


Wishing you a joyous and memorable Dragon Boat Festival celebration with your wonderful fa~~每个人都喜欢看类似的句子,下面是编辑精心为你整理的“端午节祝福语英语简短精选66句”,还请多多关注我们网站!

1、Wishing you a happy and safe Dragon Boat Festival with your loved ones.

2、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to celebrate traditions, values, and heritage. Happy celebrations to you!


4、Wishing you a wonderful Dragon Boat Festival filled with love and happiness.


6、May the fragrance of iris leaves and the sound of drums bring you good luck and happiness.

7、Wishing you a happy and memorable Dragon Boat Festival with your loved ones!


9、May the dragon spirits guide and bless you with good luck and prosperity in life!

10、May the Dragon Boat Festival bring you good fortune, wealth, and happiness!

11、May the festive flavors of zongzi and realgar wine fill your palate with delight.

12、Wishing you and your family a blessed and happy Dragon Boat Festival celebration!

13、Wishing you a very happy Dragon Boat Festival, filled with the warmth of loved ones and the spirit of tradition!



16、Quietly to the Dragon Boat Festival, the blessing, wish your business like the dragon boat fast forward, family like sachets, warmth, personality and elegant like a reed leaves, imposing manner like realgar the eu, happiness, just like glutinous rice stick does not fall!

17、May the heroic acts of Qu Yuan inspire you to be brave and strong on Dragon Boat Festival and always.

18、May your celebration be filled with laughter, love, and good food!

19、Hoping that your Dragon Boat Festival is filled with lots of laughter and love.

20、Know what I think? You know why miss you? Because of love. Do you know why like you? Thanks to your taste. Know why have a taste? Because you are a rice dumplings, I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival in advance!

21、May the spirit of the Dragon Boat Festival fill your heart with joy.

22、Dragon boat with corn, and happiness fill one house; TangXian wrapped in happiness, eat no bitterness; Fragrant reed mugwort boil, walked a long way; See sentient beings ai is interested in, and you this life.

23、May the excitement and festivities of the Dragon Boat Festival fill your heart with joy and your spirit with happiness!

24、Happy Dragon Boat Festival, may the dragon bring you peace and good luck!

25、Wishing you a blessed and prosperous Dragon Boat Festival, filled with the grace of the divine.

26、Have a joyous and memorable Dragon Boat Festival with your loved ones, filled with warmth, light, and love!

27、Sending you warm greetings on this special day, may it be filled with love and laughter.

28、Celebrate this Dragon Boat Festival with joy and happiness, embracing all the traditions and customs!

29、May the Dragon Boat Festival be a time of peace, happiness, and prosperity for you and your family!

30、Have a fantastic Dragon Boat Festival filled with festive fun and happiness!

31、May you enjoy a peaceful and harmonious Dragon Boat Festival with your loved ones.

32、Wishing you all the happiness and success that the Dragon Boat Festival can bring.

33、May the Dragon Boat Festival bring you prosperity and good luck in all your future endeavors!

34、Aspiration is the wind! Happiness is a fan! Blessed is the ship! Wish a happy wind sail boats loaded with blessings, drifting happy you gently say to you: you happy so I'm happy! Dragon Boat Festival fun!

35、May the Dragon Boat Festival bring you a new beginning full of hope and happiness.

36、May the warmth and joy of Dragon Boat Festival brighten up your day and fill your heart with happiness!


38、Sending you warm wishes for a wonderful Dragon Boat Festival!

39、Enjoy the excitement and thrill of the dragon boat races, and have a Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

40、Sending my best wishes to you and your family on this auspicious day of Dragon Boat Festival.

41、Wishing you an amazing Dragon Boat Festival filled with lots of excitement, adventure, and happiness!


43、May the Dragon Boat Festival bring you happiness and good fortune!


45、Wishing you a blessed and wonderful Dragon Boat Festival full of love and laughter.

46、Wishing you a delightful and memorable Dragon Boat Festival with your loved ones.

47、May the spirits of the dragon and the ancestors bring you good luck and prosperity!

48、Celebrate the spirit of the Dragon Boat Festival with your family and friends.

49、Sending you best wishes for a happy, healthy, and joyous Dragon Boat Festival spent with your treasured family.

50、May the Dragon Boat Festival season bring you the gift of love, peace, and happiness that lasts forever!

51、Wishing you good luck and prosperity on the auspicious occasion of Dragon Boat Festival.


53、Wishing you a day filled with cheer, love, and joy, as you celebrate the traditions and customs of the Dragon Boat Festival!

54、May the spirit of Dragon Boat Festival bring you good luck, success, and happiness.

55、May this Dragon Boat Festival bring you great joy, love, and blessings.

56、Let's spend this Dragon Boat Festival with our loved ones, cherishing every moment.

57、Wishing you a wonderful Dragon Boat Festival filled with lots of fun and laughter.


59、May the joy and laughter of this special Dragon Boat Festival celebration echo throughout your home and hearts!

60、May the fragrance of realgar wine ward off evil spirits and bring you good luck.

61、Today to buy gifts for you everywhere, buy fun is not suitable for you, buy delicious without you love to eat, to buy open-backed pants don't have your size, so we have to give you blessing in advance: happy Dragon Boat Festival!

62、Wishing you a safe and successful Dragon Boat Festival filled with lots of adventure!

63、May the Dragon Boat Festival bring peace, harmony, and good health to you and your family. Have a wonderful holiday!

64、May the tradition of the Dragon Boat Festival bring you good luck, health, and success in life!

65、Wishing you a joyful Dragon Boat Festival with love and best wishes from your family and friends!

66、Wishing you a joyous and memorable Dragon Boat Festival celebration with your wonderful family!


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