


May the red, white, and blue of our flag bring us together as one on this National Day.~~这些句子文案你喜欢吗?下面是我们为你精心整理的“国庆节祝福语英语版简短”,请阅读,或许对你有所帮助!

1、Celebrating with you on this special day!

2、Best wishes for peace and prosperity on National Day!

3、Let's honor our ancestors and forefathers on National Day!

4、Let's embrace the spirit of unity and patriotism on this National Day and work towards a better future for our country! 让我们在这个国庆节上拥抱团结和爱国的精神,为我们国家的美好未来而努力!

5、Happy National Day to all the people who work hard to make our country prosperous and glorious! 祝所有为使我们国家繁荣和辉煌而努力工作的人们国庆快乐!

6、Let's strengthen the foundation of education and knowledge in our nation on National Day!

7、As we celebrate our country's progress and achievements, let's also remember our duty to contribute to a better world for all. Happy National Day!

8、May this National Day bring you good luck, health, prosperity and happiness, and may all your dreams come true! 愿这个国庆节为你带来好运、健康、繁荣和幸福,愿你所有的梦想都成真!

9、Celebrating the progress and development of our nation on National Day!

10、Let's pay tribute to the heroes of our nation and honor the sacrifices they have made for our freedom and independence. Happy National Day!

11、Happy National Day, my fellow patriots!

12、Here's to a brighter and more just future for our country and our planet!

13、May the spirit of freedom and bravery that our forefathers fought for continue to inspire us. Happy National Day to all our fellow citizens!

14、Happy National Day to the land of hope, the land of progress, and the land of unity!

15、Let us honor our country and the sacrifices of those who have fought for our freedom on this National Day.

16、May the spirit of patriotism and love for our country flourish on this National Day and beyond.

17、May the National Day inspire us to work towards a more prosperous and inclusive society!

18、May our country continue to be a symbol of peace, prosperity and unity!

19、Let us celebrate the rich history and heritage of our nation on this National Day. 让我们在这个国庆节上庆祝我们国家丰富的历史和文化遗产。

20、May the Chinese people continue to thrive and flourish. Happy National Day!

21、Happy National Day to the world's largest economy and a powerful Asian nation!

22、Happy National Day to the country that has a language that is beautiful and expressive, and a calligraphy that is artistic and elegant! 祝一个有着美丽和表达力的语言和艺术、优美的书法的国家国庆快乐!

23、Happy National Day and let us never forget the sacrifices made for our freedom!

24、May our country continue to be a source of inspiration and hope for all. Happy National Day!

25、Happy National Day to the land of innovation, the land of resilience, and the land of creativity!

26、On this National Day, let us renew our commitment to the principles of unity, peace, and progress that define our nation. 在这个国庆节上,让我们重新承诺我们国家确立的团结、和平、进取的原则。

27、On this special day, let's remember and honor all those who have sacrificed for our country's freedom and prosperity!

28、Long live the liberty and dignity of our nation on National Day!

29、Let's come together and celebrate our country's achievements on National Day!

30、Happy National Day to the land of dragons, the land of resilience, and the land of innovation!

31、Here's to China's continued success and growth. Happy National Day!

32、Let's celebrate our country's progress and achievements on National Day and every day!

33、Let us come together in harmony and gratitude to celebrate our National Day and the incredible journey of our Nation. Many happy returns!

34、Happy National Day to the country that has a transportation and infrastructure system that is modern and efficient, and a tourism industry that is welcoming and diverse! 祝一个有着现代和高效的交通和基础设施系统,以及热情多样的旅游业的国家国庆快乐!

35、Let's embrace our shared values of unity, equality, and harmony on this National Day and always.

36、May the red, white, and blue of our flag bring us together as one on this National Day.


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