




Type of lesson: Word study

Teaching Contents: Vocabulary: thrill, educate, divide, prevent, risk and it seems/ed.

Teaching Aims:Help the students grasp the usages and meanings of the above words or phrases.

Teaching procedures:

Step I . Present the words to be learned to the students.

Ask the students to discuss in group and get the meanings of the underlined words or phrases

1. Many people come to theme park looking for thrills and entertainment.

2. A good example of a theme park that both educates and entertains is Ocean Park in Hong Kong.

3. The park is divided into two sections.

4. It seems that people just cannot get enough of scary rides and exciting adventures.

5. New technology allows us to experience almost anything without actually being in danger or risking injury.

6. He cut off the electricity quickly and prevented an accident.

Step II: Learn each word in detail

1. thrill

Ask the Ss to read the following sentences and match the underlined words with their proper meanings.

1) The magic of his music continues to thrill audiences.

2) Although Mary has been acting for years, she still get a thrill out of going on the stage.

3) Stories of adventure thrilled him.

A. To give great pleasure to; delight.

B. To cause to quiver, tremble, or vibrate.

C. A sudden strong feeling of excitement and pleasure.

Practice: complete the following sentences.


1) The travelers ___________________ his stories. (thrilled us with)


2) It ____________________ to know I had passed the examination. (gave me a thrill/ is a great thrill for me)

2. educate

Ask the Ss to read the sentences and discuss the meanings and usages of “educate” in a group of 4.

1) educate sb: 教育,指导某人

School teachers educate children.

2) educate oneself自学,自修

Some children educate themselves because their parents can’t afford them to the school.

3) educate sb about/ on sth 就。。。对。。。进行教育,指导

The campaign will educate the public about the dangers of smoking.

4) be educated for... 为特定目的而提供知识或进行训练,培训

I was educated for an English teacher.

Ask Ss to translate the following phrases.

①自学, 自修educate oneself

②受大学教育; 上大学be educated at [in] a college

③培养音乐兴趣educate one's taste in music

④攻读法律be educated for the law.

⑤大学教a college education.

3. divide

1) 分开;划分(常与in, into连用)

Let's divide ourselves into several groups.

This class is too large; we shall have to divide it for oral practice.

2) 分开把…跟别的东西分开;分离:divide... from...

The teacher divided the boys from the girls for gym class.

3) 分,分食 (常与out连用)

“Children, divide the cake up between / among you.”

4) 除

15 divided by 3 is 5.

Three will not divide into eleven.

5) 使意见不合;使不和

Please don't let such a small matter divide us.

On some minor points members of the committee divide with one another.


4. prevent

1) To keep from happening: 预防使防止发生:

It is the job of the police to prevent crime.

The government took steps to prevent the strike.

2) v. intr. To present an obstacle: 阻挠,阻止呈现出阻碍:

There will be a picnic if nothing prevents.

3)stop or hinder(常与from连用)阻止;制止;妨碍

We were prevented by heavy smog from seeing anything.

What prevented you from joining us last night?

4) To come before; proceed. 在…之前在…之前来;先于

Tom’s study always prevents his peers.

Practice: make up sentences according to the given key words and pictures.

Possible answers:

1) Your prompt action prevented a serious accident.

2) Italy famous football flayer Barkier has a leg injury that may prevent him from playing in tomorrow’s game.

3) Class 2’s basketball players tried their best to prevent us from winning.

5. risk

v. Ask the Ss to observe the following sentences and discuss the usage of risk.

1) risk sth

You should not have risked the confrontation with the government.

His action risked a sharp reprisal.

2) risk doing sth

Are you prepared to risk traveling without an guard?

Although he risked getting caught in a storm, Jim kept the appointment on time.

3) risk sth on sth

You’d be crazy to risk your money on an investment like that.

Tom’s Dad is a gambler. He once risked everything on a single throw.

4) risk one’s life

He risked his life when he saved the child from the river.

Martina risked her life to save her dog from the fire.

n. Ask the Ss to translate the risk-phrases in the following sentences.

1) He took a risk when he crossed the old bridge.

2) The firm’s reputation is at risk.

3) Anyone traveling without a passport runs a risk of being arrested.

4) At the risk of sounding stupid, can I ask a simple question?

5) You leave your wallet in the classroom at your own risk.


Complete the following blanks using what we learned about “risk”.

Last summer vacation, Xiao Ming _________________ (独自冒险旅行)to the Huang Long Virgin Forest. Before his journey, he told his plan to his parents. Xiao Ming’s Dad agreed with him and said: “Being a man, we should ___________(冒险)to become stronger.” But, his mother was worried about him, because she thought Xiao Ming was too young to travel the virgin forest alone and he just____________.(冒生命危险)

Xiao Ming explained his plan and said he had been well prepared. He wouldn’t _________(处于危险中). At last Mum gave in and said: “OK. Be well prepared! Once you are in danger, do call the police and us for help. ”

Three days later, Xiao Ming came back home safely. Although Tom was very tired, he said to his parents: “___________________.(这值得冒险)”

Possible answers:

risked traveling alone, take a risk , risked his life ,

be at risk. It’s worth the risk

6. It seems/seemed...

Ask the Ss to read following sentences and discuss the sentence pattern.

1) it seems that...

It seems to me that it will snow.

It seemed that he was ill. So I called in the doctor.

2) it seems as if/ like / though...

It seems as if it is going to rain.

“At that time, it seemed as if I couldn't think of the right word anyhow.”

3) ...seem + adj.

He seems quite happy.

Mary didn’t seem very sure about tomorrow’s exam.

4) sb/sth seems/ed to be/do/ have done

Danger seems to attend everything they have tried.

I seemed to hear a voice in the distance.

Practice: use “seem” to make up as many sentences as you can according to the pictures.




Choose the following words or phrases and use their proper forms to fill in the blanks: admire...for..., thrill, educate, divide...into..., base...on..., prevent, risk and it seems/ed.

Ocean Park Hong Kong

Ocean Park, situated on the southern side of Hong Kong Island, is one of the world’s acclaimed _________ theme parks covering more than 870,000 square meters of land. With 24 years of history, Ocean Park has established itself as one of the major tourist attractions in Hong Kong and Asia. Aside from entertainment through _______ rides and a wide variety of shows, the park _____________ its education and conservation programmers.

Ocean Park is divided into two sections: the Headland and Lowland. At the Headland, the visitors can ______ its many rides including the Crazy Galleon, Flying Swing, Raging River, space wheel, and so on. Another attraction is Dolphin Aquarium. Unlike some aquarium where the visitors ____________________ touching the dolphins, it allows the visitors to dive and play with the dolphins. ________________ people just can’t get enough entertainment and education in Ocean Park.

Possible answers:

educational, thrill, is based on, risk,

are prevented from, It seems that


Period 1

I. Teaching Aims:

1. Review the Simple Present Passive Voice and to learn the Present Continuous Passive Voice

It is used for…/ It is being used for…

2. Develop the students’ listening skill by creating an information gap and stimulating their desire to discover things

II. Important points:

1.Words and expressions

2. The Moral Focus: Creative Thinking

III. Difficult points:

the Present Continuous Passive Voice

what ever, where ever, however, whenever, whoever

the usage about dare

IV. Teaching Aids:

A tape recorder, a toothpick, gloves, a sock, a plastic bag , pictures or objects of some daily things like chopsticks, a cell phone, a CD player, a MP3, a computer, a refrigerator, a mirror, a satellite receiver etc.

V. Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Talk about something that is seemingly common and trigger the students to discover something unique by observing carefully and thinking lively.

Create a proper learning environment and get the students geared for the oncoming classroom activities


Present objects: a toothpick, a sock and a plastic bag

Provoke the students’ thinking by encouraging them to think of the new uses of the above objects

Be ready to accept any offered answers

Try to involve as many students as possible

Step 2 Pre-listening

1. Show pictures of some daily things including one or two but not all of the objects that are to be described

2. Prepare the students for the listening by encouraging them to discover what are being described

Step 3 Listening and Identifying

1. Listen to the tape and identify what is being described.

2. Talk about the possible uses of the described things.

3. Ring a bell to the Simple Present Passive Voice

Step 4 Talking and Guessing

Group work

Divide the whole class into several groups

Think about the objects we use in our daily life.

Describe two or three of the objects to the other groups and see if they can guess what you are describing.

Remember not to make it too easy to guess

Take turns to do the describing and guessing

Use the following structures and questions to help with the description and guessing

It is used for….

It can be found….

It is often seen….

They are made of(from)…

This thing can be put ….

What does it look like? What is it used for?

What is it made of? Who usually uses it?

How do people use it? How does it work?

When is it used? Where do you usually see it ?

Step 5 A Discussion

1. Work in groups of six

2.Discuss about the good impact of one of these things.

3.Each group member contributes some notes to the reporter of the group

4.Report to the whole class

Step 6 Listening in WB

Listen to the tape and fill in the information chart below.

Compare the information with the partner

Step 7 Pair work

Work in pairs.

Look at the space projects below and decide which one is the most useful.

Put “1” in front of the most useful project and “5” in front of the least useful.

Compare answers with the other pairs and explain your choices

Step 8 Summary

Summarize the good impact of all the things described and mentioned.

Think about the potential problems with the things described and mentioned

Suggest solutions to the problems


Prepare for the talking part in Wb

Period 2

I. Teaching Aims:

Learn phrases and sentences of expressing agreement and disagreement (Absolutely. /That’s exactly what I was thinking. /That’s a good point./ That’s just how I see it./ That’s worth thinking about./ I disagree. /I’m afraid I don’t agree. /Well, it depends. /Well, I don’t know. /Well, I am not sure about that…)

II. Important points:

1. words and expressions

2. To learn how to state one’s points clearly.

3. Moral Focus: Communication and Cooperation

III. Difficult points:

1. Useful expressions for agreement and disagreement

2. Learn the art of persuading

IV. Teaching Aids:

a set of multi-media teaching system, some episodes from Family Album, USA and Mr Bean, some role cards…a toothpick, a sock, a plastic bag , chopsticks, a cell phone etc.…

V. Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Draw the students’ attention by identifying the following statements.

1. The word “boat” can be spelled using four letters from the word “automobile”.

2. 11minutes past 5 o’clock is 48 minutes before 6 o’clock.

3. If you turn a left-handed glove inside out , it will fit on a right hand?

Step 2 Problem Solving

1. Discuss in groups of three about the possible problems with things mentioned the previous day

Examples: chopsticks, car, air-conditioner etc.

2. Provide solutions to all these problems and share opinions with other groups

3.Tolerate different opinions from other groups

Step 3 Listening and Speaking

1.Describe one or two of the teacher’s stressful situations

2. Encourage students to give solutions

3.Exchange ideas with other students

Step 4 Speaking and Acting

Discuss about Jane’s problem and express opinions

Jane wants to buy a cellphone. Before she buys one, she asks her parents and her best friend what they think.

Work in groups of four

Decide which role each group member should play

Take a few minutes to prepare the role cards

Report your decision to the class when you have finished the discussion

Step 5 Looking and Learning

1.Watch some episodes from Family Album, USA and Mr Bean


2. Recognize more ways of expressing opinions

( Oh, I do so agree. Absolutely right. Definitely. I guess so. I can’t agree with you there. Not really. Not exactly. No way….)

Step 6 Describing and Deciding

1. Encourage the students to disclose their problems by asking

What troubles you most?

What is your problem?

What is your worry?

What upsets you?…

2. Get them to know where to find help by asking

To whom do you usually turn for help?

Where can your problems be possibly solved?

Who can most probably serve as a helper?

(Possible answers: Psychology Center, Hotline Service, Chatting Room, A Radio or TV Chitchat Programs…)

Step 7 Thinking and Judging

Lead the students gradually to the Unit Topic Technology by asking

What do you know about technology?

Why does the government pay so much attention to the development of technology?

Why is technology so important to people’s life?

In what way has it changed or improved people’s life?…


Profound understanding the positive effect of technology on individuals, nations and even the whole globe by surfing the internet and collecting related information

Hunt for caring stories hailed by technology and share the stories with other students in the next class.

Period 3

I. Teaching Aims:

1. To have a general understanding of how technology has changed the way people live

2.To get a rough idea of the Present Continuous Passive Voice

II. Important points:

1. Words and expressions

2. Present Continuous Passive Voice

3. the Moral Focus: Love & Caring

III. Teaching Aids: a tape recorder, the multimedia teaching system, etc.

IV. Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up


Students’ description of some new inventions accompanied with photos downloaded from the internet

Step 2 Story Sharing

1. Share the caring stories hailed by technology

2. Comment on such stories

Step 3 Presentation

1. Comments on the great impact brought by technology and life in a technological time

2. Discuss these questions with a partner before reading

Have you ever used a cell phone? Do any of your classmates have cell phones?

How is the way we live today different from life in the past?

How have inventions and new technology changed our way of life?

Why are things like cell phones, computers and TV so popular?

What invention do you think is the most important in the human history?

Step 4 Pre-reading

Read the headline and guess the meaning of “Life on the Go”.

What information do you expect to find in the text?


Which country does the girl in the passage come from? How do you know?

What is the other example that is being used to support the idea?

Step 5 Reading

Read the first paragraph and answer the following questions

What new invention is being discussed?

What kind of people are being talked about in this passage?

Read the whole text for through understanding and fill out the outline of the text

An Outline of the Text

Wang Mei is an example of Chinese teenagers who have cell phones.

Cell phones can be used for many things.

For Example:__________________________________________

Cell phones also cause problems.

In school___________________________________

At home____________________________________

There are several reasons why teenagers like cell phones.




Wang Mei explains why she likes her cell phone and what she uses it for.

Step 6 Post-reading

Answer the following questions.

Why do some schools not let students use cell phones? Do you agree?

Why do teenagers like cell phones so much?

Wang Mei says that cell phones are the most useful inventions ever. Do you agree?

Which invention do you think is the most useful? Why?

What does the title “Life on the go” mean?

What is the writer’s attitude toward this problem? How do you know?

Step 7 An Activity

Find out how many students have phones in the class

Interview one of them and find out what his or her phone is like. These questions may help you do the interview

What type of phone do you have?

When and where did you buy it?

Who gave you the financial support?

Why do you want to have a phone?

What is your parents’ opinion?…..

Describe the phone and explain the reasons to the whole class

Step 8 A Project

Design your own cell phone. You work for a company that makes cell phones. Your manager wants you to design a new model to increase the sales among Chinese high school students. Work in groups and draw your model.

Advertise your model

These questions may help you do the job

What colour is it?

What size is it?

What shape is it?

What material is it made from?

What features does it have?

How much will it cost?

Let the students make their own choices with reasons available


Review the words and expressions we have just learned.

Period 4

I. Teaching Aims:

1. To encourage the students to pick out the useful phrases on their own like throughout the world, stay in touch with sb., call for help, in case of emergency, have fun, be cool etc..

2.To fulfill Word Study in the form of a Memory Competition press teenager remind dare emergency dial obey throughout calendar

3.To enable the students to formulate the rules of the Present Continuous Passive Voice ,test out the rules and finally refine their interlanguage

II. Important points:

1. Words and expressions

2. the comprehension of the intergrating skills text.

III. Difficult points:

Practising and using the Present Continuous Passive Voice

IV. Teaching Aids: A tape recorder, a cassette etc.

V. Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Word Game

Work in pairs and make new words

How many words can you make by moving the sides of the box?






Step 2 Presentation

Listen to the text again and enable the students to pick out on their own useful words , phrases and sentences

Useful Words Useful Phrases Useful Sentences

emergency stay in touch with sb New functions are being added to the phones

… … …

Talk about the reasons why these words, phrases and sentences are worth their attention

Step 3 Word Study

Match the words and phrases with the meaning on the right

(See Word Study, page 61 )

A Memory Competition

Books closed.

Two Groups Group 1: Girls Group 2: Boys

Two boys and two girls act as secretaries

The group which gets more guesses wins.

Step 4 Grammar

Read the text again and try to identify the sentences that have the similar structure

Words and images are being sent throughout the world.

They are being used as cameras and radios, and to sent e-mail or surf the internet.

New functions are being added to the phones….

Let the students formulate the rules of the Present Continuous Passive Voice through careful observation

Step 5 Pair Work

Test out the rules and get feedback through peer interaction by putting the following into the Present Continuous Passive Voice and change the following sentences into questions, using the Present Continuous Passive Voice (see page 61)

Step 6 An Interview

After studying in the new school for a couple of months, you come across some problems with both your study and your life. In your opinion, the school should put more money in improving both the classroom facilities and dormitory facilities. Therefore, you go to see the headmaster and talk about your personal problems or even complaints.

An Interview

One student act as the headmaster and the other as the student suffering from the problems. The interview takes place in the Headmaster’s office.

Hopefully the student can use such structures as

I am being given too much homework.

We are always being highly controlled by the teachers

Not enough opportunities are being offered to us students

At night, I am frequently being disturbed by the noise from the nearby construction site. …

Personal opinions are to be concluded:

More teaching facilities are being needed

Air conditioners should be added to the dorm in case of hot and humid weather.

A telephone and a computer are also needed…

. Review the expressions of agreement and disagreement

Step 7 Writing

Write a letter to the Headmaster describing the heavy burden given by the school and complaining about the poor studying and living conditions. Personal opinions and suggested solutions are supposed to be included

Put your letter in the Headmaster’s Letter Box


Finish Part 1&2, p136 in WB

Period 5

I. Teaching Aims:

1. To impress the students with the great impact of technology

2.To use the words and phrases to describe things

(press, teenager, remind, dare, emergency, dial, obey, throughout, calendar, throughout the world, stay in touch with sb., call for help, in case of emergency, have fun, be cool….) To think about the problems caused by technology

II. Teaching Aids:

A cellphone, pictures of a robot and computer, the multi-media teaching system, etc.

III. Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Enjoy some well-selected MTVs

Comments on the producing of these MTVs and the use of new technology

Impress the students with the great impact of technology by displaying Hi-tech achievements.

Ask the students to imagine the future inventions

Step 2 Language Input

Read the passage and think what is missing in this future world?

Imagine that you are one of the students chosen to solve the problem. Write a letter to Q 12 in which you explain love and friendship. Remember that Q12 is a computer that does not understand how human beings feel and what human life is like. Tell Q12 about how we think, how we feel about each other, and try to give examples of love and friendship

Tell your classmates about the examples that you are going to use

A Letter to Q12 Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World. The following may help you with the writing

Step 3 A Design

Work in groups of five.

Work out some regulations for the communities to keep the teenagers away from the Cyber Cafe.

Step 4 Tips for reading

Learn to become a smart reader

Look at page 63 and read these tips. Help the students get better ways in dealing with reading comprehensions.

Step 5 Talking

Modern technology helps us do many of the things we want to do. But technology can also cause problems. What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology?

Work together with your partner. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of the following inventions.

Items Advantages Disadvantages

Cellphones 1.Cellphones help us keep in touch with friends and family.

… 1.Using a cellphone is expensive.

2.Overusing it may disturb our work.

Robots … …

Computers … …

Discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology with the help of the lists.


Finish off the Wb exercises of this unit.

Go over the whole unit and the grammar focus.


Period 5

一、Teaching Content

Unit 13 Word study; Grammar

二、Teaching Goals

1. Review the text learnt in the last period including useful words and expressions.

2. Learn how to use “had better”, “should” and “ought to ”while giving advice.

三、Teaching Important Points:

1. How to guess the missing word according to the given sentence.

2. Let the students learn how to give advice or opinion about something, especially master how to use “ should, ought to , had better and their negative forms” to give advice.

四、Teaching Difficult Points

1. How to help the students to understand the Grammar.

2. How to correctly use “should, ought to , had better and their negative forms” to give advice.

五、Teaching Methods:

1. Review method to consolidate the words and phrases last 4 periods.

2. Explanation methods to make the students master the Grammar.

3. Individual, pair work to make every student work in class.

六、Teaching Aids

1. A projector

2. The blackboard

七、Teaching procedures

Step 1 Greetings

T: Good morning! My boys and girls!

T: Sit down, please!

Step2 Word study

T: We’ve learned something about diets. As we all know, we’d better eat healthy food and eat less junk food. In this way, we can keep up with the high pace of modern life.

T: Ok. Please open your books on page 5. On the top of it there are some words and phrases in the form. I am sure you have all finished the homework yesterday.

1unit13.5. (2)

Ss: …

T: Nutrient diet vitamin

Mineral fat sugar

Protein calory

Step3 Grammar

T: In the third period(the part of Speaking ), we’ve learned some useful expressions to express suggestions.

T: We suppose that you are a doctor, and you should give some advice to patients.

T: Ok. Let’s review these useful expressions about suggestions:

1. I advise you to…

2. You’d better …

3. I think you should…

4. Why not…? Why don’t you…?

5. I suggest you should …

T: Now I want you to translate these Chinese sentences into English. Maybe, you can use these expressions.


We shouldn’t ought not to be so careless.


You shouldought to respect your grandfather.


It’s very cold outside. You had better not take off your coat.


It is freeze. We had better put on our coat.

T: Very good. We often give some persons advice or our opinions about something. In such a situation, we often use these Modal Verbs.

T: go back to your textbook. Look at the grammar: Modal Verbs-----had better, should, ought to.

T: We have leant how to give advice by using the Modal Verbs. Here in our textbook there are letters asking for some advice. Read them quickly, then write down four pieces of advice for each of them using “ had better(not)”, “ ought (not) to or should(not)”.

Step4 Summary and homework

T: In this class, we’ve review the words and phrases. Specially , we

Unit13.5. (3)

review the Modal Verb by giving some persons advice. After class, more exercises are necessary.


1. Review the new words and phrases, grammar.

2. Have a dictation about words (2)

3. Preview two Integrating skills on Page 6 and 74

4. Do the exercises the Grammar 1.2 3.on page74



Nutrient diet vitamin

Mineral fat sugar

Protein calory


I advise you to…

You’d better …

I think you should…

Why not…? Why don’t you…?

I suggest you should …

“ had better(not)”, “ ought (not) to or should(not)”.






昇(?? )炀?(??? )????砥(?? )?? 贮(?? )?????燔(?? )?? ???讫(?? )?

又为活板(?? )??????? 薄如钱唇(?? )???? ??? ?蜡和纸灰(?? )??????

数十百千本(? ) ?????? 更互用之(?? )????????? ?以纸帖之(?? )






























初至北营,抗辞慷慨,上下颇惊动,北亦未敢遽轻吾国。不幸吕师孟〔吕师孟〕南宋叛将吕文焕之侄,任兵部侍郎,暗通元军。构恶于前,贾余庆〔贾余庆〕南宋的右丞相,充任祈请使至元军。他和吕师孟都是通敌卖国的,所以说“构恶”“献谄”。献谄于后,予羁縻〔羁縻〕这里是被拘留的意思。不得还,国事遂不可收拾。予自度不得脱,则直前诟虏帅〔诟(gòu)虏帅〕骂元军的统帅。虏帅,指元军的统帅伯颜。下文的“诋(dǐ)大酋”也指这件事。失信,数〔数(shǔ)〕列举罪状。 吕师孟叔侄为逆。但欲求死,不复顾利害。〔利害〕指个人的安危。北虽貌敬,〔貌敬〕表面上表示尊敬。实则愤怒。二贵酋〔贵酋〕指元军的高级官员。名曰馆伴,〔名曰馆伴〕名义上是招待使者的官员。夜则以兵围所寓舍,而予不得归矣。未几,贾余庆等以祈请使诣北;北驱予并往,而不在使者之目。〔目〕列。予分当引决,〔分(fèn)当引决〕理当自杀。然而隐忍以行。昔人云:“将以有为也。”〔将以有为也〕这是唐朝名将南霁云的话。南霁云,唐朝张巡部将。安史之乱中,与张巡等同时遇害。






























































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  • 高一函数课件 这篇“高一函数课件”是幼儿教师教育网小编精心制作的,希望您能够喜欢它,并从中获得帮助。教案和课件是每位教师为上课准备的必要材料,但它们并非随随便便就能写好。只有写好教案,才能打造出完整的课堂教学。...
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  • 高一地理必修一课件 俗话说,做什么事都要有计划和准备。在幼儿园教师的生活工作中,时常需要提前准备资料作为参考。资料主要是指生活学习工作中需要的材料。参考资料有助于我们的工作进一步发展。既然如此,你知道我们的幼师资料有哪些内容啊?在这里,你不妨读读高一地理必修一课件,还请你收藏本页以便后续阅读。第一部分的内容——山岳的形...
    2023-07-17 阅读全文
  • 高一数学课件锦集 俗话说,做什么事都要有计划和准备。在幼儿园教师的生活工作中,时常需要提前准备资料作为参考。资料主要是指生活学习工作中需要的材料。资料对我们的学习工作发展有着重要的意义!所以,关于幼师资料你究竟了解多少呢?小编特别整理来自网络的高一数学课件锦集,欢迎大家阅读收藏,分享给身边的人!本节课是《普通高中课程...
    2023-06-11 阅读全文
  • 高一函数课件收藏 在进行学生授课前,教师通常会提前准备好教案课件,相信大家对此并不陌生。编写完整的教案有助于完成授课任务,但如何制作牢靠的课件教案呢?不妨来查阅一下栏目小编整理的“高一函数课件”知识点总结,希望对你有所帮助,并欢迎与朋友分享!...
    2023-06-02 阅读全文


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