





2、Let me join all your other friends in e to realize that it takes many birthdays to make us kind and ing year be filled ing year be filled my heart. Happiness for your birthday and ale true, and make you happier than you have ever been before.

3、Will be happy note, as a gift to you, wish you have a beautiful day, sincerely wish you a happy birthday!

4、Today is your birthday, but I cant in your side, but my blessing had already passed the long march, after my own heart have no face to face expression, send a text message, send sincere blessings! I wish a happy birthday!

5、Let you down, I'm sorry, I wish you a happy birthday, youth, I myself to bear, Ihope you don't forget me.

6、I sincerely feel a grateful interest in each return of this happy anniversary. Send you a birthday card and thaccompanying gift is a token of my best wishes for your success and happiness.每到你的生日,我都十分快乐。送上一张生日卡和一件礼物,略表心意。祝事业成功、生活幸福!



9、Today you have entered the old, for old man like you, the first wealth is health, I would like to wish you longevity and health!



12、→让微信载着我的问候,让字句表达我的祝福,在你生日的今天,我的内心也跟你一样的欢腾、快乐! 祝你,生日快乐!




16、In this special day, I want to say I'm glad time hasn't changed our friendship, happy birthday to you an endless enjoyment.


18、Give you the sun plating on mature, yuet add your charm, birthday, let friends blessing converge to you the source of happiness, we would like to wish you a happy life.

19、To love is nothing. To be loved is something.To love and be loved is everything.

20、think you the most touching, no matter how far apart we are, how bumpy the road ahead, just want to say: you is I this life the biggest happiness. The wife I wish you a happy birthday.

21、Wishing you a wonderful birthday filled with love and happiness.

22、hope that in the days to come, most eyes and eyebrows will be gentle.



24、Celebrating another year of accomplishments, challenges and growth. Happy birthday to me and looking forward to what's ahead!

25、Happy birthday, happy forever.




29、This brings a birthday message especially to say how much I love you and you are as young and charming in my calendar as before,and the extra year seems indeed to have improved your looks and grace.

30、Warmly congratulate you on your birthday. I send you my love and a small gift for you. Take care!

31、Every birthday gift, there are blessings, no matter how much you have a wish, how many dreams, my gift is my heart, accompany you grow up! I wish you a happy birthday!

32、Happy birthday,Darling.You are the dearest thing in the world.

33、Blessing of ho also said not over, always happy thing always cant finish the music, beautiful mood beautiful forever, always happy days is not over, I wish you a happy birthday, happy every day。


35、I wish you a long and happy life.


37、Wish you a happy birthday, a sweet dream, sweet and warm stay around!




41、Little romantic candlelight, suisui birthday happy, be lucky? You, tomorrow will be better!

42、Each birthday is a milestone we touch along lifes way. May your birthday be happy in more ways than one.

43、In this special day, we put the sincerest wishes for? You, although just a wisp of spring breeze, bring? You are the whole spring. Happy birthday!

44、that’s why i hope your birthday is the happiest of days.



46、The best happy birthday wishes for you with my biggest hug! !

47、Look at life bravely; Regretless care about true love, and I can give you a few minutes again, I wish a happy father forever!

48、In a good day, hold on to your happiness. happy birthday to you.

49、In your birthday this day, will be happy note, as a gift to you, wish you have a beautiful day, sincerely wish you a happy birthday!




53、Shut the door, you of humor, spontaneous temperament. You are a trickle, moistens our hearts, dear happy birthday!

54、Time comes your birthday.The best of all good things for this special day and all the many more to come.Many happy returns!时光飞逝,今天又是你的生日,愿今天你拥有一切美丽,来年生日更美好,一年更胜一年。生日快乐!

55、I want to tell you on this special day that I'm very glad, time hasn't changed our friendship any. Hoping your birthday is great.


57、Dear, tomorrow is your birthday, send a blessing SMS, tell you, Im ready, waiting for your call; Want to say to you is that you are in my life, the only girl worth waiting for。


59、Happy birthday with all my love! I'll be there when you need me. May you be happy and love you more each year!



62、You always smile, smile, you are a smiling flower, open in the four seasons, will never die. May your business show more to fill in a smile.

63、Waiting for you to meet. Perhaps no one will believe this moment of light, and you will be my long life reflect light. I in the bloom of orchid petal to write on your thoughts and boundless blessings, and wish you a happy birthday


65、Happy birthday to a person who is smart, good looking, and funny and remindsme a lot of myself.

66、Hope your birthday is like you —— special. 希望你的生日像你一样——不同寻常。


67、The birthday girl guy, I wish you can get all hope, all dreams come true, all waiting can appear, all paying can cash.

68、You are 21.That"s something to be proud of.



71、Water today, the predecessor of the moon, do not read not fear, always keep naive.

72、would like to use youth, in exchange for a girlfriend, accompany me to travel. Happy birthday!


74、Again, if that were speechless again if away. I miss , every day together, I love , silently in your heart, I wish you: happy birthday!

75、Every year comes and goes, leaving a permanent happy memories. May today's moment is full of sunshine, as if the sun always shines!



78、Today is a beautiful day, the world, and therefore much one wipe attractive color! Sincerely wish you a happy birthday!

79、take a half a head of blessing of brick, shoot to the big head with you happiness, let you roll out of rich star, collapsed in a cake of joy. I wish you a happy birthday.


81、With the spring of blessing, wrapped the feeling of warmth, we put a happy, a joy to special day special you: happy birthday, health and happiness!


83、May you enjoy to the fullest the joy of today. es and goes. The nicest kind of birthday that could be al of a rose.

84、To wish you a happy birthday song to near you, to express my supplication, share your happiness, to listen to that belongs to the youth of your reply.


86、just "happy birthday", dad, isn’t much to say, yet in this special message meant for you this special day are many very loving thoughts and warmest wishes, too, for happiness on your birthday and always, all year through.



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