






3、Depending on the joy of others, from now on, your own happiness is to be given to yourself.

4、When you get used to one's life, you don't like the world of two people.


6、You fall in love together, he can swim, you can't.

7、It's a pity that the person you like doesn't even have a group photo.

8、Actually, to be honest, I don't want to miss you.



11、You could forget your date’s name or have an embarrassing photograph published.你或许被人抛弃、离了婚,或是被开除,当众出丑,被刻薄的绰号弄得心乱如麻,

12、After you turn around, my heart has been broken in two.

13、Friendship isnt about whom youve known the longest,its about who came, and never left your side. 朋友不是那个你认识得最久的人,而是那个来到你身边后便不再离开的人。






19、The lost lover always knows me best.

20、It is clear to say to give up, tears and instincts are resisted to reason.


21、You say you'll always be with me, but it makes me feel more lonely.

22、Away tears, was a sad eyes; 泪水被忧伤夺出了眼眶;


24、After the night, the feelings are always very much, always think of you.

25、or just have a plain old bad-hair day.也许工作让你痛苦得如坐针毡。

26、Ripetute in un tempo lungo, questo stato d'animo non è stata terminata。

27、We wake up, and we should end the love that we shouldn't exist.

28、The rumor is like a fox odor, and once it's stuck, it can't be wiped out.

29、The Most Beautiful Thing is Loving You。

30、I've never failed to live up to my disappointment.

31、Living simply, others may just live simply.


33、In my solitude of heart I feel the sigh of this widowed evening veiled with mist and rain.——这寡独的黄昏,笼罩着雾与雨,我在我心的孤寂里,感觉到它的叹息。

34、There is no such kind of forever, never change.

35、This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too.

36、Strange, I remember what you said, but you forget it yourself.

37、The most love, not the most suitable for themselves, the most suitable for their own, not necessarily the deepest love.

38、The love world is big, which can hold hundreds of disappointments; the love world is small which is crowded even with three people inside.——原来爱情的世界很大,大到可以装下一百种委屈;原来爱情的世界很小,小到三个人就挤到窒息。

39、Why would I be so sorry when I knew you were doing well.



41、Don't be sorry. I'll be sorry next time.

42、man who has never failed must be a man who has never tried anything.

43、lot of things don't have a long way to go, a lot of people will suddenly leave.

44、am the master of my youth. Don't blame me for going the wrong way, because I choose the way.

45、Vision has no focal length, distance is only separation for us.

46、No man cool call back yesterday。

47、My weak heart can not bear the love of your storm.

48、At this moment, I don't want to start my next relationship with your feelings.



51、There are always people who have taught me to grow up, but the way is not worth my thanks.


53、Those who meet in the sea of people will eventually return to the sea of people.

54、Tears did not lie to the recall you before, loving eyes and tears just good slowly forget。

55、Do not let the regret go to the idea, which ocean, chanting can only be a weeping waste.

56、Although the day is very tired, busy from morning to night at least very substantial, sleep is very solid.


58、have gone through all my life in exchange for the return of your present age.


60、carefully care for our love, but you still leave.


61、Do not belong to your own things, clenched in the hand, will only hurt yourself.




65、What is terrible is not to love the wrong person, but to dare not to love again.

66、You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.

67、Everybody has blue days.那些日子真是惨透了,你觉得心里乱糟糟的、怨气丛生、寂寞、整个人彻底的.精疲力竭。


69、Thanks to the person who hurts you, because he has tempered your mind!

70、use my life happiness as a bet, how do you let me lose.

71、What's good about him? It's worth your red eyes and your forgiveness with a smile.

72、Love is a very good thing, very love very love is very bad.

73、Please cherish the hard won love, don't wait to lose to regret.


75、It is yours forever, not yours nor yours forever.

76、Love is not a competition, it is not a test, it doesn't work as well as it is.


78、How about the quality of a man's life? It depends on what kind of wife he married.


80、The lowest level is that you laugh and I laugh with you.



82、After trying my best, I choose to take things as they are.

83、Wandering thoughts is cumbersome, disrupting the notes of the intercept; 飘零的是繁琐的思绪,打乱了音符的截距;

84、Why are you anxious to let go, so I went to save lost.

85、The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can’t go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.——人若没法忘记对过去的失败和痛苦,便不能活得精彩。一个美好的未来永远在于你能否忘记过去。

86、How can I hide away, the whim of fate。

87、You are the only one who won my favor, and you are the only one who didn't appreciate it.

88、Maybe work is a pain in the butt.你在强大的压力下顶替他人的位置,

89、Whatever the reason, you’re convinced that someone up there doesn’t like you.唉,该怎么办,到底该怎么办呢?




93、Why parents don't always like to play with mobile phones, because the most loved ones are around.


95、Life is bad to a certain extent, because it can't be worse.

96、Time can prove a lot, only can't prove that you love me.

97、think the true love, is constantly to cut back to meet the other side's emptiness.

98、Don't say who you love most, life is long, you can't predict tomorrow.

99、Maturity is not the aging of heart, but the grinning of broken heart.



101、These are miserable days when you feel lousy, grumpy, lonely, and utterly exhausted.那些日子总会让你感到自己的渺小和微不足道,


103、White horse, where did you die! Don't you lose the prince and dare not come to see me.

104、Love words are words you don't believe.But expect others to believe it.

105、Always in the inadvertent year of life, look back the other side, even though the sight is long.

106、Chi è che ha colpito il passante. Chi è nella ruota della vita.

107、No matter how tough the life is,you will eventually find someone who'd make you willing to stay with.——无论生活得多么艰难,最后你总会找到一个让你心甘情愿傻傻相伴的人。

108、There is no rehearsal in life, and every day is live.

109、Life is like a play. There is no feast that does not end. But the feast in the play is better than life.

110、Don't store the sadness in your heart, it will be frozen.

111、You are the person I can say I like without blinking.

112、All brave for so long, fear what, the most painful but dead heart.


114、Vi è l'attesa per Siyi che ha chiamato malinconicamente

115、An optimistic and brilliant smile not only pleasures himself, but also happy with everyone around him.

116、To each new life, don't look back.



119、Knowing your own ignorance is the most reliable way to know the world.

120、Talk about something too much not ugly, dream to the tail awakening it is enough.


121、find some new wrinkles, put on a little weight, or get a huge pimple on your nose.你可能忘记了约会对象的名字,或是有张可笑的照片被登出来。

122、t because of you, I will not be such a worry about personal gains and losses.

123、The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

124、Does not bid good-bye forever, our hand connecting rod walks together.

125、Poor you are so proud that you don't live as well as a dog.

126、Failure is not terrible. What's terrible is that you still believe it.

127、Seriously, it seems that there is no good end.

128、When love has become a lie, why should I force perfunctory.

129、In fact, I've never changed, but I'm just going to take a disguise.



132、All the feelings that can be put in and out freely have nothing to do with love.

133、It's not that I don't love, it's just that my heart is tired.


135、To conquer you with tears will let myself look down on myself.

136、If the mirror to tax, I am afraid that some women will go bankrupt.

137、You’re about to burst into tears at any moment and you don’t even know why.最后,你觉得自己犹如行尸走肉,失去生活目标。

138、You are the fireworks that I am worth watching all my life. Unfortunately, I can only copy them in my memory.

139、The sun is big and warm. There's nothing to be afraid of, right?

140、From then on, I love the world, no favorite, no exception.


141、You might get dumped, divorced, or fired, make a fool of yourself in public, be afflicted with a demeaning nickname,或许只因为你得整天顶着一个其丑无比的发型。

142、Those who have money may not have everything. Those who have time may have everything.

143、I haven't save your feeling, just facing north say goodbye。

144、Thank you for letting me know what hell is like.

145、Doomed to fall in love with you, your heart does not belong to me, whether you can love me again.

146、Hard to find, sweet look back, that person told me a contemptuous disregard.

147、There was once a moment,we misunderstood it was a lifetime。





152、At the end of the movie play who is the sadness, the eyes of you sing is who uneasiness。





157、You didn't give up. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

158、You told me that the promise was a lifetime, but did you make your promise?


160、你可以爱一个人到尘埃里,但没有人爱尘埃里的你。即使你掏心掏肺对他好到极点,最终也只是感动了自己。You can love someone in the dust, but no one loves you in the dust. Even if you pull out your heart and lungs to the utmost good for him, you will only be touched by yourself in the end.


161、It's clear that we won't have a result, but I just can't let it go.

162、Ultimately, you feel like you’re wandering through life without purpose.你不知道自己还可以撑多久,

163、Sorrow is hard enough, let alone hide sadness.

164、The comfort that you can get is the dog who is grateful to the faithful after the lovelorn gets saved.

165、Love, once left traces, you, have been engraved in the heart.




169、You will suddenly feel guilty for me when you love others.

170、The person who praises you behind knows to keep it in his heart. There is little water in it.



173、All the past has long gone with the wind, the youth is in the end is not redeem water.

174、I'm not waiting for you, I'm just waiting for myself to die.

175、The past cannot be changed。 The future is yet in your power。

176、I said its too late to apologize , its too late.


178、Put the missing in the deep, bury it with a smile, and wear it out with time.

179、When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.——当生活给你个伤心的原因,你就还它个微笑的理由。

180、The world is so big, no matter love or friendship, how many fate you have to save together.


181、To what extent do you have to suffer, you are entitled to be pacified.

182、You’re under major pressure to fill someone else’s shoes.不管什么原因,你确定上面有人不喜欢你。

183、I know you will be always here。

184、It's not that I don't want to see you, but I don't know what to say when I see you.


186、You still give up, the girl who gambles with you.

187、There was a feeling of helplessness, a feeling of powerlessness.

188、You can't hold my hand in the night, why love me in the light of the day.

189、From the moment you open your eyes every day, you should say to yourself that today is a beautiful day.

190、Always complain that you don't have time to accompany me, but still don't pay attention, you are always behind me.

191、when everything seems just out of reach.你根本无法振作起来。

192、words can be said, so we choose to bury love.

193、Success is temporary if you are not successful in life, and temporary if you are successful in life.

194、The first time in heart pain is to tear the heart into the lungs, and the second time is to take its course.

195、The story begins with a friend application and ends with a red exclamation mark.


197、don't need any of them.

198、You're still holding on Because you're not desperate enough

199、You’re not sure how much longer you can hang on,然后你想大喊一声:“谁来?把我打死吧!”

200、The stage of life, not every side of the wonderful, but to find the wonderful side.



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