students do badly in a traditional classroom. The open classroom may allow them to enjoy learning. Some students will be happier in an open education school. They will not have to worry about grades or rules. For students who worry about these things a lot, it is a good idea to be in an open classroom.

But many students will not do well in an open classroom. For some students, there are too few rules. These students will do little in school. They will not make good use of open education. Because open education is so different from traditional education, these students may have a problem getting used to making so many choices. For many students it is important to have some rules in the classroom. They worry about the rules even when there are no rules. Even a few rules will help this kind of students. The last point about open education is that some traditional teachers do not like it. Many teachers do not believe in open education. Teachers who want to have an open classroom may have many problems at their schools.

You now know what open education is. Some of its good points and bad points have been explained. You may have your own opinion about open education. The writer thinks that open education is a good idea, but only in theory. In fact, it may not work very well in a real class or school. The writer believes that most students, but of course not all students, want some structure in their classes. They want and need to have rules. In some cases, they must be made to study some subjects. Many students are pleased to find subjects they have to study interesting. They would not study those subjects if they did not have to.

1.Open education allows the students to__________.

A.grow as the educated B.be responsible for their future

C.develop their own interests D.discover subjects outside class

2.Open education may be a good idea for the students who__________.

A.enjoy learning B.worry about grades

C.do well in a traditional classroom D.are responsible for what they do in life.

3.Some students will do little in an open classroom because__________.

A.there are too few rules

B.they hate activities

C.open education is similar to the traditional education

D.they worry about the rules

4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.Some traditional teachers do not like it.

B.Many teachers do not believe in open education.

C.Teachers may have problems in open classrooms.

D.The teacher’s feelings and attitudes are important to the students.

5.Which of the following best summarizes the passage?

A.Open education is a really complex idea.

B.Open education is better than traditional education.

C.Teachers dislike open education.

D.The writer thinks that open education is a good idea in practice.



Units 7-8 (B1)


一、1.restore 2.continent 3.damaged 4.official 5.pollution 6.cultures 7.included 8.prepare 9.gestures 10.position

二、1-5 ADCBB



1.C 这是一个细节题。文章第一段中的“This way of teaching allows the students to grow as people, and to develop their own interests in many subjects.”提供了解题信息。

2.B 细节题。参考文章第一段的“They will not have to worry about grades or rules.”。

3.A 细节题。参考文章第二段中“For some students, there are too few rules. These students will do little in school.”这两句话。

4.D 综合判断题。阅读文章可知,其中没有提到D项所述的内容。

5.A 主旨大意题。文章提到了正反两方面的观点,各有道理,说明问题比较复杂。


(一) 必会词

1. 动词:advance, boom, crack, destroy, drag, fight, host, rescue, roar, scare, seize, shake, sink,

strike, struggle, swallow, sweep, touch

2.名词:bookworm, the Big Buddha in Leshan, chance, couch potato, deadline, disaster, fear, fright, fun, look, Mount Emei, note, peanut, seismograph, situation, temple, tower, travel agent,

3.形容词、副词:national, naughty, unforgettable, workaholic

4.其他:above, against, before, behind, below, can, past, upon,

(二) 必会短语、结构

be caught in, have some kind of difficulty with…, for fun, save…from…, on fire, natural disaster, look around, a wall of water, so…that…, think twice, go down, pull up, hold onto, get on one’s feet, fight for, be cold as ice, look into, just around the corner, tree after tree, cut down, must have done, three meters deep, go through, up and down, work out, refer to, shake with fear, seize the opportunity, long before…, go on a holiday to…, far away from, a two-day trip, look up/down at…, take a photo of, in a second, towards evening

(三) 经典范句

1. Your house is on fire but there is still a little girl sleeping in the bedroom on the second floor.

2. Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar.

3. There she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her.

4. However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her.

5. The next moment the first wave swept her down, swallowing the garden.

6. Now, the water, which was cold as ice and flowed faster than a river, was above her knees.

7. There she stopped, listening to the strange sounds, while the whole house moved.

8. Tree after tree went down, cut down by the water, which must have been three meters deep.

9. The garden that was once so beautiful was completely destroyed, swept away by the wild water.

10. The child’s small body shook with fear.

11. It didn’t take long before the wooden building was swallowed by the fire.

12. Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet makes you feel so small.

13. Wei Bin took photos of us standing in front of the Buddha.

14. The monkeys look sweet, but they can be very naughty.



(1)to know again (somebody or something ) that one has seen (or heard, etc) before 认出

I recognized Peter although I hadn't seen him for 10 years.


I don't recognize this word -- what does it mean?


Many fail to recognize that all these things are in danger of denied.


(2)to accept as a fact; to admit承认;认可常用于以下结构:

recognize somebody to do something

recognize somebody as …

We all recognize him to be clever.


We recognize that country as an independent state.


He didn’t recognize that he was wrong.


(3)be prepared to admit or be aware of (something.); realize. 认清(某事);认识到

He recognized his lack of qualifications/that he was not qualified for the post.




I am going to marry John. 我要和约翰结婚了。

(2)词组 somebody be married to somebody表示已婚的状态,这时可以与一段时间连用。例如:

Mary has been married to John for two years. 玛丽与约翰已结婚两年了。

(3)词组somebody get married to somebody表示的是瞬间的动作,不可与一段时间连用。

She got married to him last year. 她去年与他结婚了。

(4)词组 marry somebody to somebody: 使结婚;嫁(女);把…嫁给…

He married his daughter to a businessman. 他把女儿嫁给了一个商人。

The priest married them. 牧师主持他们的婚礼。



How much is this bicycle worth? It's worth £50.




This book is worth reading. 这本书值得读。

This watch is worth repairing. 这只表值得修理。



The film is very exciting. It is well worth seeing again.


(4)it可以作be worth的形式主语。

It isn’t worth getting angry with him.

=He is not worth getting angry with.


注意:(1)worthy后面要用“介词of + 动词-ing形式的被动式”或者“不定式的被动式”,表示“值得…的”。


This novel is worthy of being read a second time. = This novel is worthy to be read a second time. (这本小说值得再看一遍。)


It is worthwhile reading the novel a second time. ( 这本小说值得再读一遍 )

4.“祈使句 + and /then /or /otherwise + 陈述句”结构的用法:



Work harder and/then you will succeed in your studies. (注意:此句中and和then只能用一个,不能一起使用。)

=If you work harder, you’ll succeed in your studies.


Study hard, or/otherwise you’ll fail in your exams.

=If you don’t study hard, you’ll fail in your exams.

1.accept, receive与take的区别:

receive, accept, take这三个词都有“接受”的意思。



Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra £100 a year!


If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!


A baby can only receive sense impressions, but it does not understand them.




Please accept my apologies. 请接受我的歉意。

The villagers have told him that they will not accept the inn even if he gives it away.


She has received his present, but she will not accept it.


There is no accepted theory to explain the phenomenon.




Did you take his advice? 你接受了他的建议了吗?

He takes anything he is given. 给他什么他就要什么。



The hotel is now open to receive guests. 这家旅馆现在开业接待客人了。

2.after all, above all, at all, in all

(1)after all: 置于句首时表示提醒对方注意,常翻译成“别忘了”;置于句末时表示“与预料的情况相反”。


Don’t be too strict with him. After all, he is only a child.


I thought I would fail in the last exam, but I passed, after all.


Above all, I love taking a walk every evening.


(3)at all:常用于否定句和疑问句,表示加强语气。常翻译成:“根本、丝毫”等。


I'm not at all sorry I came, I'm glad! 我来了一点也不遗憾,我很高兴。

There was nothing at all to eat. 根本就没有什么东西吃。

Are you at all worried about the forecast? 你对这项预报不担一点心吗?

There were twelve of us in all for dinner. 我们一共12人吃饭。

1.I’d rather not tell you.

注意:somebody would rather do something表示“某人宁愿做某事”;它的否定句表示“某人还是别…”。


I would rather go there by bus. (我宁愿坐公共汽车去那里。)

I would rather not sit there doing nothing. (我不愿坐在那里什么都不做。)

2.on’t touch anything, unless your teacher tells you to.

unless引导的从句有时可以和if引导的否定条件句互换,此句可以改成:…, if your teacher doesn’t tell you to. 另外要注意句末的to后省略了touch something。


I won’t go with you unless you tell me who will be with us.


3.here’s no doubt that 100 years ago animal testing was cruel but today animals in experiments are very well taken of.

此句中There’s no doubt that…为固定句型,意思是“毫无疑问”。


There is no doubt that he is our model in work. 毫无疑问,他是我们工作中的模范。

情态动词must, can/could, may/might表示推测、猜测、可能的用法。



The new term has just started. She must be very busy preparing her lessons.


They can’t be at home now. It is now 10 o’clock. They must be in the office.




It can be true.


Watching TV for a long time can damage your eyes.




George hasn’t come yet. He may/might/could busy today.


I can’t see clearly. There may/might/could a person in the darkness.


[考点] 考查情态动词can的用法。

[考例1] How ______ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article? (上海,29)

[解析] A can用于疑问句或否定句中表示惊异、不相信等,意思是“可能、能够”。在此句中,can表示惊异的感情色彩。

[拓展] “can”表达一定的感情色彩的句子在口语中是很常见的。


How can you say that? After all, you are a student now, and you should study hard.


[考点] 考查表“发生”的词组的用法区别。

[考例2] An accident ___________ in the street. ____________ happened to me that I was on the spot.

A.took place, It B.happened, That C.happened, It D.broke out, That

[解析] C 本句牵扯到表示“发生”意义的词组的区别。Take place表示“必然、自然地发生”;happen表示“意外发生”;break out表示“(火、战争、瘟疫等)爆发”。从第二个句子的结构来看,that引导的从句为真正的主语,前面用形式宾语it来代替。所以选择答案C。

[考点] 本题考查推测结构的否定用法。

[考例3] –I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.(NMET北京,31)

--It ________ true because there was little snow there.

A.may not be B.won’t be C.couldn’t be D.mustn’t be

[解析] C couldn’t be true表示“这件事不可能是真的”。“There was little snow”说明了原因。

[考点] 本题考查否定转移时反意疑问句的用法。

[考例4] Maybe you’ve made a mistake. I don’t think he knows you, _________?

A.don’t you B.do I C.does he D.doesn’t he

[解析] C I/we don’t think后面跟宾语从句时,出现了“否定转移”现象,其反意疑问句应该根据从句来变。


1.They c_______ you just to get in the night club.

2.The operation p_______ a complete success.

3.The work is so important that you must be careful enough not to make any mistake. Even a small one may c______ you your job.

4.All schools are under the c_______ of the Ministry of Education.

5.He earned 200,000 dollars in only one month. Of course he was a s____________ businessman.

6.Sometimes a few words of c_____ to the one who has just failed may encourage him to stand up.

7.This new model is of high _________ (质量)and is not expensive either.

8.According to the weather report, the weather will ________(继续) fine till this weekend.

9.At the end of an hour's play the ________(优势) lay definitely with him.

10.I am ________(肯定) that I gave you his address.


1.Let’s keep to the point or we _______any decisions. (NMET I)

A. will never reach B.have never reached

2.–Isn’t that Ann’s husomebodyand over there? (NMET 2004 I)

--No, it __________ be him. I’m sure he doesn’t wear glassed.

A.can’t B.must not C.won’t D.may not

3.The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics ________ by . (北京卷 2004)

A.has been completed B.has completed

C.will have been completed D.will have completed

4.–Who’s that speaking?

--Mathilde Loisel.

--Mathilde! Oh, yes. Sorry. I __________ your voice.

A.didn’t know B.don’t know C.didn’t recognize D.don’t recognize

5.Of all the books on the desk,________ is of any use for our study. [06 四川卷]

A.nothing B.no one C.neither D.none

6.Listen! There’s a lot of noise from next door. They _________ a party.

A.could have had B.must be having C.should have had D.can be having

7.“Put that away _________ it’s broken.” Mum said angrily when Johnny played with the precious vase.

A.unless B.before C.once D.until

8.______ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.

A.Founded B.Founding C.Being founded D.It was founded

9.The police tried to find the _______ child. But without ________ luck, they didn’t find him.

A.lost, a B.missing, / C.losing, a D.missing, /

10.It started _______ and I was beginning _______ how important his decision was that I should take an umbrella.

A.to rain, to realize B.raining, realizing

C.raining, to realize D.to rain, realizing


George Pickens had been making a wish daily as a worker at Central Bank.

All over the country banks were being (1) . George thought, (2) this bank? Didn’t robbers hear of its four-million-dollar (3) ? Were they afraid of Mr. Ackerman, the old (4) guard, who hadn’t (5) his gun in twenty-two years?

Of course George had a(an) (6) for wanting the bank to be robbed. (7) , he couldn’t simply take bills that were under his (8) all day long. So he had thought of another (9) to get them. His plan was (10) . It went like this:

If Bank Robber A holds up Bank Teller B…

And if Bank Teller B gives Bank Robber A a certain sum of money…

What is to prevent Bank Teller B from (11) all the money left and (12) that it was taken away by Bank Robber A?

There were only one (13) . Where was Bank Robber A?

One morning George entered the bank. “Good morning, Mr Burrows,” he said (14) . The bank president said something in a (15) voice to George and went into his office.

At two o’clock Bank Robber A walked in. George (16) he was a bank robber. For one thing, he stole in. For another thing, he wore a mask(面罩).

“This is a holdup,” the man said (17) . He took a gun from his pocket. The (18) made a small sound. “You!” the bank robber said, “Lie down on the floor!” Mr Ackerman lay down. The robber stepped (19) to George’s cage.

“All right,” he said. “Hand it over.”

“Yes, sir,” George reached into his drawer and took all the bills from the top part close to six thousand dollars. He passed them through the window. The robber took them, put them into his pocket, and (20) to leave.

Then, while everyone watched Bank Robber A, Bank Teller B calmly lifted off the top part of the drawer and got the bills from the bottom part into his pockets.

1. A.repaired B.broken C.robbed D.built

2. A.Why not B.What about C.How about D.How is

3. A.money B.capital C.note D.bill

4. A.door B.body C.safety D.bank

5. A. pulled out B.got C.carried out D.kept

6. A. chance B.eason C.excuse D.time

7. A.Of all B.In all C.Above all D.After all

8. A.hands B.desks C.drawer D.control

10. A. perfect B.complete C.easy D.simple

11. A.robbing B.stealing C.keeping D.taking

12. A.telling B.thinking C.insisting D.imagining

13. A.secret B.problem C.thing D.puzzle

14.A.cheerfully B.calmly C.anxiously D.eagerly

15. A.loud B.low C.big D.worrying

16. A.trusted B.recognized C.supposed D.knew

17. A.angrily B.roughly C.firmly D.politely

18. A.robber B.manager C.guard D.customer

19. A.on B.above C.through D.over

20. A.turned B.decided C.signed D.drew

一、1.charged 2.proved 3.cost 4.control 5.successful 6.comfort 7.quality 8.continue 9.advantage 10.positive


1-5 CABDD 6-10 BDACD 11-15 CCBAB 16-20 DBCDA

1.C 从全文看来,整篇围绕着抢银行而展开, A. repair修理;B. “破坏”;D. build,建立,均不合题意。

2.A George作为Central Bank的一个员工,所惊奇的是在全国的银行都被抢劫时,为什么独独他所在的银行没有被抢。

3.B capital “资本,资金”,与题意相符。

4.D 在银行,明显为 bank guard,与前文一直提到的rob相照应。

5.A pull out “掏出,拔掉”。这家银行没有被抢劫,难道是因为他们害怕这个二十年没有掏出枪的老保安?

6.B reason 原因;上文说George想让银行被抢,下文便介绍他这种想法出现的原因。

7.D after all “毕竟”; B. in all 总计;C. above all “首先”。George 想得到所有的钱,显然是不可能的,表示退一步来说的,只有选择D。

8.A under one’s hand “在某人指示下,受某人支配、掌握”。

8.C 靠正常工资难以满足George,所以他想到另一条获得大钱的方法。所以是another way。

10.D 从后面的意思看,他的计划应该是“simple”。

11.C “keep something + done”“使…处于某种情况下”。

12.C insist“坚持”,表示强调。

13. B “万事俱备,只欠东风”。George所考虑的步骤有一个仅有的“问题”,即“Where was Bank Robber A?”

14.A cheerfully “欢悦地,高兴地”,与George当时的心情相配,他考虑了整个计划,想着马上就能实现多钱的梦想,自然高兴异常。

15.B in a low voice“以极低的声音”。

16.D 从下文,那个人破门而入,并戴着面罩,他“知道”是个robber,是断定。

17.B roughly“粗鲁地,粗暴地”,正符合robber的身份,符合语言环境。

18.C 显然与robber相对的,guard的作用突显出来。

19.D step over to 表示动作的趋向。

20.A turn to “转身”。Robber抢了钱,肯定是转身离开,扬长而去。


1.be used for 被用于… be used as 被用作…

2. It depends. 要看情况而定。


3. live life on the go 过着忙碌的生活

4. on the go 忙忙碌碌的; 四处奔走

5. make it possible for sb to do sth 使得某人做某事成为可能

6. throughout the world 遍及世界

7. more than 不仅, 多于;

no more than 仅仅; 只不过

not more than 少于, 不足

8. add to 增添;增加 add…to… 给…增加…

add up 加起来 add up to 加起来总共是

9. remind sb of/about sth 提醒某人某事

remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事

remind sb of doing sth 提醒某人已做过某事

remind that...

10.have an appointment with sb. 和…有预约

keep /break one's appointment 守约/违约

make an appointment with sb. 和…约定

by appointment 按约定

11. obey /break the rules 遵守/违反规定

12. agree (not) to do sth

agree that sb can/will do sth

agree with; agree to; agree on

13. dare not do = don't dare to do 不敢作…(同need)

14. take sth/sb away from… 把….从….带/拿走

14. stay/keep in touch with sb.; /keep track of

be in touch with 与…保持联系

get in touch with 与…取得联系

lose touch with 与…失去联系

be out of touch with

15. call for help 求救

16. in case (of an emergency) 万一; 以免

in case +从句 万一

17. do whatever he wants to do 想干什么就干什么

whatever 和 no matter what 区分


18. according to 根据

19. the negative/positive effect of ….的负面/正面影响


20. take over 接管

21. (in) the way that/in which… …的方法

The few surviving human beings are being used (in) the way (that) we use machines today.

22. break down 出故障

23. dream of/ about 梦见;梦想

24. fail to do sth; fail in doing sth 没能做到…

succeed in doing sth 成功的做某事

be successful in doing sth

25. force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事 oblige sb to do sth

by force 靠武力

26. come up with 想到; 提出

27. take steps /measures/action to do sth 采取措施

28. look up the words in the dictionary 在字典上查单词

29. go for a job interview 去面试找工作

30. unite as one 团结一致

31. hand in one's homework 交作业

32. suffer a serious defeat 遭惨败


33. be based on 以…为基础

34. take …apart 把…分解 =separate


35. on the way 在路上 on one’s way to 在去...的路上

in the way 妨碍;挡道 in a way 在某种程度上

by the way 顺便问一下 (in)this/that way 这样

in the same way 用同样的方法

in different ways 用不同的方法

in no way 决不;一点也不

the way to do/of doing sth 做...的方法

the way (that/in which)定语从句

make one’s way to 朝...走去

all the way 一路上;从头至尾

by way of 经由;通过...的方法

way of life 生活方式

36. so far 到目前为止

37. We are still a long way from being able to do sth.

=It will take us a long time to be able to do sth.

38. It is possible (for sb) to do sth

It is likely/possible/probable that...

Sb is likely to do sth.

39. The more we know, the more we can imagine.

越..., 就越....

The more you listen to English, the easier it will become.

The longer you live in this place, the less you will like it.


Aims and demands:

1. Develop the Ss’ listening ability .

2. Grasp the usage of the language points:

at the doctor’s , take a look,, knock into fell over

It feels a bit tense .

That sounds very interesting.

Difficulty: Ask the Ss to make a dialogue between the doctor and a patient.

Teaching methods: listening, speaking, practicing

Learning method: How to listen smartly

Teaching aids: tape recorder, some slides


Step 1. New words:

T: How many gold medals did the Chinese players win?

There are a lot of international champions in China in the Olympic Games.

The two of whom are gymnasts . Who are they ?

Ss: They are 李小鹏 and 刘璇 .

T: Li is an international champion on the double bars.

Liu is an international champion on the beam.

And also the whole Chinese gymnastic team have won the gold prize.

T: Today we are going to learn “ Gymnastics” .

Do you know what pieces of equipment are used in gymnastics ?

rings , beam, high bar, high-and-low bars, double bars, beam, “horse”(side horse / pummelled horse(鞍马) , vaulting horse(跳马))

T: Do men and women , boys and girls do the same kinds of exercises?

------- Men perform on the rings, on the double bars, on the high bar, and on a type of “horse” with our legs which has two handles fixed to the top surface.

While women perform on the high-and-low bars, one of which is higher than the other, and the beam, which is a length of wood only four inches wide which is fixed at a height of 1.20 meters above the ground.

Listen to the tape and choose the correct answers:

1. Sharon is a gymnast. She is ______.

A. at the teacher’s B. at the doctor’s C. at her friend’s D. at home

2. Something is wrong with Sharon’s ______.

A. left leg B. right shoulder C. left shoulder D. right leg

3. Sharon hurt herself when she was _____.

A. doing some exercises B. finishing some exercises

C. on the high-and-low bars D. jumping

4. The change between ___ temperatures makes the blood move and the damaged parts begin to repair themselves.

A. hot and cool B. warm and cool C. cold and cool D. hot and cold

5. At the end of the week, throw the frozen peas away. They _____ to eat.

A. will be fit B. won’t be fit C. would not like D. would like to

Step 4. Read by themselves and answer the questions;

2. What’s wrong with her? ---- Something is wrong with her left shoulder.

3. How did she hurt her shoulder? ---- While she was doing gym.

4. What kind of treatment did the doctor advise her to use? ----- to use the hot-cloth-and-frozen-peas treatment.

5. How often does she have to take this treatment? ---- twice a day for a week

6. Do you think that this interesting treatment is effective? ----- Yes.

7. Have you ever used the hot-cloth-and-frozen peas treatment? ---------

What treatment does the doctor tell her to do?

---- To use the hot-cloth-and-frozen-pea treatment.

Step 4. Reading and find out the language points

3. It feels a bit tense.

4. knock into sb.

Can you knock the nail into the wall?

The boy ran for the ball and knocked into a man.

He walked in the dark and knocked into a tree.

He slipped into a banana skin and fell over.

7. That sounds very interesting.

8. fit to eat:

Make up a dialogue between the two---- one is a doctor and the other is a patient

Patient: Says what the problem is

Doctor: Makes one or more comments and then gives some advice

P: Yes, I can’t sleep well.

P: Can you give me some medicine so that I can have a good sleep?

D: What can I do for you?

P: I’ve got a pain here. My left shoulder hurts.

D: Let me have a look at it.

P: Oh, I feel terrible.

D: Mmn, I see. It feels a bit tense, but it’s nothing serious.

P: Shall I take any medicine?

D: Yes. Take this medicine, two pills a time, three times a day. And try to use the hot-cloth-and-frozen peas treatment.

When a patient comes in what will the doctor say?

What can I do for you?

How can I help you?

What seems to be the matter?

Can I help you?

What will the patient say?

I’ve got a pain…

I’ve got a headache and a cough day and night.

I’ve got a temperature and all my bones ache.

I feel terrible.

I hurt my leg while I was….

I don’t feel well.

Then what will the doctor say?

Let me take a look at it / you.

Let me feel your pulse.

Left me take your temperature.

Oh, I see. It’s nothing serious.

Have a good rest and you’ll ..

You’ll be all right / well better soon.

Take this medicine / two pills a time, three times a day.

Aims and demands: Develop the Ss’ reading ability and have a good understanding of the text

Difficulty and importance: Have a deeper understanding of the text

Teaching methods: Reading and listening and discussion

Teaching aids: a tape recorder and some slide shown


What kinds of equipment are used in doing the gymnastic exercises?

As we know from the dialogue , Sharon hurt her left shoulder while doing some exercises on the high-and-low bars. So while you are doing gym, you should be more careful.

Now look at the pictures and tell :

Where are the gymnasts doing exercises / performing? ( P 51)

Ss: He is performing on the high bar.

He is performing on the double bars.

He is jumping / performing on a “horse”.

She is performing on a beam.

Listen to the tape of Lesson 34 and tell whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Olympic competitions started in Greece. T

2. Modern gymnastics began in the 18th century. F

3. If you want to become a top gymnast, it is important to start when you are 14 or 15 years old.F

4. Boys win Olympic gymnastics medals usually between the age of 19 and 25. T

5. Both boys and girls perform on the rings, on the double bars, on the high bar and so on. F

6. Only girls perform on the high-and-low bars. T

7. Only boys do floor exercises on the mat. F

8. Make sure you put on some watches, rings, and necklaces before you start. F

9. Ww simple safety measures to follow while ( you are ) training.

8. Follow : a) to take or accept 遵守,采纳,听从

follow the teacher’s instructions

You are speaking too fast and we can’t quite follow you.听懂

Follow the path and you will see the cinema.

She followed me into the classroom.

e) following can be used together with “the” , it means “next”

in the following year=== next year

highly: to a high degree 高度的,非常的

eg: Advertising is a highly developed twentieth-century industry. 高度发达的

He is a highly skilled worker. 非常熟练的


1. be content to do sth. 满足干…… 满意做……

They each have a computer on the desk.

Each of them has a computer on the desk.

4. glance at : look quickly at / give a quick at

5. be busy doing sth.

They are busy training in the gymnastic.

We had been bus preparing for the mid-term examination.

The first thing …. . was to go up her trainer and thanked her.

句中两个作表语的不定式 go up to 和 thank her for 都省略了 to ,这是因为主语有定语从句 she did 来修饰的缘故.

一般地说,解释 do 的精确意思的分句,可以用不带 to 的动词不定式.


What we want to do now is ( to ) lie down and rest.


What I did was ( to ) give him a little push.


What a dictionary does is ( to) help the students to find out the meaning and the usage of new words.


Correct the mistakes if any. ( Lesson 34~35)

1. It was in Greece where the Olympic competition started. ( that )

2. It was in 1811 when an outdoor gymnastics center for men was opened in Berlin. (that)

3. There are also records of gymnastics performing in China. ( being performed/performed)

4. My bike is repairing . ( being repaired)

5. He didn’t mind leaving at home alone . ( being left )

6. Being lost can be a terrifying experience. (true )

7. Dance is an important part of training as it prepares they for the types of movements required in gymnastics. ( them )

8. The students are preparing the exam. ( add for )

9. In competitions women perform some of their exercises with music. ( to )

10. Men usually gained Olympic gymnastics medals between 19 to 25. ( won, between…and)

11. The gymnasts should hold a position steady, keep their balances while doing a handstand. (balance)

(steady adj, adv. Steadily adv. )

12. Training by yourself in a gym can be high dangerous. (highly )


Advertising is a highly developed twentieth century industry.


He is a highly skilled worker.

Replace the following underlined phrases with the phrases in L35.

13. She is satisfied with her present job.

be content with sth.

be content to do sth.

14. In a word , she gave a good performance and landed neatly and steadily. (In all / all in all)

15. She gave a quick look at the judge. ( glanced at )

16. What we want to do now is lie down and rest. ( true )


What a dictionary does is ( to) help the students to find out the meaning and the usage of new words.

Correct the mistakes if any. ( Lesson 34~35)

1. It was in Greece where the Olympic competition started.

2. It was in 1811 when an outdoor gymnastics center for men was opened in Berlin.

3. There are also records of gymnastics performing in China.

4. My bike is repairing .

5. He didn’t mind leaving at home alone .

6. Being lost can be a terrifying experience.

7. Dance is an important part of training as it prepares they for the types of movements required in gymnastics.

8. The students are preparing the exam.

9. In competitions women perform some of their exercises with music.

10. Men usually gained Olympic gymnastics medals between 19 to 25.

11. The gymnasts should hold a position steady, keep their balances while doing a handstand.

12. Training by yourself in a gym can be high dangerous.

Replace the following underlined phrases with the phrases in L35.

13. She is satisfied with her present job.

14. In a word , she gave a good performance and landed neatly and steadily.

15. She gave a quick look at the judge.

16. What we want to do now is lie down and rest. ( true or false ?)

Exercises for Unit 9 ---3A DCABB CBB

1. ___ him and then try to copy what he does. (99)

A. Mind B. Glance at C. Stare at D. Watch

2. The little boy runs for the football and ___ a man standing there.

3. I cheered do loudly at the match that I completely ___ my voice.

A. lost B. missed C. forgot D. left

4. --- Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?

--- I don’t know. But this is the last time. The fans ___ them to win whole – heartedly.

A. hope B. require C. prefer D. demand

5. It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages ___ attracted the audience’s interest.

A. so that B. that C. what D. in which

6. It was for this reason __ her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village. ( S)

7. It is the ability to so the job ___ matters not where you come from or what you are. (2000)

8. It was not ___ she took off here dark glasses ___ I realized she was a famous film star. (92)

Correct the mistakes: (for Unit 9 --- 3A )

It was Sunday and Zhou Lan was going 1.____

to take part in the first gymnastic compe-

tition. As soon as her competition started, 2.____

she tried her best and did good in per- 3.____

forming on three pieces of equipments 4.____

as well as on the floor. Now the time came

to her performance on the high -and-low 5.____

bars. She stands below them and waited. 6.____

When the judge nodding, she began . 7.____

She jumped upwards, caught the high bar

in two hands and did a neat circle . 8.____

Altogether,she performed wonderful and 9.____

landed nearly and steadily on the floor. Then

came the results. Victory for Zhou Lan!

1. true 2. her--- the 3. well 4. equipment 5. to – for 6. stood 7. nodded 8. in – with






Little Tom prefers coffee to tea. 小汤姆喜欢咖啡胜过茶。

He preferred swimming to skating. 他喜欢游泳胜过滑冰。

(2)prefer后面接不定式时常与rather than 或者instead of连用,意思是“宁愿做某事而不做某事”,rather than后面的不定式可以加to,也可以省略。例如:

He preferred to die rather than (to) steal. 或者 He preferred to die instead of stealing.


I prefer to work rather than (to) sit idle. 我宁愿工作而不喜欢闲坐。



I am considering going abroad. 我正在考虑出国。

The court would not even consider his claim for the old man's legacy.



consider somebody / something to be / to have done …

consider + n. + adj.

consider + it + adj. / n. (+ to do / that clause)

consider + that clause

I consider it a great honor. 我认为这是极大的荣幸。

We consider that the driver is not to blame. 我们认为这不是司机的过错。

He is considered to have broken the window. 有人认为是他打碎了窗子。

We all consider him loyal to friends. 我们都认为他对朋友忠诚。

I don’t consider that it will turn out fine this afternoon.



all things considered: 全面地考虑。在句中作状语,用于概括或者总结。

All things considered, our old car is no good, so we should buy a new one now.



Considering how sick he is, he should go to see the doctor.


3.The population in and around San Francisco is now ten times more than it was in 1906.


(1)A is three(four, etc.) times bigger(higher, longer, wider, etc.) than B. 意思是:A比B 大(高、长、宽等)三(四…)倍。例如:

Their classroom is three times bigger than ours.


The Pearl River is five times longer than this one.


(2)A is three(four, etc.) times as big(high, long, wide, etc.) as B. 意思是“A的大小(高度,长度,宽度等)是B的三(四)倍”。例如:

Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。

He is twice as tall as an ordinary man.


(3)A is three(four, etc) times the size(height, length, width, etc.) of B. 意思是“A的大小(高度、长度、宽度等是B的三(四)倍”。例如:

The new building is four times the size of the old one.


This tree is twice the height of that one. 这棵树是那棵树的两倍。


1.one 、the one 、that 、it的区别:



I am looking for a house and I like one with a garden.


I can’t find my hat. I think I must buy one.


There is a young man and some old ones in the house.


(2)the one:用来代替同类事物中特指的另一个。例如:

I like the recorder better than the one I bought last year.

与去年我买的那个录音机相比,我更喜欢这一个。(这时,the one 和that可以互换)


The population of China is larger than that of any other country in the world.


I have a very good TV set. It is very large and beautiful.

2.take place, happen 与break out的区别:




That accident happened at the corner.


I happened to meet him in the street.?

=It happened that I met him in the street.


(2)take place指“发生”,可以是有计划地安排,也可以是无计划或者安排。例如:

When will the ceremony take place? 仪式什么时候举行?

A strong earthquake took place. 一场强烈地震发生了

(3)break out指“(火灾、战争等)突然发生、爆发”。例如:

The war broke out between the north and the south. 南北战争爆发了。

Fire broke out in the neighborhood last night.



1.Where would you prefer going?

I would prefer to do something.

I prefer to do something rather than do something.


2.Is anybody seeing you off?

这是一个现在进行时态表示将来的句型。值得注意的是并非所有动词都可以用此结构,常用此结构的动词有:come, go , leave, start, return, see, stay等等。

3.Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar.



Before I could get up from my bed, the general gave me a telephone call and told me to start at once.

4.It didn’t take long before the wooden building was swallowed by the fire.



It will take long before we can get the key.





(1)表示说话人说话时 正在发生的事情。

We are waiting for you.



Mr. White is writing his new book.


(3)表示动作的渐变。常可以用此用法的动词有:get, grow, become, turn, run, go, begin等。

The leaves are turning green. 树叶正在变成绿色。

(4)现在进行时 与always, constantly, forever 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。

You are always changing your mind.


He is always bothering me. 他老是打扰我。

(5)某些动词的现在进行时形式可以用来表示将来,意思是:”意图“、”打算“、”安排“、常用来指人。常用词为 come, go, start, arrive, leave, stay等。

They are starting to learn English tomorrow.



1.定语从句(Attributive Clauses)在句中起定语的作用,修饰一个名词或代词,有时还可以修饰整个主句。被修饰的词叫做先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出。


(1)who, whom, that代替的先行词是指人的名词或代词:

Is he the man who/that wants to see you?


He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday.


(2) whose 既可以指人又可以指物,只用作定语;若指物,它还可以同of which互换。


They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down.


Please pass me the book whose (of which) cover is red.


(3)which, that 所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等,


A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。(which / that在句中作主语)

The package (which / that) you are carrying is very heavy. 你拿的包很重。(which / that在句中作宾语)

2.关系代词不能用that的情况 :

(1) 在引导非限定性定语从句时。指人只能用who/whom/whose,指物只能用which/whose。例如:

The tree, which is four hundred years old, is very famous here.


The story, which my brother told yesterday, is very interesting.


(2) 介词后不能用that,指人只能用whom/whose,指物只能用which/whose。例如:

We depend on the land from which we get our food.


We depend on the land that/which we get our food from. (当介词在句末时,that和which可以互换)


(1)在there be 句型中,只用that,不用which。

Long long ago, there was a small village that was located at the foot of a mountain.


(2)不定代词,如:anything, nothing, the one, all, much, few, any, little等作先行词的时候,只用that,不用which。

All that is needed is a supply of oil.


Finally, the thief handed everything that he had stolen to the police.


(3)先行词有the only, the very修饰时,只用that。

The book is the only one that I can find in my house.



This is the best food that we can give you.


This is the second time that I have told you to go away.



We talked about the things and persons that we remembered at that time.


【考点透视 考例精析】

[考点] 考查 like与imagine的搭配。

[考例1] The boy likes ___________ himself a flyer and he is always imagining _________ on the moon.

A. to imagine, to be B. imagining, to being

C.to imagine, being D.imagine, being

[解析] C like 既可以接一个动词不定式表示一个具体的动作,也可以接动名词,表示一个一般性的动作;但是imagine后只能接动名词,不能接不定式。所以答案为C。

[考点] 考查动词时态的用法。

[考例2] My dictionary ________, I have looked for it everywhere but still _______ it.

A.has lost, don't find

B.is missing, don't find

C.has lost, haven't found

D.Ahas lost, don't find B. is missing, don't find is missing, haven't found.


[拓展] 注意:表示“某物丢失”时,有以下几种表达方式:

My dictionary is missing/lost/gone.

[考点] 此题考查定语从句的用法。

[考例3] Alice received an invitation from her boss, ________came as a surprise.

A.it B.that C.which D.he

[解析]C此句为非限定性定语从句,不能用 that修饰,而用which.,it 和he 都使后面的句子成为独立的分句,两个独立的分句不能单以逗号连接。且选he句意不通。

[考点] 此题考查条件状语从句的时态。



1.During the summer v____________, we went to the beach to have some leisure(休闲).

2. The poor old man was bitten by a p_________ snake and soon died.

3. She met with many difficulties during her a_____________ to the South Pole.

4. Seeing the famous film star was an u______________ experience for me.

5.She was so thirsty that she s________ a whole bottle of milk.

6. We _________ (认为) that the man standing there is his elder brother.

7. The two principal political parties have ___________(联合)to form a government.

8. The floods were a _________(灾难) in many parts of the world.

9.90% of the houses in that area were _________(毁掉) in the earthquake.

10.I'll have another ____________(机会) to visit the exhibition next year.


1.The weather turned out to be very good, _________ was more than we could expect.

A. what B. which C.that D. it

2. It rained hard yesterday, ____ prevented me from going to the park..

A. that B. which C. as D. it

3.Several weeks had gone by ___________ I realized the painting was missing.

A. as B. before C. since D. when

4. _________ you call me to say you’re not coming, I’ll see you at the theatre.

A.Though B.Whether C.Until D. Unless

5.The flowers _________ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.

A.to smell B.smelling C.smell D.to be smelt

6.Now that she is out of work, Lucy _________ going back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet.

A.had considered B.has been considering

C.considered D.is going to consider

7.Alice returned from the manager’s office, _________ me that the boss wanted to see me at once.

A.having told B.tells C.to tell D.telling

8.My holiday wasn’t of much ________ to me.

A.service B.experience C.benefit D.tip

9. Was it __________ she said or something that she did ________ you were angry at so much?

A.what, that B.that, which C.that, what D.what, which

10.If there were no hungry problem, the people of the world should have ______ in their daily life.

A.a much happier time B.a more happier time

C.the happier time D.much happiest time



A lawyer friend of mine has devoted herself to the service of humanity. Her special area is “public interest law”.

Many other lawyers serve only clients who can pay high fees. All lawyers have had expensive and highly specialized training, and they work long, difficult hours for the money they get. But what happens to people who need legal help and cannot pay these lawyers’ fees?

Public interest lawyers fill this need. Patricia, like other public interest lawyers, gets less money than some lawyers. Because she is willing to take less money, her clients have the help they need, even if they can pay nothing at all.

Some clients need legal help because stores have heated them with bad goods. Others are in unsafe houses. Their cases are called “civil” cases. Still others are criminals(刑事犯罪), and they go to those public interest lawyers who are in charge of “criminal” cases.

These are just a few of the many situations in which the men and women who are publie interest lawyers serve to extend justice(伸张正义) throughout our society.

1.A person who needs and uses legal help is called a _________.

A. lawyer B.client C.citizen D.judge

2. Public interest lawyers serve ___________.

A.the public only B.only stores and houses

C.people who can pay high fees D.people who can pay little or nothing

3.If only the rich could be helped by lawyers, the justice system would be ________.

A.nothing but cheating B.modern

C.fair and reasonable D.in need of no changes

4.Public interest law includes __________.

A.civil cases only B.criminal cases only

C.criminal and civil cases D.wealthy clients’ cases

5.Which of the following is NOT a matter for a civil case?

A.A tenant is turned out from a house.

B. A landlord refuses to fix a dangerous house.

C. A thief is caught by the policemen.

D.A store sells a radio which doesn’t work



Units 3-4 (B1)


一、1.vacation 2.poisonous 3.adventure 4.unforgettable 5.swallowed 6.consider 7.combined 8.disaster 9.destroyed 10.opportunity

二、1-5 BBBDB 6-10 BDCAA



1.B 根据第二段第一句可知,许多律师只为那些提供高额费用的client服务,由此判断出其意思。

2.D 这是一个段落大意理解题。根据第三段可得出此答案。

3.A 这是一个判断题,要求根据自己的常识去判断这句话的意思。其意思是“如果只有有钱人才能得到律师的帮助,那么这种公平制度就是骗人的了。

4.C 见文章第四段,需要帮助的案件被分成两种,即一种是所谓的civil cases,另一种是criminals。

5.C 根据第四段的内容和常识,小偷被警察抓住属于criminals,因此此选项符合题意的要求。



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