




2、The Dragon Boat Festival send you five five: wish you a productive and good harvest; Income, multifarious; A lot of friends, all over the world; Happy is great, colorful; Happiness, five blessings!

3、The origins of dragon boat racing can be traced back to the legend of Qu Yuan.

4、As we celebrate Dragon Boat Festival, let's remember the values of unity, harmony, and respect.

5、Dragon Boat Festival is the silhouette of the remote mountains in the sunset, you still parked in my canvas; Today, but I fear of passing through, the dash away to come tomorrow, and all the details of yesterday, has been broken

6、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to reflect on the beauty, fragility, and resilience of life, and to seek ways to preserve and protect the natural world for future generations.

7、The festival is an opportunity for people to take a break from their busy lives and enjoy some relaxation time.

8、The festival is a time to renew old friendships and make new ones.

9、Sending my heartfelt wishes to everyone on the occasion of Dragon Boat Festival.

10、Happy Dragon Boat Festival! Let's honor the hero Qu Yuan and the legacy he left for us to embrace.

11、Another traditional activity on this holiday is eating zongzi, a type of glutinous rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves.

12、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to come together, enjoy traditional food and participate in cultural activities.

13、Let us take the spirit of the Dragon Boat Festival with us throughout the year, as we work together to build stronger and more united communities.

14、Let's cherish the memories and traditions of Dragon Boat Festival, a day full of culture and meaning.

15、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to celebrate the joy and wonder of life, and to express gratitude for the many blessings that enrich our existence.

16、On this Dragon Boat Festival, let's cherish the values of loyalty, patriotism, and selflessness.

17、Celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival with pride and honor the Chinese heritage.

18、One of the most popular traditions during the festival is the dragon boat race, which symbolizes teamwork, bravery and perseverance.

19、Zongzi is a glutinous rice dish wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves.

20、Let's make the most of this lovely day, and celebrate Dragon Boat Festival with full enthusiasm!

21、The festival marks the beginning of summer in the Chinese calendar.



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