


June 1, the flowers smiled; The child woke up, worry not; Childlike innocence back, melanc~~我想你一定对这方面的句子感兴趣,栏目小编特地为大家精心收集和整理了“儿童节英文贺卡祝福语”,欢迎你阅读和收藏,并分享给身边的朋友!


2、We wish all the children a happy children's day in this day, also let us each a adults back to childhood, with the most pure feelings the purest heart a happy children's day! A happy holiday!



5、The sunshine flying butterflies, ever let you remember that time to chase? Naive smiling face like flowers, butterfly linger! Children's day coming, may you be always spend as smile!

6、In the childhood memories, time passes, the prosperities, far away the old confusion, we have grown up in a twinkling of an eye, in the way of time we walked together, good friends happy children's day!


8、Children's day arrived, wish you used to be a child: young, keep a pure heart, has a sweet smile, child-like skin, carefree life, fantasy and vision for the future!

9、Childrens Day is approaching. The ing, eating to talk about meals, ashamed to be shy, toilet to say shh. May your life be like a fairy tale. Keep your childlike innocence forever and immerse yourself in childlike fun all the time. Happy Childrens Day to you!








17、Our lives every day to continue, born to grow mature aging death is inevitable law of nature, but if the clock back, who can refuse to the goodness of the lost childhood? Children's day arrived, I wish a happy holiday!

18、the small people I wish you a happy holiday, with the wisdom of age withgrowth.



21、Let the childlike innocence waking, let happiness together; False let tong zhen regression and collapse. Let tong qu playback and annoyance. June 1 children's day, and is willing to dance the peacock, to be the same beautiful, good luck to household, happy life!


23、Who says memories are not good? Although not a holiday, consider alsohappy: I wish you a happy June 1!

24、Like children put on new clothes, put on a good mood.

25、And children together, can make the person becomes pure, become young, be caring, and full of inspiration. No wonder I changed, because with you, ha ha, I wish you a happy children's day!




29、June has come to front, a young face, children are the future of the motherland, the children, their childhood fun, holiday came to, happy blessing, enjoy it, I wish a happy children's day, childlike innocence forever be with you throughout the year.

30、There are so many smart and lovely children in the en are e, on the occasion of the June 1 childrens day, you will have a day off for the middle-aged and old friends, young friends and children. May you enjoy the festival!


32、Childhood is spring breeze, fresh and warm; childhood is sunrise, brilliant and warm; childhood is a beautiful dream, sweet and happy; childhood is emerald, flawless and priceless. Happy Childrens Day!


34、Forget not childhood laughter, forget childhood anecdote, whichcarries the eternal memory, where a beautiful memory, to 61,sincere tunnel: Children's day happy! May you always be happy.

35、June 1, the flowers smiled; The child woke up, worry not; Childlike innocence back, melancholy; Tong qu, joy came; Dance the peacock smiled, life beautiful. Baby, happy children's day!


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