


通过评语评价我们可以了解到自己的优势和劣势,给予积极评价能够增强个人的自我激励和鼓舞,您提供的关键词让幼儿教师教育网的编辑找到了以下相关信息:“评语英语”。请与生活中的每个人分享您最大的财富之一 时间!



1. Stopping acting like a baby! Pull yourself together!


Pull oneself together 常用在口语中,意思就是重新振作起来,镇静下来。

2. Chin up! Only two exams left.


Chin up或者keep your chin up 就是别灰心,别气馁。当别人处境困难时,可以用这句话鼓励。

3. Be prepared for a rough time. And hang in there.


Hang in there 别泄气,坚持下去。当朋友想要放弃的时候,说这句话,让他们咬牙坚持下去。

4. I'm sure it'll work out.


Work out(某种事情)有效的,切实可行,成功。比如:The plan worked out badly. 计划实行得很不成功。

5. You can do anything if you really want to. That's the spirit!


That’s the spirit! 用于鼓励他人的勇气、决心,意思是那样才对,那才算好样的。




1、xx students on January 20, 2010 at the Division I units of credit, internships, one-month internship period, his outstanding performance, to be leaders and colleagues unanimously affirmed. xxx students to work pro-active, the right attitude, with an open mind to learn from colleagues about the credit knowledge, the university learned knowledge and apply it in practical classes, learning materials and location of the sections through the exchange of personnel, his basic understanding of the basic flow of credit business and relevant policies and regulations, at the same time , but also assist with some of his whatever administrative work, which was a pro-active working attitude of our colleagues at home. At the same time, he stick with my unit the relevant rules and regulations, does not appear the phenomenon of absenteeism, etc., live in harmony with colleagues, exchange harmony.

Xxx hope students continue to participate in various social activities, and constantly seek self-improvement to become a high-quality college students to adapt to social development, and lay a solid foundation for




吃苦耐劳、学习能力强、事业心强责任心强,有较强的沟通、协调能力,有团队协作精神 Working hard, having the strong ability of learning , with a strong sense of responsibilities and ambitions , having the strong communication, coordination and team -spirit; 1. Major in Engineering, and graduate from an undergraduate college; Im familiar with industrial engineering theory, and can use it into the actual operation; I can bear hardships, and have excellent learning and communication abilitis; I also own a high sense of responsibility and the team spirit; Im skilled in the use of office softtware, and possess related basic knowledge of network.


大学毕业生实习报告鉴定表英文评语: Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills. 思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。 Energetic,fashion-minded person. 精力旺盛、思想新潮。 With a pleasant mature attitude. 开朗成熟。 Strong determination to succeed. 有获得成功的`坚定决心。 Strong leadership skills. 有极强的领导艺术。 Ability to work well with others. 能够同他人一道很好地工作。 Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. 上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。 The ability to initiate and operate independently. 有创业能力,并能独立地从业。 Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. 有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。 Mature,dynamic and honest. 思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。 Excellent ability of systematical management. 有极强的系统管理能力。 Ability to work independent思想成熟、应变能力强。 A person with ability plus flexibility should app具高度责任感。实习评语 Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force. 能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。 Bright,aggressive applicants. 反应快、有进取心的应聘者。 Ambitious attitude essential. 有雄心壮志。 Initiative,independent and good communication skill. 积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。 Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality. 愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。 Willing to assume responsibilities.pingyu/ 应聘者须勇于挑重担。


评语简历:到英语竞赛班学习的学生简历Résumé of a Studnt Who Is Going to an nglish Contst Class 到英语竞赛班学习的学生简历








Résumé of a Studnt Who Is Going to an nglish Contst Class


评语简历(résumé with commnts)用于推荐学生上学、工作人员考评等。表内基本情况由本人填写,评语部分由老师或主管领导填写。评语的措词力求简洁,多写优点,少写或不写缺点。

评语简历:到英语竞赛班学习的学生简历Résumé of a Studnt Who Is Going to an nglish Contst Class


小学英语日记-lucky day范文附教师评语

Today must be my lucky day. This morning our headteacher told us a thing: because my bedroon was very clean the teacher gave us 10 points, and I became the best cleaner. I learnt a lot of English grammer when I have the English class of Miss Zhang’s enen though it is a little difficult to understand.

The best thing I met in the day time is the australian teacher gave me an English name. It is sally, I think it is a beartiful name. Do you agree?after the two-day-study, I found that Mr. Williamson is very funny and my classmates are friendly.

I’m happy today and I think I will be happy everyday during the summer camp of the English studies.

班主任评语:Excellent! Pretty handwriting! Sally is a nice name just like you, I think.


1、整堂课的教学设计符合高中学生的实际和教学内容的需要,教学各环节过渡自然,从开头Free talk导入课文,通过图片启发提问到Quiz测试,再到词汇Paraphrase 和Reading阅读、Dialogue对话、Discussion讨论,完全符合学生认知水平。


3、教学方法处处体现以学生为本,如注重对学生的语言只是检测(词汇学习时注重部分学生的单词拼写能力), 讨论时分为xx组、xx组等,充分尊重学生意愿和个性差异。


5、教师的教学机智,特别是善于抓住细节,处处体现二期课改目标,以学生为本,与学生“零”距离,如开始有一学生答不出,教师并未放弃,后经过反复启发诱导,学生答出landscape一词;再如一学生说的英语谚语“He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man.”极好,但很多学生并没在意,教师故意装作没听清楚,却故意让学生再复述一遍,还有一学生答出rainbow一词,教师立刻表扬“imaginative”等等,所有这些,都给学生以极大的鼓励和信心,这正是该教师最成功之处,非常值得广大一线教师学习。所以说教师的理念十分重要,因为它决定了教学行为。




















有毅力的人。Good luck!

2、方格 Sun 你对英语学习充满了自信和兴趣,看到你那么自觉地学习,老师为你感到高兴。Good luck!

好强,对英语充满兴趣。因此你学得很棒,愿你一直努力,永葆出色。Congratulations to you!

4、童方舟 Sue 你把你的智慧都藏在你的沉默中,而你并不知道,你的每一次回答都让老师为你骄傲。 Come on!

5、尹紫 Rose 你英语说得很好,更让人的是,你的歌声使你成为咱们班的英语歌王后。你很有天赋,愿你更出色。Congratulations to you!

6、缪航 Lily 你很文静,在学习上你表现得很积极,很活跃。老师为你的.勤奋而感动,为你的优秀而骄傲。Good luck!

7、方伟行 Mike 凭你的聪明,你能把英语学得很棒。可是你也很活泼,活泼得会连老师讲了什么都没听见。Come on!

8、程昕宜 Annie 你很聪明也很努力,所以你的英语学得很棒。Congratulations to you!

说,你的英语会更棒。Come on!

姜帆 Susan 你喜欢英语,想和英语做好朋友,然而你不知道,英语喜欢和经常说她、读她的人交朋友。Come on!

方浩Alan凭你的聪明,可以把英语学得很棒。可是你怕吃苦,怕写作业,缺乏热情。哎,英语只好悻悻地站在一边望着你。Come on!



Tony – Tony is going really well; he is saying the new words and is trying very hard with the new sentences。 He really enjoys coming up to the front of the class and performing the actions that go along with the songs, he is trying really hard to remember the new words and sentences。

Alan – Alan is going really well in the class; he sits in his chair and waits for his turn。 He is doing a great job with remembering the new words; he is always trying his best with everything that he does。 He enjoys singing the new songs。

Frank – Frank is going great; he is feeling much better and is really trying very hard with the new words。 He is slowly catching up with the other children, I am sure he will be able to say all the new words and sentences。 He is very active in the class and is trying to talk more。 Lewis - Lewis is going really well in class; he has a good understanding of what we are doing。 He participates well in every

activity and really tries very hard with everything that he is doing。 Lewis enjoys coming to the front of the class and performing the action that go along with the songs。

Kevin – Kevin has been away from class

Tracy – Tracy has been away from class

Jessie – Jessie is having a great time in the class; he seems to understand what we are doing and has no trouble repeating the words。 He really enjoys doing the actions and singing the songs, he is always happy to come to the front of class and practice the new words。

David – David is going well; he is slowly coming to the front of the class to practice what we are learning。 He is trying hard with the new words and sentences; he really enjoys singing the new songs and performing the actions that go along with them。

Michael - Michael is going really well in class; he is very active in class and is having no trouble with the new words and sentences。 He really participates well in all the activities and tries his best with

everything that he does。 He is slowly enjoying the songs, and I am sure that before too long he will really like singing。

Joyce – Joyce is going great in the class; she is always trying her best with the new words and sentences。 Sometimes she says the new words only after hearing them once, which is fantastic。 She likes playing games with me and is always happy and smiling in the class。 Cindy – Cindy has been away from class

Tomi – Tomi is going really well in class; he is having no trouble with the new words and sentences。 He is participating well in all class activities; he really enjoys singing the new songs。 When it is his turn to come to the front of the class to practice the new words he is very happy。

Lucky – Lucky is going really well in class; he is getting better with coming to the front of the class to say the new words and sentences。 He is trying very hard with everything that he does; he is making friends in the class which is really great to see。 He enjoys singing the new songs。

Jack – Jack is going well in class; he is always very happy in the class。 He participates well in all class activities, and is always trying his best with everything that he does。 When it is his turn to come to the front of the class to practice the new words he is very happy。

Junior – Junior is going well in the class; he is having no trouble with the new words and sentences。 He is always trying his best in each class, when it is his turn to come to the front of the class he is very

happy to。 He really enjoys singing the new songs; he participates well in all class activities。

Dick – Dick has been away from class

Nina – Nina has been away from class

Jojo – Jojo is going well in class; she is getting more and more active and really enjoys coming to the front of the class to practice the new words。 She quietly sits in her chair waiting her turn。 Jojo really enjoys singing the new songs and performing the actions that go along with them。

Sky – Sky is going great in the class; he is really trying very hard with the new words and sentences。 He is having no trouble with the new words and is participating well in all class activities。 He really enjoys singing the new songs。

Ivy – Ivy is trying very hard; she patiently sits in her chair waiting for her turn to say the new words and sentences。 She is very happy to come to the front of the class and try the new words; she really enjoys performing the actions that go along with the songs。

Jason – Jason is getting more active during the class; he is trying his best with the new words and sentences。 He is slowly coming to the front of the class to practice what he has just learnt; I am quite sure that before long he will be having no trouble at all with the new words and sentences。

Rabbit – Rabbit is going well in class; she is always trying her best with everything that she does。 She is getting more and more active in the class, and really enjoys coming to the front of the class to practice the new words and sentences。

Ana – Ana is going well in class; she patiently sits in her chair waiting her turn。 She is trying very hard with the new words and sentences; she is getting more and more active in the class and is participating well in all the class activities。

Victor – Victor is going well; he is participating in all the class activities and is always trying his best with everything that he does。 He really enjoys coming to the front of the class to practice the new words and sentences。



You are a lively and active girl, warm and generous, discipline, respect for teachers. Good performance, there is a certain collective sense of honor. If you study hard and then some, and perseverance can do, you will be even greater progress. In the new year, you will work harder, right? Believe they will succeed!


You are a quiet, introverted little boy. Respect for teachers in school, love students, schools comply with the rules and regulations. When we know our mistakes and can correct them, seriously listen to the teaching of teachers. Has been relatively good in math. I hope that you learn in the future, in the language subjects more efforts, more than usual to see the level of extra-curricular books to improve writing, and constantly tap their own potential, I believe you will be more outstanding!


文涛:You’re smart and quick response in the class, as you can answer the questions quickly. Just keep on and you can succeed. Everything taken into consideration, you are an excellent student with a strong potential to develop. What you should do is to keep your enthusiasm in your English learning. Besides, be more careful in your study, and try your best to remember more words, you’ll be the best ! Come on !

杨鑫: You are a nice boy and can behave yourself in the class . Sometimes , you can take the notes carefully . However, I think you should pay more attention to the way you study. And I hope you can spend more time in your grammar learning . What’s more, you should make full use of your time to remember more new words, and then I believe you can get better grades. Keep on!

丹华:You are an honest student, respect the teachers, get along well with your classmates. You listen to the teacher carefully in class, and take notes in time. If you could make full use of your time to remember more new words, I believe you’ll make great progress. ,Besides, I think you should pay more attention to the way you study, and then I believe you can get better grades. Keep on!

柏濠:You are quiet in class . But you listen to the teacher carefully. What’s more, I’m glad that you take the notes in time. I know you really work hard from your notes, exercises, and the exams. And your pronunciation is quite good, but you need more time to practice if you want to speak fluently. Besides , if you can do your exercises more carefully , and try your best to remember more words as much as your can, I’m sure you will see a different world.

紫晴:You are quiet in class. But you listen to the teacher carefully. You can always concentrate your mind in class, but you are just too shy to ask questions. Consult your teachers whenever you meet difficulties, you can solve the problem and make progress. In addition, I hope you can spend more time in your grammar learning and vocabulary learning. I believe you can do a better job.

树坚:You’re serious-minded and listen carefully in the class. And your writing is quite good. What’s more, I’m glad that you take the notes in time. But you’re too quiet and shy, which is not good for you to learn English well. And you should make full use of your time to remember more words by heart. So just be more active. Believe in yourself ! Come on!

杰城:I really like that you and Zhu Wentao are so cooperative and active in the class. You always discuss with each other to get the best answer. Besides, you are good at English but a little careless. So remember to be more careful when you do exercises. In addition, you have a solid foundation in English. That’s very good, but I still hope you can spend more time in vocabulary learning. I ‘m sure you can make a great progress in the near future English study.

凯轩:You listen to the teacher carefully in class. Every time , you answer the questions very loudly and correctly . In fact,your answers are always pretty good every time,you should believe yourself. You have a very solid foundation in English. That’s very good. I still hope you can spend more time in reciting words. Believe in yourself ! You will be better at English .Come on !

炜莹:You study really hard and always eager to learn more. This is a good habit. You can listen attentively, take notes carefully, and complete tasks within the given time. In addition, you can always give a perfect answer whenever being asked. If you can spend more time in your grammar and reading, I believe you can do a better job! Never give up and try hard, I believe you can make a great progress.

杨婧:You can behave yourself and you are always active in every class. You can put your heart into what you are doing. That’s a very good habit! Keep going on! In addition,you can always concentrate your mind in class, but you are just too shy to ask questions. Consult your teachers whenever you meet difficulties, you can solve the problem and make progress. Be confident! You can make it!

智成:You have very bright smile and a quick mind. Actually you are very smart. If you can focus your mind on what you should do in the class. You can do a better job. Come on! However, you couldn’t help doing monkey business during the class. And you should remember more words. Try to be more self-disciplined, you can make progress soon!暂时的落后不代表什么,就像长跑比赛 冠军通常不是起跑领先的人,坚持就是胜利,老师相信你一定行的,加油!(建议你继续报读寒假的课程,把以前还没有掌握好的知识点补回来)

凤宜:You are a nice girl. I like you because you are always active and can answer every question correctly. That’s very good. In addition, you are very smart and pleased to ask questions. That’s a very good learning habit. I believe you can make progress by doing this. Do enough exercise but not too much. Try not to make the same mistake again. You can do a better job! Come on!

展文:You are unique and clever. Don’t forget to arrange everything well, do what you should do at the right time. I hope you can do more exercise and speak more English to improve yourself. Come on! You can make it! Besides, what you should do is to keep your enthusiasm in your English learning. Speak more English and reading more English books, you can do it better!

锡明:You are a nice boy and can always behave yourself in the class. You can always concentrate your mind in class,but you are just too shy to ask questions. Ask your teachers whenever you meet difficulties, you can solve the problem and make progress. Besides,I hope you can speak English louder without any hesitation. Actually you can do it, be confident!











































第四节和第七节的语言,体会老师改过的,是不是去掉了些多余的话,语言更简洁流畅了? 有时可这样说:















鼓励为主。教师在批改学生作文时,要留心学生的进步,哪怕是极其微小的进步,在评语中应该指出来,给予肯定的赞扬。有时优点并不容易发现,甚至要教师带着放大镜去看。即使是对学生习作中的不足之处,也应该用一种商量 式的评语。如:“这个词是不是可以换一个?”“这句话太长了,用标点把它们分开行吗?”等。而要尽量避免一些判决书式的冷冰冰的评语。如:“语句不同,条理不清,中心不明确”等。会挫伤孩子的写作积极性和自信心。要尽可能让学生从老师的评语中看到自己的长处和闪光点,一此来增强学生的能力感和成就感,让他们感到自己能行,增强他们的自信心。

表扬鼓励决不是盲目的吹捧、廉价的 赞扬,而是事实求是,恰如其分,同时也不排斥满腔热情地指正。例如有这样一多评语:“你的文章如春雷般唤醒沉睡的大地,为新的一天增添新绿……”很有诗意,也很美,但对小学生来讲,太深奥了,不懂其中蕴含的真正意思。古人云:“数子十过,不如奖其一长。”把握好鼓励为主的原则,写好评语,让学生体会到写作的成功和乐趣。


















1、xx students on January 20, 2010 at the Division I units of credit, internships, one-month internship period, his outstanding performance, to be leaders and colleagues unanimously affirmed. xxx students to work pro-active, the right attitude, with an open mind to learn from colleagues about the credit knowledge, the university learned knowledge and apply it in practical classes, learning materials and location of the sections through the exchange of personnel, his basic understanding of the basic flow of credit business and relevant policies and regulations, at the same time , but also assist with some of his whatever administrative work, which was a pro-active working attitude of our colleagues at home. At the same time, he stick with my unit the relevant rules and regulations, does not appear the phenomenon of absenteeism, etc., live in harmony with colleagues, exchange harmony.

Xxx hope students continue to participate in various social activities, and constantly seek self-improvement to become a high-quality college students to adapt to social development, and lay a solid foundation for




吃苦耐劳、学习能力强、事业心强责任心强,有较强的沟通、协调能力,有团队协作精神 Working hard, having the strong ability of learning , with a strong sense of responsibilities and ambitions , having the strong communication, coordination and team -spirit; 1. Major in Engineering, and graduate from an undergraduate college;

2. Im familiar with industrial engineering theory, and can use it into the actual operation;

3. I can bear hardships, and have excellent learning and communication abilitis; I also own a high sense of responsibility and the team spirit;

4. Im skilled in the use of office software, and possess related basic knowledge of network.



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