






七年级 英语




第I卷(选择题 共50分)



1. Li Lei has orange. Its color is ________ orange.

A. the; an B. an; / C. /; an D. the; /

2. ______name is Tom. Please call ________Tom.

A. He; my B. I; me C. My; me D. She; I

3. Let’s ________ TV together after school.

A. to watch B. watch C. watches D. watching

4. These are my two brothers. That’s my __________.

A. sister B. sistersC. parents D. grandfathers

5. -When is your birthday ?


A. TenB. Two dollars C. Ten thirty D. June 1st

6. -_________ are the pants?

- They are 180 yuan.

A. How many B. When C. Where D. How much

7. Thank you the letters and photos.

A. in B. at C. to D. for

8. - How do you spell your name, please?


A. P-E-T-E-R, Peter.B. This is Peter.

C. I’m Peter. D. You can call me Peter.

9. -______ is your schoolbag?

- It’s green.

A. Where B. What color C. What D. How

10. 按照字母表先后顺序排列这5个单词: Kate, Bill, John, Sally, Bob.正确顺序是:______

A. Kate Bill John Sally Bob

B. Kate John Bill Bob Sally

C. Bill Bob John Kate Sally

D. Bill Kate Sally Bob John

11. His name is Jim Smith. Jim is hisname.

A. family B. firstC. last D. second

12. I like playing basketball.

A. a B. / C. the D. in

13. - Is this your book?

-. It’s hers.

A. Yes, it’s.B. No, it is.

C. No, it isn’t. D. Yes, it isn’t.

14. I love hamburgers, I can’t eat them much.

A. and B. or C. or D. but

15. May is month of the year.

A. fourth B. five C. the fifth D. the five

16. Call Alice ______ 767671.

A. in B. for C. to D. at

17. -Welcome to our school!


A. Thank you. B. You, too.

C. I like it very much. D. You are good.

18. I have a Chinese book and an English book. The Chinese book is on the English book.

Where’s my English book?

A. It’s on the Chinese book. B. It’s in the Chinese book.

C. It’s under the Chinese book.D. It’s behind the Chinese book.

19. Tom: “Let’s play soccer ball.” Jim: “That sounds boring.”

Does Jim like playing soccer ball?

A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t.

C. Yes, he doesn’t. D. No, he does.

20. Mary has math on Monday. She thinks it’s easy and interesting. She says her math teacher is very good.Does Mary like math?

A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t.

C. Yes, she doesn’t. D. No, she does.



My name is Bill. I get up at six forty in the morning. Then I have breakfast. After breakfast I go to school. We have four classes in the morning. I have lunch at school, but on Sundays I have lunch at home with my family. I often have supper at home. I often help my mother cook. My mother is an English teacher, and she often helps me with my English.


21. Tom is a student.

22. He doesn’t have lunch at home on Sundays.

23. He often helps his mother cook.

24. He gets up at six in the morning.

25. His mother helps him study English.


Here are two pictures.

A man and a boy are in one picture. Who are they? Let me tell you. The man is Mr. White, and the boy’s name is Bill. He’s the man’s son. Now they’re in Bill’s bedroom. We can see some Chinese books on the desk. And on the bed is a shirt. It’s Bill’s. His pants are on it, under his shirt, too.

Now let’s look at the other picture. You can see a woman and a girl in it. The woman is Bill’s mother and she’s in her daughter, Ann’s room. You can see a photo of the Whites on the white wall. Between the windows is a desk. A clock is on the desk. It’s eleven. What’s that on the floor? Oh, it’s Ann’s hat, but it looks like a black cat.


26. In the two pictures, we can see ____________.

A. three peopleB. five people C. four people D. two people

27. Mr. White is ____________.

A. Ann’s fatherB. Ann’s brother C. Bill’s teacherD. Bill’s mother

28. Bill’s pants are ____________.

A. on the bed B. on the desk C. on the floorD. in the desk

29. What color is Ann’s hat?

A. White. B. Red. C. Black. D. Green

30. In Ann’s bedroom, we can see a ___________on the floor.

A. ball &nb





(全卷四个部分,满分100分,考试时间 120分钟)

题 号 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 第四部分 总 分

一 二 三 四 一 二 三 A B C 一 二 三

得 分

第一部分 听力(共四节,满分25分)

第一节 听句子,选出与句子内容相符的图画,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

( ) 1. A. B. C.

( ) 2. A.B. C.

( ) 3. A.B. C.

( ) 4. A. B. C.

( ) 5. A B. C.

第二节 听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

( ) 6. A. You’re welcome. B. Nice to meet you, too. C. Thank you.

( ) 7. A. Good morning.B. How do you do?C. Fine, thanks.

( ) 8. A. It’s mine. B. It’s blue.C. They are books.

( ) 9. A. I’m twelve. B. It’s 9 o’clock. C. They are 10 Yuan.

( ) 10. A. No, I can. B. No, I can’t. C. No, you can’t.

第三节 听对话,选出能回答问题的正确选项,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。每段对话听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


( ) 11. What’s Lucy’s favorite food?

A. Milk. B. Bread.C. Hamburgers.

( ) 12. What does she often like for dinner?

A. Milk and bread.B. Chicken. C. I don’t know.


( ) 13. What does the man want?

A. A book.B. A T-shirt.C. An apple.

( ) 14. What color does he want?

A. Green. B. Black. C. White.

( ) 15. How much is it?

A. Ten dollars. B. Eleven dollars.C. Twelve dollars.

第四节 听短文,完成下列信息表格,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。短文听两遍。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


Comes from 17

Her father is18

Her mother is 19

Favorite food 20

( )16. A. 8 B. 12 C. 7

( )17. A. the U.S.A B. England C. Canada

( )18. A. a driver B. a cookC. a doctor

( )19. A. a teacher B. a nurseC. a farmer

( )20. A. bread B. Chinese food C. hamburger

第二部分 英语知识运用 (共三节,满分30分)

第一节 词语释义 (共5小题 ,每小题1分,满分5分)


( )21. I would like green tea.

A. like B. want C. have D. buy

( ) 22. Lily is a clever girl.

A. smart B. friendly C. beautiful D. good

( ) 23. What do you often do at night?

A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening D. at noon

( ) 24. Kangkang is good at English.

A. good B. does well in C. do well in D. do good in

( ) 25. What can I do for you?

A. Can I help you? B. Can you help me? C. Thank you. D. Sorry.

第二节 单项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)











重点掌握祈使语气的用法,包括表示允许的Can及其当情态动词用的have to do;以及各种可以用在表述规章制度的动词和句型。难点在于情态动词的用法,以及祈使句与它的应答。






*---Don't run in the hallways.

---Sorry,Ms Mendoza.

*Don't watch TV after school.

*Don't go out on school nights.


*Don't talk loudly.

*Do your homework after school!

*Practice your guitar every day.


2.Can for permission,such as:We can do….

We can't do….

Can we do…?

*---What are the rules?

---Well,we can't arrive late for class.

*---Can we listen to music,Alex?

---We can't listen to music in the hallways,

but we can listen to it outside.


*---Can we eat in the classroom?

---No,we can't.

*---Can students wear hats in school?

---Yes,they can.






4.利用本单元所学祈使语气的用法,包括表示允许的'Can及其当情态动词用的have to do,根据常识或观察,为图书馆、生化实验室、语音室、机房、健身房、游泳馆等公共场所制定规章制度或使用规则。



Task One:

Talk about school rules to”feel"Imperatives Goal:Get to know about the structure to express rules Step 1:Talk about the school rules they know/remember Step 2:Look at the picture and read the rules in Section AC 1a,telling the difference between yours Step 3:Add more rules to your school,which you think necessary Task Two:

Listen and find out what Ss can do and what they cannot Goal:Try to understand the rules by listening Step 1:Listen to conversations about the activities and find out what students can do and what they cannot do Step 2:Listen to conversations about the activities and find out what Alex and Christina can do and what they cannot do→Section A(2a/b)

Step 3:Listen to conversations about the activities and find out what rules students break

→Section A(1b)

Step 4:Listen to the different rules that different people have to follow→Section B(2a/b)

Task Three:

Learn to read the signs for rules Goal:Learn about the rules by reading the signs Step 1:Learn about the rules by reading the pictures→Section B1 Step 2:Learn about the rules by reading the signs→Section B(3 b)

Step 3:Talk about the similarities or the differences about the signs between China and abroad Task Four:

Write rules for libraries,labs,computer-rooms,and swimming pools etc.

Goal:Learn to take care of public things Step 1:

Read the letter→Section B(3 a)

Find the rules in the letter Write them down Step 2:

Talk in pairs about the rules for public places,such as libraries,labs,computer-rooms,swimming pools,etc.

Discuss in groups about the rules for these public places Write down what have been talked about/discussed











No. 110 Middle School of Chongqing By Cao Yi

Teaching Goal:

1. General aims:

Talk about jobs.

2. Particular aims:

A. Language Focus.

Talk about jobs and the place where people work.

B. Language goals

(1). What do you do? I’m a reporter.

(2). What does she want to be? She wants to be a sales assistant.

C. Language structures:

(1). What do you do? I am a teacher.

(2). What does he want to do? He wants to be an officer.

(3). Does your father work? Yes, he does.

(4). What does your mother do?

D. Useful words and phrases:

Words: assistant, sales assistant, doctor, reporter, police officer, waiter, bank clerk, star, thief, nurse, money, station, magazine, dinner, dangerous, afraid, late

Phrases: get … from, work for, work hard, call at, school play, evening newspaper, be afraid of

E. Grammar language:

Special questions

F. Learning strategies:

Learn other’s job

G. Interdiscipinary:

Social and communication.

H. Emotion and manner:

Teaching time: 6 periods

Teaching procedures:

Period One (pp19-20)


1. Match the vocabulary: sales assistant. Doctor. Actor. Reporter. Police. Officer. Waiter. Bank clerk. student

2. Master and use: What do you do? What does he do? Does he work in hospital?



1. The vocabulary

2. language: What does she do? She is a doctor.

难点Use the language to ask for the jobs

教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体运用

Step 1

Organization 1’ Organize students to prepare for the class


Ree talk 2’ Talk about the weather and weeks. The student talk about something.

Step 3


15’ 1. Ask students to look at the picture and remember what they can see

2. Find four groups to say the words that they remember. (教师板书,学生说出)

3. Talk about the picture then make a dialogue.

Such as: What is this? It’s a store. What can you see? I can see a sweater. What color is t? It’s green. How much is it? It’s 50 dollars

4. Ask students: What is your father? He is a worker. (Tell them another way of saying:

What does your father do?板书)出示一张人物以及职业的图片,问学生:

Is he a worker? No, he isn’t. What is he? He is a doctor. 或问:What does he do?


Such as: A: What does he do?

B: He is a reporter.

5. Listen to the tape: 1b. 2a. ab.

Listen and number the people (1-3) in the picture above. Listen carefully three times. Point out the picture in activity 2a. Ask who each person is, say, Now work with your partner. Ask and answer questions about the pictures.

Ask ss to close their books and write down the words about the things.

Ask ss to act out in pairs or groups.

Call more students to practice more.

Ask ss about jobs in pairs or groups.





Step 4

Practice 6’ Now, practice the things we have learned.

They can talk about the jobs. Such as: What do you do?

I am a student.

What does your father do?

He is a farmer. 给学生们一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都能有机会来表演。


Step 5

Summary 2’ Words and phrases of this class.

Language: What does he do? What does he want to be? He is a worker. He wants to be a sales assistant. 以提问的形式来进行复习总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会。

Step 6 text 4’ 1、Self check 让学生作后再讲解答案。 多媒体放映

Step 7 Consolidation 4’ In this class, we have learned the sentence:

What do you do? What does he do?

What does he want to be?

Talk about the jobs. Pay attention to the usage of “want” or “wants” 大屏幕显示

Step 8

Homework(1’) Practice The dialogue according to the picture on Page 1. 让学生写出五个询问对方职业的句子。

Period Two (p21)

教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体运用

Step 1

Organization Organize students to prepare for the class

Step 2

Free talk 2’ Talk about the family and the jobs, Such as; My father is a worker, And He works in a hospital The student talk freely

Step 3

Presentation 3’

1. Ask students to make some sentences with these words; waiter. Bank clerk. Reporter. Nurse. Police officer.

2. Look at the picture and match the jobs with the people in the pictures. Such as; I see a lot of money every day. But it’s not mine. I count it for other people match the bank clerk.

3. Let the students practice more and more.

4. They make a conversation to proc-tise the drills.

For example: What do you do?

I help doctors and patients. Some people call us “angels in white”, Can you guess what I do?

5. Pairwork: Practise the conversation on the right. Use the jobs and places in activity 3a.

Where does your sister work? She works at a hospital.

What does your sister work? She works at a hospital.

What does she do? She’s a doctor.

6. Game: Guess the game!

Draw a picture of someone at work.

Can your classmates guess the job?

Just like: Is he a police officer?

No, he isn’t? Is he a waiter?

Yes, he is 1. 叫学生口头造句,用一些有关职业的句子。争取大部分的同学都有回答的机会,多次重复加大练习。

2. 教师边让学生读句子边解释这些句子的意思。

3. 教师边让学生读句子,做到熟练掌握。

4. 采用游戏的形式,让尽可能多同学参与。







Step 4

Practice(6’) Now, practice the things we have learned.

They can talk about the jobs. Such as: What do you do?

Where does he work?

He is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

Is he a police officer? Yes, he is.

No, he isn’t 给学生一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都能有机会来表演 多媒体放映

Step 5

Summary 2’ Words and phrases of this class

Language: What does he do? What does he want to be? He is a worker.

He wants to be a sales assistant.

Where does he work?

He words in a hospital.

Is she a nurse? Yes, she is. 以提问的形式来进行总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会

Step 6

Test 4’ 1、Self check(见后面) 让学生作后在讲解答案 多媒体放映

Step 7

Consolidation 4’ In this class, we have learned the sentence:

Where does he work? He works in a factory.

A bank clerk: I see a lot of money every day. But it’s not mine. I count it for other people.

Talk about the jobs. Pay attention to the usage of “want” or “wants” 大屏幕显示

Step 8

Homework Pratice the dialogue according to the picture on Page 25. 让学生写出五个句子,分别询问职业和工作地点

Period Three (pp22-23)

教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1

Oranization1’ Organize students to prepare for the class

Step 2

Free talk 2’ Oral practice: Games, words that describe jobs, such as exciting, dangerous, boring The students talk about freely

Step 3

Presentation 8’ 1. Let students look at the picture and guess the jobs. The teacher describes the jobs and let students guess what. Ask job does the person have? Where does the person work?

2. Then use explanations and short sample sentences to help students understand what each word means. For example, Exciting means very interesting and very fast-moving.

A police officer has an exciting job.

3. Let students practice. Such as: He is a police officer. It’s an exciting job.

4. Listen to the conversation. What jobs do Betty, Jenny, and Sam want? Then write the jobs below.

5. Listen again. Why are Betty, Jenny, and Sam interested in these jobs? Complete the chart above.

6. Listen to the tape: Listen and number the picture(1-3) below.

Then practise the dialogue.

7. Grammar focus: 1.叫学生口头造句用一些有关职业的句子。争取大部分的同学都有回答的机会,多次重复加大练习。

2. 教师边让学生读句子边解释这些句子的意思。

3. 叫学生口头练习一些有关这方面的句子。

4. 听录音,让学生填写表格,然后再纠正答案。

5. 分组练习,让学生大面积的练习。

6. 让学生朗读Gammar Focus 多媒体放映





Step 4

Practice 6’ 7. Read the newspaper want ads. And fill in the blanks with the correct jobs.

One: Wanted: Do you like to work late? Do you like to work hard? Do you like to meet people? If your answer is “Yes”, then we have a job for you as a …… 给学生一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都有机会来表演。


Step 5

Summary 2’ Words and phrases of this class Language:

本节课主要是听录音来完成各种对话,充分让学生学会职业的文法以及地点的表达法。 以提问的形式来进行复习总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会。

Step 6 test 4’ 1、Self check(见后面) 让学生做后再讲解答案 多媒体放映

Step 7 Consolidation 4’ 在这节课例我们主要听录音然后回答问题,让学生充分练习听力,达到会听、会说然后在自己编对话来练习。 大屏幕显示

Step 8

Homework Read the newspaper more and more. 让学生朗读3A部分的内容。

Period Four (P24)

教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1

Organization 1’ Organize students to prepare for the class

Step 2

Free talk 2’ Oral composition: My parents.

Such as: I have a very happy family.

My father is a worker. He works in a factory. My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. 学生口头作文,让他们把学到的知识系统地用到自己的作文中来。练习关于职业以及工作地点的表达。

Step 3


1. Let the students hurry to read the words they can’t remember.

2. Then the teacher guid the students to go over the words. See how the students have grasped.

3. Ask students to write five new words in their Vocab-builder.

4. Practise: I magine you want one of the jobs at BFS. Write and explain why your are good person for the job.

They don’t have to use real information about themselves-they can imagine that they have the skills needed to do one of the jobs. Remind them that they have to show why they are good for the job.

5. Go over the whole unit, first the words and useful expressions.

Then go over the frills: What do you do? What does he do?

Where does he work? He works in a factory. 1. 学生自测,看看他们急得如何。

2. 在让学生写五个生词填在单词表上。

3. 找工作:以小组为单位讨论。个人介绍推销自己。

4.总复习时,领着学生复习全部单词,争取让每一个学生都能来掌握。 多媒体放映





Step 4

Practice 6’ Now, practice the things we have learned.

They can talk about the jobs. Such as: What do you do?

Where does he work?

He is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

Is he a police officer? Yes, he is.

No, he isn’t

给学生一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都有机会来表演。 多媒体放映

Step 5

Summary 2’ Game: How to find a good job? Discuss and make a dialogue. 以提问的形式来进行复习总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会。

Step 6 test 4’ 1. Self check(见后面)

In this class, we have learned self- 多媒体放映

Step 7


(4’) Check, then go over the whole unit. I think most of the students have grasped them very well. 让学生写一篇作文。 大屏幕显示

Step 8

Homework 1’ Especially the jobs and the places.

Compostion: How to find a good job?

Period Five

Testing (Weekly paper and Nan’an paper)



Unit 3 How do you get to school?】


1.get to school 到校 2.take the subway 乘地铁

3.take the train 坐火车 4.leave for 到……地方去,离开去某地

5.take…to…把……带到…… 6. most students 大多数学生

7. from…to…从……到…… 8.think of 想到,想起

9.ride bikes 骑自行车 10.in other parts of the world 在世界的其他地方

11. how far 多远 (路程、距离) 12.how long多长(时间)

13.take the train to school 乘火车去上学 14.in places 在一些地方

15.go to school by boat乘船去上学 16.on the school bus乘坐校车

17.be different from和……不同 18.one 11-year old boy 一个十一岁大的男孩


1.take +a/an/the+表示交通工具的名词,乘……去某地,是动词短语,在句中作谓语。

He takes the train. take the subway乘地铁 take a walk散步 take a shower洗个澡

take a rest休息一会 take a seat 坐下 take some medicine 吃药

2.by+表示交通工具的单数名词或on/in+ a/an/the/one’s+表示交通工具的单数名词,是介词短语作方式状语。

I get to school by bike. = I get to school on my bike.



Take the bus to school=go to school by bus=go to school on a bus

Drive a car to work=go to work by car=go to work in a car

Fly to shanghai=go to shanghai by plane/air=take the/a plane to shanghai=go to shanghai on a/an/the plane.


reach 给示到达,是及物动词,其后直接接宾语。

arrive in+大地点 arrive at +小地点 后接副词不需介词。

5. It takes sb some money/time to do sth.花费某人多少时间/钱做某事

Sb pay some money for sth 某人为某物花费多少钱

Sb spend some time/money on sth 某人在做某事或某物上花费时间/钱Sb spend some time/ money (in)doing sth Sth cost sb some money 某物花费某人多少钱

6. How far is it from A to B?=How far is B from A?


(1) It’s…meters/miles/kilometers(away)有……米/英里/千米(远)

(2) It ‘s about ten minutes’ walk/ ride. 大约有十分钟步行/骑车的路程。

7have to 后加动词原形,侧重客观的需要,有“不得不,被迫”之意,有多种时态形式,否定式为don’t have to(needn’t)意为“不必”。

Must 侧重于说话者的主观看法,认为有必要或有义务做某事,只有现在时一种形式,否定式must’t意为“一定不要,不允许,禁止”反意词为“needn’t”。

8.感谢用语:Thank you very much , Thanks a lot , Many thanks.

回答感谢用语的句子:That’s ok /all right. 不用谢。You are welcome 不客气。 It is my pleasure./My pleasure./It is a pleasure.不客气、那是我的荣幸。/Don’t mention it。别在意。 It was nothing at all.那没什么。


(一)how 引导的特殊疑问句

1.how 引导的特殊疑问句提问交通方式,其答语分三种情况:

a. take a/an/the+交通工具(单数)

b. by+交通工具(单数)

c. on/in+限定词+交通工具

2. how far 用来提问距离,多远,其答语分为两种:

(1)用长度单位表示:It is five kilometers.

(2)用时间表示:It’s twenty minutes’ walk.

3.how long 用来提问时间,意为多久回答常用“for+段时”。

----How long have you learnt English?

----For 3 years.

how soon 用来提问做完某事还需要多长时间, 常用于将来时态时, 常用“in+时间段”来回答。

――How soon will you arrive in Beijing?

----In 3 hours.


Unit 2 What time do you go to school ?】

1、what time和when引导的特殊疑问句。

(1)对时间提问用what time,也可以用when。询问钟点时用what time,询问日期、月份、年份时用when。

(2)询问做某事的时间时,两者可以互换。 (3)其他询问时间的句子:

What's the time? =What time is it?现在几点了?







C.当分钟为30分钟用half表示,当分钟为15分钟用a quarter。

2、always 总是>usually 通常>often常常>sometime 有时

3、Watch+TV、球赛 “观看,观赏”,特指长时间注视。

See+电影、医生 “看见”,强调看的结果。

Look “看”,强调看的动作,look后接宾语时要用介词at。

Read+书刊、杂志 “阅读”

4、listen to +宾语 6、Take a shower “淋浴” 7、Eat breakfast 吃早餐

5、Go to +地点名词 如:go to school go+地点副词 如:go home


No. 110 Middle School by Cao Yi



本单元主要通过谈论“家庭”的话题,学习“介绍人物、识别人物”,学生学会基本句型Is this/that your /her /his sister? Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t.进一步体会一般疑问句的用法;学会运用指示代词“This /That is my/your /her /his friend. These/Those are my/your /her/his friends.”介绍人物, 学会运用人称代词询问人物Is he/she your sister /brother?。通过以上几个方面的学习, 使学生能够以写信谈论照片、画Family tree的方式来了解家庭成员,学会用英语介绍、识别不同的家庭成员;既能促使学生丁解自己的家庭成员,增进家庭和睦,又能促进学生彼此之间的了解,增进友谊。本单元与第四单元衔接紧密:由本单元人物名词的单复数的学习过渡到第四单元的物品名词的单复数的学习井讨论“Where are the things?”。


Is this/that your/ her//his sister? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

Are these/those your/her/his sisters? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Is he/she your sister/brother? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Are they your/her/his sister? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.


用Personalizing memorizing的学习策略,引导学生学习“介绍人物、识别人物”,进一步体会一般疑问句的用法,学会运用指示代词、人称代伺,培养口语交际的目标,增进家庭和睦,促进学生彼此之间的了解,增进友谊。


重点 难点

1. 复习词汇father mother boy girl brother this that you’re his her friend

2. 学习词汇parents grandfather grandmother grandparents sister these

Those he she they son daughter cousin aunt uncle great photo love soon very much

3. 句型Is this /that /he /she …? Are they/these/those …? 可数名词的单、复数。


本单元的主题是不学习“介绍人物、识别人物”,运用Personalizing 和Memorizing的学习策略,使学生能够以写信、谈论照片、画“Family tree”的方式来了解家庭成员,增进家庭和睦,又能促进学生彼此之间的了解,增进友谊。


采用Personalizing Memorizing和Role playing的学习策略,利用教学图片和制作多媒体课件展开课堂pair work, group work口语交际活动,引导学生学习“介绍人物、识别人物”,进一步体会一般疑问句有用法,学会运用指示代词、人称代词。



Section A用1课时

Section B部分用1课时

Self check及阅读部分用1课时

Section A


Section A (教材P13-15)



Section A主要通过谈论“家庭”的话题,使学生学会“介绍人物、识别人物”的基本句型“Is this/that your/her/his sister? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.”,进一步体会疑问句的用法;学会运用指示代词“This/That is my/your/her/his friend. These/Those are my/your/her/his friends.”介绍人物,学会运用人称代词询问人物。培养识别、判断能力。


采用personalizing和Memorizing的学习策略, 利用教学图片和制作多媒体课件来展开课堂Pair work, Group work口语交际活动, 引导学生学习“介绍人物、识别人物”,进一步体会一般疑问句的用法,学会运用指示代词、人称代饲。







使学生学会Personalizing和Memorizing的学习策略,展开课堂Pair work, Group work口语交际活动,谈论照片中的家人。



制作la部分的插图和人物对话的课件,或自己准备一幅全家福照片(最好是三代同堂),人物以动画片的形式呈现,将听力部分的内容插人,使学生学会“介绍人物、识别人物”的基本句型;同时复习单词father mother boy girl brother this that your his her friend, 学习词汇parents grandfather grandmother grandparents sister these those he she they son daughter


复习单词father mother boy girl brother this that your his her friend, 学会“介绍人物、识别人物”的基本句型及personalizing和memorizing的学习策略。




教师活动 学生活动

1. 利用插图或实物卡片让学生将单词与图中人物相连复习一些单词、学一些生词。然后教师引导学习“介绍人物、识别人物”的基本句型 “This/That is my /your/her/ his friend. These/Those are my /your/ her/his friends.”

2. 让学生听录音,圈出录音中提到的人物。

3.按顺序讨论图中的家庭成员。 1. 将单词与图中人物相连复习一些单词、学一些生词。学习“介绍人物、识别人物”的基本句型“This/That is my/your/her/his friend. These/Those are my/your/her/his friends.”

2. 听录音,圈出录音中提到的人物。

3. 按顺序讨论图中的家庭成员。


教师活动 学生活动

1. 播放2a部分的录音让学生听,引导学生通过听录音熟悉家庭成员的称呼grandfather grandmother grandparent sister brother及姓名,完成2a, 2b部分的教学任务。

2. 引导学生谈论图中人物完成2c部分的教学任务(Is this Jeff? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. It’s Dave.)。

3概括语法点。 1. 听2a部分的录音熟悉家庭成员的称呼grandfather grandmother grandparents sister brother及姓名,完成2a、2b部分的教学任务

2. 谈论图中人物,完成2c部分的教学任务(Is this Jeff? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. It’s Dave.)。



教师活动 学生活动

引导学生填3a中的空, 然后练习3b中的

对话操练句型“Is he/she/ your sister /brother? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.”。 填3a中的空;然后练习3b中的对话, 操练句型“Is he/she/ your sister /brother? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.”。

四、第四教学环节:Group work

教师活动 学生活动

通过谈论从家中带来的照片,使学生学会“介绍人物、识别人物”的基本句型,体会一般疑问句的用法。培养识别、判断的能力。 通过谈论从家中带来的照片,学会“介绍人物、识别人物”的基本句型,体会一般疑问句的用法。培养识别、判断的能力。


Section A的主要内容是:学习家庭人员的称呼名词:mother father parent sister brother grandfather grandmother grandparents friend;指示代词this that these those的用法;主格人称代词I he she they的用法;名词复数形式的构成和用法;复习Yes/No问句及其简单回答。


Unit 3 This is my sister.

Section A

Words: parents grandfather grandmother grandparents sister these those he she they son daughter

Drills: Is this/that your/her/his sister? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

This/That is my/your/her/his friend. These/Those are my/your/her/his friends.

Grammar: Is this/that …? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

This is…. That is ….

These are …. Those are ….


介绍自己的家庭(向同学或朋友):到同学或朋友家里去拜访,和同学或朋友一起欣赏影集。在介绍自己家庭的时候,便会运用所学的句型:This/That is my… He/She is my … These/Those are my … They’re my …;教师也可让学生把照片带到课堂上进行介绍,然后让其他同学进行转述,又可练习所学过的句型:This/That is his/her … He/She is his/her … These /Those are his/her … They are his/her …。




1. This is my friend.__________________________

2. That is his parent. __________________________

3. Is she your sister?_____________________

4. Is this a photo? ________________________

5. No, she isn’t. ___________________________

Keys:1. These are my friends. 2. Those are his parents. 3. Are they your sisters 4. Are these photos 5. No, they aren’t.



Section B


Section B (教材P16~17)





采用Personalizing Memorizing和Role playing的学习策略,先是复习介绍家庭成员的名词;然后谈论照片,复习“介绍家人”的有关句型;再是阅读有关介绍家人的短信,掌握写信的基本格式和方法;最后是让学生自己根据照片学写短信。





复习词汇father mother boy girl brother this that you’re his her friend

学习词汇parents grandfather grandmother grandparents sister brother these those he she they son daughter cousin aunt uncle great photo love soon very much







通过对家谱的了解,掌握家庭成员的称呼并学习如何写介绍家人的短信及设计自己的Family Tree.




教师活动 学生活动



单词“grandfather grandmother sister brother son daughter cousin aunt uncle” 完成1部分的学习要求 1.了解家庭成员之间的关系。


“ grandfather grandmother sister brother son daughter cousin aunt uncle” 完成1



教师活动 学生活动

1. 播放2a部分的录音,引导学生一边听录音,一边勾出所听到的形容词,完成2a部分的教学任务

2. 再播放2a部分的录青,引导学生根据所听到的内容判断录音内容谈



3. 引导学生进行Pair work活动.根据示例谈论2a部分所提到的活动,正确实用家庭成员的称呼,完成2c部分的教学任务

4. 引导学生阅读3a部分的信,要求学生画出信中的人物,熟悉家庭成员的称呼并理解其含义,完成3a部分的教学任务。

5. 引导学生先看全家福,再介绍照片中的人物,完成3b部分的教学任务。要求学生正确使用家庭成员的称呼。

6. 引导学生写出自己全家人的称呼,要求学生正确使用家庭成员的称呼,完成3c部分的教学任务。 1.听2a部分的录音,,边听录音,一边勾出所听到的形容词完成2a部分的教学任务。

2. 再听一遍2a部分的录音,根据所听到的内容,判断录音内容谈论的是哪幅画,完成2b部分的教学任务。

3. 迸行Pair Work活动, 根据示例谈论2a部分所提到的活动, 正确使用家庭成员的称呼,完成2c部分的教学任务

4. 阅读3a部分的信,画出信中的人物, 熟悉家庭成员的称呼并理解其含义,完成3a部分的教学任务。

5. 先看全家福,再介绍照片中的人物,完成3b部分的教学任务。要求正确便用家庭成员的称呼。

6. 写出自己全家人的称呼,要求正确



复习指示代词:this, that, these, those的用法;复习主格物主代词;I, he, she. They的用法;复习Yes/No文具极其简单回答;复习和巩固名词复数形式的构成和用法;学习书写英文信件并能用书信介绍自己的家庭。


Unit 3 This is my sister

Section B

Words: parents grandfather grandmother grandparents sister these those he she they son daughter cousin aunt uncle great photo love soon very much

Drills: Thanks for …. This is…. That is…. These are ….

Grammar: this, that, these, those, I, he, she, they


如何书写英文书信:英文书信是一种使用十分广泛的应用文,是学生必须要掌握的知识和技能。本部分初步涉及英文书信的写法。教师可先介绍传统的英文书信的格式和写法,然后再联系到目前一种比较流行的书信形式,也就是e-mail (电子信件),学生比较感兴趣,教学的效果应十分明显。





Self Check


Self Check(教材P18)



复习词汇father mother boy girl brother this that you’re his her friend parents grandfather grandmother grandparents sister brother these those he she they son daughter cousin aunt uncle great photo love soon very much



运用personalizing Memorizing和Role playing的学习策略。在复习教学中,运用听写、提问、对话演练与俭测,促使学生不断地使用所学内容,从而提高他们灵活运用知识的能力。




复习词汇father mother boy girl brother this that you’re his her friend patents grandfather grandmother grandparents sister brother these those he she they son daughter cousin aunt uncle great photo love soon very much











教师活动 学生活动

引导学生进行关键词自我检测,完成自我评估,复习所学的重点词汇,完成l部分的教学内容。 进行关键词自我检测,完成自我评估,复习所学的重点词汇,完成1部分的学习要求。


教师活动 学生活动


2.引导学生根据图画内容完成对话,并复习所学的目标语言,完成3部分的教学内容。 1.在筑词表上进行筑词活动,学会采用各种有效途径记忆单词,为以后的进一步学习提供保障,完成2部分的学习要求。



教师活动 学生活动

引导学生进行Just for fun!游戏活动,复习、巩固所学的Is this/that your/her/his sister? Yes,it is.No,it isn’t.等句型和语法知识。 进行Just for fun!游戏活动,复习、巩固所学的Is this/that your/her/his sister? Yes,it is.N0,it isn’t.等句型和语法知识。


通过单词检测.对话练习和游戏等一系列复习手段对所学知识进行系统而全面的复习和巩固,不仅使学生掌握所学知识,更重要的是灵活运用的能力;同时教授学生personalizing Memorizing的学习策略。


Unit 3 This is my sister

Self check

Words: father mother parents grandfather grandmother grandparents boy girl brother sister friend son daughter cousin aunt uncle this that these those you’re his her she they

Drills: Is this/that-?Yes/No-





My name is Helen. I am twelve. I'm a schoolgirl. I study Chinese. I like Chinese very much.. My family lives in Chicago (芝加哥) . We have four rooms. My family is not his. We are five- grandfather, father, mother, sister and I. My little sister, Jane is only six years old. She doesn’t go to school. My mother is very beautiful and my father is cool. My parents work in Chicago. My grandfather is old and he doesn’t work. I love my family very much.

( )1. Helen is a school girl of twelve.

( )2. There are four people in her family.

( )3. Her sister is also a school girl and she is six.

( )4. Her parents work in New York.

( )5. Helen’s mother is beautiful.

( )6. Helen’s grandfather is old but he still works.

( )7. Helen loves her family.

( )8. Helen studies Chinese in to China.

Keys: 1-5 TFFFT 6-8 FTF


活动内容 采访:了解同伴的家庭和朋友。以一名记者的身份采访你的一个同伴,了解他/她的家庭和朋友。在班主汇报采访过程和结果。



Unit 3 Is this your pencil 掌握本单元的重点词汇;

pencil, book, eraser, box, pencil case, schoolbag, dictionary,mine,yours, game, bag, some, ask, classroom, help?.按要求完成下列各题。

The blue cup is his.(变一般疑问句)____________________________________ This is my book..(改为同义句)______________________________________(3)These are erasers.(变单数句)_________ is _______eraser.(4)Bob is my good friend.(变一般疑问句并作肯定回答)Is Bob _________ good friend? ________,____________.(5)The girl is Jim’s sister.(对划线部分提问)_________ _______ the girl? Step2.课堂呈现

(1)Is that/this??意为“那是/这是??吗?”,读时用升调。它是在陈述句“That/this is?”的基础上,把be动词is 提到句首得来的。


This和that都是指示代词。this表示“这,这个”,用来指代较近处的人或事物;that表示“那,那个”,用来指代较远的人或事物。肯定回答:Yes, it is.否定回答: No, it isn’t.(2)no 和not 的区别:

no作形容词时表示“不,没有”置于名词前。 have no sister.作副词时表示“不”。用于回答一般疑问句。可单独使用,它的反义词是yes.-----Are you Jack?----No, I’m 是副词,表示“不”。常用于be动词.助动词.情态动词之后,帮助构成否定句,不恩能够单独使用。eg She is not a teacher.(3)Excuse me 意为“对不起,打扰一下”,是英语国家的人常在口边的话,可用于很多场合,如指原谅一个人的过失,或提出不同的意见时的客气语。在美国,它常常用于与陌生人开始谈话或打扰别人时表示礼貌的用语。

me, could you tell me where the nearest bus stop is? I’m sorry 和Excuse me 的区别:

I’m sorry 用于对已经发生过的事情感到抱歉,难过。’m sorry, I’m me用于麻烦或打扰别人时,主要用于提醒别人,或唤起他人的注意。 me, where is the menu?(4)thank you for?意为“为??而感谢”是用于表示感谢的表达方式。后面接for短语,是说明感谢的原因。

you for your pencil.=Thanks for your 随堂练习


This is _____(我的) pen is____(她的).--Is this _____(你的)pencil?--Yes, it’s _______(我的).(3)This book isn’t ______(他的).That is ________(他的)book.(4)______(我)am your can call________(我)Miss Wang.(5)What are these? They’re _________(手表).Section B 一.教学步骤: Step1.课前预习句子翻译。

这是你的手表吗?_____________________________ 这是我的身份证。_____________________________ 你的电话号码是多少?_____________________________ 这是海伦的文具盒。_____________________________ 字典怎么拼写?_____________________________ Step 2 课堂呈现


eg, What’s her QQ number?


句型为“特殊疑问词+be(am, is ,are)+主语”或“特殊疑问句+do+主语+动词原形” 特殊疑问词包括who, what, when, where, why和how 用助动词帮助提问,构成问句时,主语后的谓语动词必须是实义动词。

当主语是he, she, it时,则应该用助动词dose帮助提问。特殊疑问句应读降调。How is your brother? Ask the teacher for it.该句使用了ask sth.句型,意为“向某人要某物”,介词for后面跟名词或代词。

asks his dad for a digital camera.(3)E-mail me at?用的是“E-mail+人+at+电子邮件地址”,意为“用电子邮件联系某人。”句中at为介词,引导短语说明联系方式。

eg This is his E-mail E-mail him at May (4)I must find it.句中must是情态动词,意为“一定,必须”,它后面必须跟动词原形。I must keep it must do it today.句中find意为“发现,找到“是及物动词,后面要跟(找到或发现的)”物品、人。I find my 随堂练习



Is _______ your ________ __________?(2).今天晚上你能给我打电话吗?

Can you _______ ________ this ________?(3).把你的笔记本放在你的背包里。

put your _________ _________ your backpack.(4).你的棒球在书桌里吗?

________ your _________ __________ the desk?(5).让我们一起去玩电脑游戏吧。

________ go and play _________ __________






1、教学内容 1)、词汇:have,soccer,ball,tennis racket,ping-pong ball,volleyball,basketball sport,bat,2)、语言结构:A、Do you have a ping-pong ball?Yes,I do。Do you have a ping-pon



1)、词汇:have,soccer,ball,tennis racket,ping-pong ball,volleyball,basketball,bat,2)、语言结构:A、Do you have a ping-pong ball?Yes,I do。Do you have a ping-pong bat?No,I don’t。






学生在已经学过词汇:What is this ? What is that? 句型: Where is…? It’s in / on / under/…




词汇:A、重点掌握表示有关各种运动球类的名词, 如basketball, soccer ball,so on

重点句型:? Do you have a TV? Yes,I do./No,I don’t.2、语言技能

1)、能看着图片说;Do you have a TV? Yes,I do./No,I don’t.3、学习策略




1)通过各小组的对话练习培养学生的合作精神; 2)通过学习本单元,让学生之间能够用所学句型互相交流。


1、Have 的一般现在时的疑问式用法;

2、Have的一般现在时的疑问句,及其肯定,否定回答;教学手段:采用多媒体教学。教学突破:Section A重在通过使用动词have对物品的所属进行提问和回答的交流式口语活动,学习由助动词do引导的一般疑问句的构成以及回答。教师要善于引导学生比较行为动词的疑问句和be动词的疑问句在构成和回答上的区别,通过大量和反复地操练以达到运用自如。


一、第一教学环节:情景创设,导入新课 教师活动 学生活动

Section A主要内容是通过使用have对物品的所属进行提问和应答,来学会使用do引导的一般疑问句。所以在教学中可采取问答式导人法:






教师活动 学生活动(看图片练句型)分片进行演示:I have a footba1 1.Do I have a football? 自己回答:Yes,I do. 再问:Do I have a basketball? 自己回答:No,I don’t.再使用其它物体和图片询问学生:Do I have…? 询问学生:Do you have…? 询问学生:…?


3.引导学生展开Pair work活动,完成lc部分口语交际的教学任务,学会运用助动词do进行问答,可采用师生互动带动学生互动的交流方式: 4.Pair work活动,完成lc部分口语交际的学习任务,学会运用助动词do进行问答并上台展示口语交际。


教师活动 学生活动


2、让总结本课的 主要内容,如果不周到,教师可以补充完成。


























UNIT 1:Part A Let’s learn 运用“金太阳”光盘进行教学,让学生学习单词的标准的发音。

Part B Let’s talk 运用“金太阳”光盘进行句型的教学。

UNIT 2 :Part A Let’s learn 运用“金太阳”光盘进行教学,让学生学习标准的发音。

Part B Let’s talk 运用“金太阳”光盘进行句型的教学,学生能进行分角色对话。

UNIT 3 :Part A Let’s learn 运用“金太阳”光盘进行教学,让学生掌握句型标准的发音。

Part B Let’s talk 运用“金太阳”光盘进行句型的教学。

UNIT 4 :Part A Let’s learn 运用“金太阳”光盘进行教学,让学生学习标准的发音。

Part B Let’s talk 运用“金太阳”光盘进行句型的教学。

UNIT 5 :Part A Let’s learn 运用“金太阳”光盘进行教学,让学生学习标准的发音。

Part B Let’s talk 运用“金太阳”光盘进行句型的教学。

UNIT 6:Part A Let’s learn 运用“金太阳”光盘进行教学,让学生学习标准的发音。

Part B Let’s talk 运用“金太阳”光盘进行句型的教学。


周次 日 期 内 容

1 2月19日—2月24日 Unit 1 Part A Let’s learn &Let’s do

2 2月25日—3月2日 Unit 1 Part A Let’s talk

Unit1 Part A Read and write

Unit1 Part B Let’s Learn

3 3月3日—3月9日 Unit 1 Part B Let’s talk

Unit 1 Part B Read and write

Revision and Test

4 3月10日—3月16日 Unit 2 Part A Let’s Learn &Let’s do

Unit 2 Part A Let’s talk

Unit 2 Part A Read and write

5 3月17日—3月23日 Unit 2 Part B Let’s Learn &Let’s chant

Unit 2 Part B Let’s talk

Unit 2 Part B Read and write

6 3月24日—3月30日 Revision and Test

Unit 3 Part A Let’s Learn & Let’s do

Unit 3 Part A Let’s talk

7 3月31日—4月6日 Unit 3 Part A Read and write

Unit 3 Part B Let’s learn &Let’schant

Unit 3 Part B Let’s talk

8 4月7日—4月13日 Unit 3 Part B Read and write

Revision and Test

Recycle 1

9 4月14日—4月20日 Unit 4 Part A Let’s Learn

Unit 4 Part A Let’s talk &Let’s chant

Unit 4 Part A Read and write

10 4月21日—4月27日 Unit 4 Part B Let’s Learn & Let do

Unit 4 Part B Let’s talk

Unit 4 Part B Read and write

11 4月28日—5月4日 Revision and Test国际劳动节

12 5月5日—5月11日 国际劳动节

Unit 5 Part A Let’s Learn & Let’s chant

Unit 5 Part A Let’s talk

13 5月12日—5月18日 Unit 5 Part A Read and write

Unit 5 Part B Let’s Learn & Let’s do

Unit 5 Part B Let’s talk

14 5月19日—5月25日 Unit 5 Part B Read and write

Revision and Test

Unit 6 Part A Let’s Learn & Let’s do

15 5月26日—6月1日 Unit 6 Part A Let’s talk

Unit 6 Part A Read and write

Unit 6 Part B Let Learn & Let’s chant

16 6月2日—6月8日 Unit 6 Part B Let’s talk

Unit 6 Part B Read and write

Revision and Test

17 6月9日—6月16日 Recycle 2

18 6月17日—6月22日 Revision

19 6月23日—6月29日 期末考试,学期结束工作



Unit 9 How was your weekend? No. 110 Middle School of Chongqing  By Cao Yi Teaching Goal: 1. General aims: Talk about recent past events 2. Particular aims:   A. Language Focus.   Talk about recent past events and think of the past events. B. Language goals How was….? It was … What did …do over the weekend? C. Language structures: (1). How was your weekend? I was great. Pay attention to no form. (2). What did you do over the weekend? I played soccer. We went to the beach. D. Useful words and phrases:   Words: was, did, went, beach, over, project, test, wasn’t, false, number, geography, spend, week, most, mixture, their, had, little, cook, read, saw, change, everyone, sit, sat, no, anything   Phrases: did one’s homework, played soccer, cleaned my room, went to the beach, played tennis, went to the movies, on Saturday morning, over the weekend, cook … for, what about, do some reading, have a party, talk show, go shopping E. Grammar language:   Present simple past tense Regular and irregular verbs F. Learning strategies:  Tour and holidays G. Interdiscipinary:   H. Emotion and manner:   Teaching time: 5 periods Teaching procedures:   Period One (pp31-32)   教学步骤、时间 教师活动   学生活动 媒体应用 Step 1 Free talk 3’ Ask some questions like: Who’s on duty today? What’s the weather like? Answer and talk about something.     让同学们回答下列问题 1. Do you like weekend? (Let some students answer) It takes them three minutes to talk about the question. 2. Why do you like weekend? (let the students answer) Most of the students like the weekend 此时教师用汉语问: “在周末期间问你干了什么? 这句话用英语这么回答? Let the students guess. At last the teacher give them right answer 3. What did you do over the weekend?(板书、学习) 4. What did you do over the weekend? (Let sb. answer the question) I-played basketball. 5. 出示三张照片(有各种活动) 6. Match the words with the picture   7. Let the students listen and write carefully. First listen, then listen and write the words like “morning afternoon” or “night”等 Find some students to answer. The students talk about it in pairs.   Students think of the sentences.               Students study and read the sentences First the students read after the teacher, the practice in pairs. 学生看图,互相问答:What did you do? The students look at the picture on page 29 and do it. Listen and write carefully.       媒体展示问题                   多媒体放映图一、图二、图三(关于周末的.活动) Step 3 Practice(5’) Pairwork Role play students A ask and student B answer Then let them do it in pairs A: What did you do over the weekend, Lucy? B: I played tennis. Students do it in pairs.   Step listen to 2a and 2b (5’) Listen and underline the words you hear, then listen again and write. Listen and underline Listen and write A \ B \ S carefully   Step 5 Summary (2’) 1. Words and phrases of the class. 2. What did you do over the weekend? I played ―. Look and listen carefully   Step 6 Test (5’) Selfcheck 1 and 2c Students do it 放映多媒体 Step 7 Consolidation Make a dialogue use “What did ―?”at least five questions. Divide the students into 7 groups.     Step 8 拓展练习(3’) 1. What did you do over the Weekend? 2. What did you do over the weekday? Students answer did things in different times. 多媒体展示、总结 Step 9 Homework (1’). 1. Practise the dialogue. 2. Grasp the grammar Focus.   多媒体放映   Period Two (p33)   教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用 Step 1 Free talk (2’) Ask a student “Do you like weekend”? Do you like weekday? The students answer and talk.           Step2 Presention (10’) (用班里学生为例作下列练习) 1. What did you do over the weekend? 2. First let the students draw a picture of weekend然后让他们利用实物投影向我们说明 3. 用 “What did you do over the weekend?” 询问几个学生后,这着一个学生问“你的周末怎么样?” 4. Let the students change it into English. 板书 “How was your weekend?” Then let the students practice in pairs. 5. Write number (1-3) in the blanks. 1. Draw a picture of weekend 2. Tell the class about your weekend like” I played basketball in the morning. 3. The student answers. (have a try) Guess: How was your weekend? Read and study Then do it in pairs. Ex: How was your weekend? It’s great. I played basketball. Look at the picture in 3a. and write unmbers. 实物投影                   媒体展示         媒体展示答案 Step 3 Game 6’ Let Ss write 3 things they did over the weekend. One is false, the others are true. 然后把学生的描述利用实物投影机投到大屏幕上。 Write 3 sentences ion their paper. Look at the screen. Let the other Ss guess which one is true/false. 实物投影 Step 4 Summary 3’ 1. words 2. Grammar: How was your weekend? I was great. / I did … Read and remember 媒体显示 Step 5 Consolidation 10’ Divide the Ss into several groups. Every group must make up a dialogue. Use “What did you do on the weekend?”/How was your weekend? And so on. Make up a dialogue in groups and act it.   Step 6 拓展练习5’ 1. 让学生回忆一般过去时态。 2. 对照一般现在时和一般过去时,找出差异。 3. 总结 “be”动词的变化。 1. 回忆 2. 讨论 3. 总结 媒体显示 Step 7 Homework Practise the dialogue And answer some questions about the lesson.       Period Three (pp34-35)   教学步骤、时间   教师活动   学生活动  媒体应用 Step 1 Free talk (2’) 1. Ask the Ss some question. 2. check some questions. Put up hands and answer.   Step 2 Presention (10’) (问班里的学生) 1. what did you do over the weekend? 2. 昨天你做了什么?↓引出   What did you do yesterday? ---A played….(板书/学习) 3. Let the Ss look at the screen.   There are four pictures on the screen. These things that Sally and Jim did yesterday, then match. 4. Give the right answers. 1b, 2b, 3a, 4c   5. look at the 1b, let the Ss draw happy faces or unhappy faces. 6. listen to the taps twice, first listen carefully, then let the Ss to listen carefully and write the right answers. Answer one by one     Translate it into English             Look at the screen carefully and match the words with the pictures.   Listen to the tape carefully. Write the right answers.   媒体显示4幅画                         媒体显示 Step 3 Practice(5’) 1. Have a conversation to tell what Sally and Jim do? 2. What did Jim do?   Jim went to the movies. 3. Let the Ss ask freely 4. Ask: What did the Ss do over the weekend? ex: practice The students practice in pairs       Act out in pairs or groups. Answer the teacher’s questions Ask some pairs to the front to act out.   Step 4 Summary 3’ Phrases: played the guitar. Did my homework. Studied geography. Went to the library. What did Jim do yesterday? Read and remember.   Step 5 Test 1 见题后组1 D o some exercises. 多媒体展示 Step 6 consolidation Divide the students into several groups And let them make dialogues using these sentences: What did you do yesterday? How was your weekend? What did you do over the weekend? Write the dialogues and practice in groups.   Step 7 拓展显示 根据下列句子: 1. What did you do over the weekend? 2. How was your weekend? 考虑“昨天或周末你去了哪里?”用英语怎样表达? 1. look at some sentences and think it over. 2. 讨论/交流 3.总结 媒体展示 Step 8 Homework Grasp the new words and expression sentences.  



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