



1、My dear teacher, wish you a happy holiday!


3、Eat grass, squeeze milk, absorb the sun, pour oxygen, teach books, and breed people. This is selfless teacher. May the teachers are happy and healthy.

4、You, the first life has won Tao Li all over China;You, all your lifetime of loyalty to Nanshan pine and cypress; Jiutian with a smile of the old garden peach Li is fragrant.Before Teacher's Day, I wish you a Happy Teacher's Day!

5、You are the fertile soil that cultivates the seedlings. With your help, we grow into a strong tree; you are the hard -working gardener. With your care, we open the brilliant flowers.Teacher's Day is here, we wish you health and happiness!

6、Teacher, you inspire me. I really understand the grace of nature. From then on, I have understood every green leaf, every colorful cloud, every wave.

7、After experiencing storms, I know your preciousness; after successful, I know your greatness -thank you, my respectful teacher!

8、The promise on the wooden board may not be immortal. The vows on the stone may not be eternal, but your name is engraved deep in our soul, a teacher, a happy holiday!

9、It is the sky where you let the kite of knowledge flutter in the heart of the heart, the palace where you let the wisdom light light light up, and you make the happy steed Mercedes in the grassland of dreams.The teacher thanks you for your efforts, and hope your Teacher's Day is happy.

10、Never forget that the hands on the podium, when the chalk is last, the truth floats; never forget, the back of the podium, when the ringtone sounds, the transmission of wisdom.Bless the teacher, a happy holiday!

11、Teacher, in this special day, all the blessings bring our love, through the golden autumn breeze, floating around you.I just wish you good health and happiness!Happy Teacher's Day!



14、Your concern is like the spring breeze, your teachings are like Chunyu Run people, your criticism is like spring Thunder wakes people, your knowledge is like spring soil educating people, loved teachers, Happy Teachers' Day, in this cool golden autumn, wish youYou harvest the Garden Tao Li!

15、Dear teacher, although I can't see you, but whenever I think of you, my heart will pass on a hint of , I can only use mobile phone text messages to express your frequent blessings: Happy Teacher's Day!




19、There is a kind of fate that makes people cherish. There is a kind of gratitude to always pay attention to the bottom. There is a kind of long -lasting thoughts. There is a kind of voice looking forward to seeing you. All the tacit understanding does not need to be passed on. All words are full of blessings: Happy Teacher's Day, always happy!

20、Spring silkworms have never said that they have been proclaimed in their lives, the silver silk that spit out is the ruler of the value of life.The loved teacher, you have never showed off in front of others, but the blooming Tao Li is the highest evaluation of you.



23、I wish the teacher a good mood and be happy!

24、You learn to be rich in five cars, Bogu Tong today, clever and well -behaved, knowing books, understanding, and understanding. You are the most unique in the world!But it was also the unique teacher that he taught such an excellent you.Teacher's Day, I am missing the teacher!


26、Missionary industry, unknown, Wanli Shushan has never been there.There is no horizon, a bitter boat, and the burning teacher is a beacon.Lan Mingyue needs to take the wind, and the teacher sent me nine days.Endless, the teacher is in love, and you do n’t forget your heart.Teacher, happy holidays!

27、Stubborn perseverance can conquer any peak in the world. At that time, you taught bad apprentices. Today I use this to control life.Teacher, you are working hard!



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