英语评语 篇1
英语评语 篇2
xx students on January 20, 20xx at the Division I units of credit, internships, one-month internship period, his outstanding performance, to be leaders and colleagues unanimously affirmed. xxx students to work pro-active, the right attitude, with an open mind to learn from colleagues about the credit knowledge, the university learned knowledge and apply it in practical classes, learning materials and location of the sections through the exchange of personnel, his basic understanding of the basic flow of credit business and relevant policies and regulations, at the same time , but also assist with some of his whatever administrative work, which was a pro-active working attitude of our colleagues at home. At the same time, he stick with my unit the relevant rules and regulations, does not appear the phenomenon of absenteeism, etc., live in harmony with colleagues, exchange harmony.
Xxx hope students continue to participate in various social activities, and constantly seek self-improvement to become a high-quality college students to adapt to social development, and lay a solid foundation for
吃苦耐劳、学习能力强、事业心强责任心强,有较强的沟通、协调能力,有团队协作精神 Working hard, having the strong ability of learning , with a strong sense of responsibilities and ambitions , having the strong communication, coordination and team -spirit; 1. Major in Engineering, and graduate from an undergraduate college; Im familiar with industrial engineering theory, and can use it into the actual operation; I can bear hardships, and have excellent learning and communication abilitis; I also own a high sense of responsibility and the team spirit; Im skilled in the use of office softtware, and possess related basic knowledge of network.
英语评语 篇3
2、懂得为学要勤奋、谦虚、永不满足,为人真诚无私、尊敬师长。 【教学准备】
2.读一读你画的语句,把自己的感受说给小组内的同学听一听!3.班级交流:(1)谈孔子 ①他总觉得自己的知识还不够渊博,三十岁的时候,他离开家乡曲阜,去洛阳拜大思想家老子为师。
②曲阜和洛阳相距上千里,孔子风餐露宿,日夜兼程,几个月后,终于走到了洛阳。(重点词语理解)③孔子想:这位老人大概就是我要拜访的老师吧!于是上前行礼?? ④孔子连忙说:“学生孔丘,特地来拜见老师,请收下我这个学生。”(谦 虚礼貌)⑤学习是没有止境的。??
①“你就是孔丘啊,听说你要来,我就在这儿迎候。研究学问你不比我差,为什么还要拜我为师呢?”(谦虚礼貌)②老子也把自己的学问毫无保留地传授给了他。(学词“毫无保留”、“传授”。)(3)对比理解两组近义词的不同用法。拜访——拜见;迎候——等候 ①通过对比朗读,细细品味:“拜访”是敬辞,“访问”的意思,“拜见”是“拜会、会见”的意思,是从客人方面说的。
3、进一步体会最后一段的意思: 课文最后一段告诉我们(生读):人们佩服孔子和老子的学问,也敬重他们的品行。(师:孔子和老子,一个谦虚好学,一个诲人不倦;一个是不耻下问,一个是毫无保留,多么伟大的古代学者的风范啊!难怪人们如此敬重他们。)
2、开始进行中国传统文化的资料收集。 【板书设计】
举例: 在小学语文课程中,我们让小学生掌握生字词,掌握某些句式,这就算是重点。而比如说你让小学生体会文中对话人物的情感动态,小学上是很难理解这种东西的,这个就叫做难点。
答题要点(即采分点)【课题名称】 【教学目标】
(根据学生学习基础和理解本节内容的困难程度或者根据知识本身的难易程度,再结合学生的理解水平来确定教学的重难点 重点:学生最应该掌握的知识点;难点:学生在已有认知水平的情况下难以掌握的。【教学过程】
四、小结与作业 课堂小结:1.归纳全文、提升主题、发出号召;2.巧设悬念、引出下节课 布置作业:1.在数量上,布置1-2道作业。一道是基础性的,如摘抄精彩句子或背诵段落;另一道是拓展性的作业,利于锻炼学生的合作实践能力;尤其是小学,作业不宜过多。
2.在内容上,作业借鉴“拓展延伸”的方法。 表演性质的作业,如诗歌朗诵会、情景剧表演。
英语评语 篇4
2、任何一次班上的集体活动, 你都主动出谋划策。 男篮比赛中,你让同学们改变打法, 让不可一世的对方招架不住; 最让老师头痛的是大扫除,我们班开始老是得不到满分,当另一位同学接受挑战的时候,你也主动参与进来,与她一起督促同学做,直到检查得了满分为止; 教室门窗的关锁,你也主动包揽,而无一句怨言。老师因有你这样的学生而骄傲!
7、凡是你 认真做的事, 就会有好的结果。比如你的作文有被当做范文的时候; 你有本班“数学家”的称号。但是数学市里竞赛你却没有发出“数学家”的神威。为什么呢? 这么优越的智力,学好英语是没问题的, 可你 却把课余的时光大大方方的给了“游戏”,一双好好的大眼睛也给了它, 多不值呀! 对你母亲的赌博行为你很不满,而你呢?试一试你先自己改过了,看你母亲又如何呢?
24、下雨天的你,穿一双长长的、溅满黄泥的靴子,脸上洋溢着透身的朝气,活脱脱一个美少年!你是一位朴直的同学,你热情好客,有情趣, 思维活跃。你很善于交友, 虚心向你的朋友也是你的老师吴春同学请教, 你的进步是大家有目共睹的。 你还是一个能干的男子汉,凡是班上的拖帕、桌子坏了之类, 都是你心甘情愿做的事。 学习中,如果你每一科都能像学语文这样有热情就好了。那天你笑着对我说,你在外打工的父亲还是很看重各科成绩的。试试看吧,能学好语文的你一定也能学好其他科的!
英语评语 篇5
1、工作经验 求职者的实际工作情况是否与简历中工作经验的表述一致。原工作岗位的主要工作难点是什么,经历过那些重要的技术事件,是如何解决这些难题的。原工作经验与现工作岗位的衔接性,是否具备现工作岗位的主要工作技能。
英语评语 篇6
英语评语 篇7
Tony – Tony is going really well; he is saying the new words and is trying very hard with the new sentences。 He really enjoys coming up to the front of the class and performing the actions that go along with the songs, he is trying really hard to remember the new words and sentences。
Alan – Alan is going really well in the class; he sits in his chair and waits for his turn。 He is doing a great job with remembering the new words; he is always trying his best with everything that he does。 He enjoys singing the new songs。
Frank – Frank is going great; he is feeling much better and is really trying very hard with the new words。 He is slowly catching up with the other children, I am sure he will be able to say all the new words and sentences。 He is very active in the class and is trying to talk more。 Lewis - Lewis is going really well in class; he has a good understanding of what we are doing。 He participates well in every
activity and really tries very hard with everything that he is doing。 Lewis enjoys coming to the front of the class and performing the action that go along with the songs。
Kevin – Kevin has been away from class
Tracy – Tracy has been away from class
Jessie – Jessie is having a great time in the class; he seems to understand what we are doing and has no trouble repeating the words。 He really enjoys doing the actions and singing the songs, he is always happy to come to the front of class and practice the new words。
David – David is going well; he is slowly coming to the front of the class to practice what we are learning。 He is trying hard with the new words and sentences; he really enjoys singing the new songs and performing the actions that go along with them。
Michael - Michael is going really well in class; he is very active in class and is having no trouble with the new words and sentences。 He really participates well in all the activities and tries his best with
everything that he does。 He is slowly enjoying the songs, and I am sure that before too long he will really like singing。
Joyce – Joyce is going great in the class; she is always trying her best with the new words and sentences。 Sometimes she says the new words only after hearing them once, which is fantastic。 She likes playing games with me and is always happy and smiling in the class。 Cindy – Cindy has been away from class
Tomi – Tomi is going really well in class; he is having no trouble with the new words and sentences。 He is participating well in all class activities; he really enjoys singing the new songs。 When it is his turn to come to the front of the class to practice the new words he is very happy。
Lucky – Lucky is going really well in class; he is getting better with coming to the front of the class to say the new words and sentences。 He is trying very hard with everything that he does; he is making friends in the class which is really great to see。 He enjoys singing the new songs。
Jack – Jack is going well in class; he is always very happy in the class。 He participates well in all class activities, and is always trying his best with everything that he does。 When it is his turn to come to the front of the class to practice the new words he is very happy。
Junior – Junior is going well in the class; he is having no trouble with the new words and sentences。 He is always trying his best in each class, when it is his turn to come to the front of the class he is very
happy to。 He really enjoys singing the new songs; he participates well in all class activities。
Dick – Dick has been away from class
Nina – Nina has been away from class
Jojo – Jojo is going well in class; she is getting more and more active and really enjoys coming to the front of the class to practice the new words。 She quietly sits in her chair waiting her turn。 Jojo really enjoys singing the new songs and performing the actions that go along with them。
Sky – Sky is going great in the class; he is really trying very hard with the new words and sentences。 He is having no trouble with the new words and is participating well in all class activities。 He really enjoys singing the new songs。
Ivy – Ivy is trying very hard; she patiently sits in her chair waiting for her turn to say the new words and sentences。 She is very happy to come to the front of the class and try the new words; she really enjoys performing the actions that go along with the songs。
Jason – Jason is getting more active during the class; he is trying his best with the new words and sentences。 He is slowly coming to the front of the class to practice what he has just learnt; I am quite sure that before long he will be having no trouble at all with the new words and sentences。
Rabbit – Rabbit is going well in class; she is always trying her best with everything that she does。 She is getting more and more active in the class, and really enjoys coming to the front of the class to practice the new words and sentences。
Ana – Ana is going well in class; she patiently sits in her chair waiting her turn。 She is trying very hard with the new words and sentences; she is getting more and more active in the class and is participating well in all the class activities。
Victor – Victor is going well; he is participating in all the class activities and is always trying his best with everything that he does。 He really enjoys coming to the front of the class to practice the new words and sentences。
英语评语 篇8
4. xx:老师一直为你有很强的学习积极性和班级荣誉感而高兴;当然也为你所取得的成绩感到高兴;但你也要知道学习尤如急流划舟,不进则退。希望你能再接再励,争取更好的成绩。
10. xx:你勤劳奋的学习态度,俭朴的生活作风,令老师很感动。我知道学习对于你是件乐事,相信只要你坚持下去,一定会有更大收获的。若能多参加有益的文体活动,相信你能成为品学兼优的好学生!
19. xx:作为班长相对会累点,作为班主任我理解你也感谢你。你在德智体各个方面都做的很好,在班里也能起到先锋模范作用,这是很可贵的,但有时你会稍为脆弱,顶不住压力。所以在这里我要送你一句话:坚强点,你会做得更好!
英语评语 篇9
一、 宏观性评价
Beautiful.Clear. Wonderful.Good hand-writing.
You’re careful of using pronunciation.
Glad to see your improvement in handwriting.
I’m expecting clearer/more beautiful hand-writing from you next time. You’d better pay more attention to word order.
Better be more careful of your spelling.
It’s important to compose a graft beforehand.
I appreciate your handwriting.
You have a good knowledge of English proverbs.
You are quite aware of making meaningful sentences.
You are richer than others in collecting and using typical sentences and idioms.
I’m expecting greater progress from you in writing .Come on.
If you need my help,never hesitate to come to me.
Hard work leads to success.
Not to advance is to go back.
No one is without faults.
Keeping is harder than winning.Keep it up.
二、 微观写作技能方面的评语
It’s proper to use the proverb in Para.2 quite clever.
You are good at using attributive clauses in your writing.
The “struck” sentence is perfectly used.
You’d better use “third person” in the first para.
It’s good to use the past tense in your writing.
What a wonderful sentence using “cover”.
It’s really clever of you to use this beautiful sentence.
The inverted sentence is well wtitten.
A good beginning.
A perfect ending.
Well-organized. Perfectly-expanded.
The first para. makes a good beginning.
The last para. makes a perfect ending.
All the points have been covered.
It’s clever of you to use a topic sentence at the beginning of a para. It’s wonderful to use proper conjunctions between sentences.
You are good at developing para.
You have made great progress in developing passage.
I am glad to see the sentence conherence in your last para.
Better pay more attention to the relationship between sentences. It’s really wonderful to start/end your sentences with adverbials.
英语评语 篇10
英语评语 篇11
You are a study to make improvements, helpfulness of the child. As a class cadres, are you able to high standards and strict requirements to ask the students themselves and are worthy of being called a model for the students. In learning, you could do a meticulous ground thinking more drilling, has made gratifying achievements. Keep up the good work, I hope you become the best students to the new era!
As a class cadre of you, a serious and responsible work, teachers are grateful to you for reducing the burden on teachers. Your ambitions are, I think you already realize the "where there, things become" truth. You have a broader knowledge. I hope you have been outstanding in the next semester even more strict demands on themselves, for all-round progress!
You are a pleasing child. You love learning, usually there are always hard to see you seriously figure. Your job seriously, in order to reduce the burden on teachers. This semester, you are through their own efforts, and achieved gratifying results. I hope that you learn in the future life, dare say, the courage to express their own opinion, that the new century is the most outstanding students.
Enthusiasm and generosity of you, class of expression is so focused, so the question is positive, bold. However, reading the language need to be strengthened. If you can carry forward its own merits, and give full play to their potential, you will become a Pan-yong of the strong academic peak. Teachers look forwarrd to your arrival day!
You are a lovely quiet girl. Has always been honest and kind-hearted concern for your fellow students know how to go quietly to work for the class. So I am proud of the students. Motivated you to learn to consciously take the initiative, a certain degree of progress achieved. In the new year, you must be the performance of the new, right? Refueling Oh!
英语评语 篇12
比如:“∧”表示少了词语。例如:She usually goes to school∧bike.
"="表示单词拼写错误。例如:He is a friend teacher.
I went to see movie on last Friday.()
“倒S”表示顺序出错。例如: In the past,I live in a small horse .(S)
"~~"表示时态出错。例如: Tom went to meet his friend next Monday.
"( )?"表示不理解学生在表达什么。
“Don't you want to be the best student in our class?If so.please be more confident!"
"Good job!Pay attention to your handwriting,ok?'
"How i wish you did your writing all by yourself!I think you can!"
肯定和赞美性的评语,每个学生都希望得到,所以,充分发掘学生的闪亮点是很有必要的。对于那些作文较差的学生,更应该以鼓励为主,多加欣赏其优点,如部分学生字迹很工整,作文态度很端正,我会给的评语是:“What beautiful handwriting it is!But l believe you can do it bettet."或者有些学生字迹很潦草,但是作文表达流畅,很少出现语法错误。我会给的评语是:“Good job!your writing is very good!It will be good if you pay more attention to your handwriting!"
具有引导特点的评语能启发学生进行反思和发挥思考能力,让他们深刻地认识到问题的存在,从而唤起学生的写作激情,激发他们的写作感悟。让他们在不断的思考和领悟中学会纠正错误,引导他们往更深层次的角度去思考问题。比如,一位学生在表达过去某一天的时候,没有注意时态,我就会给予这些评语:Now or past?When did your story happen?what tense should be use?
英语评语 篇13
1, to be a good faith person. Honesty is the most precious jewel in human relations law. With integrity, you have won a lot of money, such as friends, opportunities, trust and so on. Once we have abandoned honesty, we will lose many precious things in life.
2, your lovely and cute just let mother "love not to know", every time a business trip only allowed, mother always like to take you, remember mother on the back of you climb Mount Lu, others laugh I am not too tired. Yes, your smiling face is mom's greatest happiness! Slowly, you play with your uncle and aunt, and now you climb the mountain and walk the single bridge, and communicate and perform with you, and suddenly mother finds you have grown up.
3, I am very glad to see you grow up day by day and make progress. Dad expects you to continue to work hard, not only to learn well, good health, better and healthy growth. You are not afraid of hard work, but you are diligent in your studies. You are strong in thought and able to take care of yourself. I am very happy and very relieved. Dad expects you to make more progress.
4, I wish you every happiness in every growing day! Happy birthday!
5, baby, countless times watching you look asleep, can not help but to kiss you, it is a happy feeling without words.
6, your child is about to become a teenager, you know, in the life of a man, the youngster is the most important. This is a time full of vitality, full of enthusiasm, full of expectations. In this era, you are going to look forward to your future and set a goal for yourself. It is not easy to put pressure on yourself, and do what you want to do. Because I don't want you to regret it in the future. I will regret my youth in the future. Your goal has your innocence, your expectations, our common expectation. That is the most wonderful thing in the world. We will work together to fight for it.
7, your achievements will never be more than you pay.
8, in the beautiful world, prosperity of the motherland, social stability, and thousands of years of life, all the children in the world can spend a beautiful childhood, can grow healthily and happily, will become the pillars of the motherland.
9, to change the bad psychological behavior. To be responsible: the responsibility of middle school students can be divided into five parts, the responsibility heart, the responsibility heart, the responsibility heart and the self responsibility, and the self responsibility is the basis and the fundamental.
10, my dearest baby, since you have been, you have brought us infinite happiness. You are an angel sent from heaven. With you, the life of mom and dad is much more joyful; with you, the love of mom and dad is stronger; with you, the life of mom and dad continues. My mother's greatest wish is to grow up healthily and happily.
11, baby, remember, you are different, you are unique, you are the best! In the course of your growth, mom and dad will always accompany you, face difficulties with you and overcome challenges together. Baby you are so excellent that you will be able to face and overcome all the difficulties and challenges. Mom and dad are very ordinary people, we hope that you can also be healthy and happy to be an ordinary person; to be a responsible, honest, loving, persistent person, to be a useful person, to be a strong person, to be a popular person, this has enough enough pride for the mother and mother's life.
12, do not be timid, do not turn back, bravely move forward and move forward!
13, kindergarten is a must for every child. Kindergarten must learn more knowledge so as to lay a good foundation in primary school.
14, you are a naive, lovely child, every morning to kindergarten can take the initiative to greet the teacher, you dance really well! Your singing is so sweet! In the course of the class, you can work together with your partners. And you've changed the bad habit of crying. It's going to be a primary school. The teacher feels that if you are more brave and more active with your teacher, you will become more capable.
15, we watched you grow up day by day, every bit of change and progress made mom and dad excited. 42 days of physical examination, you can look up very well, 3 months you learned to turn over and laugh, less than six months you will sit, and then you are not only lying on the bed every day. Then, in order that you can learn to climb, dad has worked hard, practice with you every day, and finally learned to crawl when you are nine months, because you are a caesarean section, and crawling is a very important training for you. You will call your mother, you will call Daddy and grandma, and you will sing for us. Now that you are one year old, you can walk along your bedside, and you can walk two times with your hands occasionally.
16, no matter in life or in learning, mom and dad care about you every moment. Though you haven't made any progress in this semester, I still hope that you will study harder and pay more attention to your learning methods. Keep up with your achievements, and at the same time pay attention to your health, and pay attention to safety on the way to school. Join the group faster.
17, we are delighted to see you take the "learning progress award" and hear that you have been praised as "the student contributing to the class". We are very proud of our son and you are really good! With the growth of age! People or things you touch will become more and more complex. We hope you must think more about it. We believe that you are a master of your children, and we want you to be a civilized, sensible and sensible man.
18, my mother sincerely hopes that you will carry forward your strengths. The habit and practice of overcoming one's carelessness and ignoring honor. Since the beginning of this semester, learning consciousness has improved significantly. The results of the mid-term examination were not ideal. It is related to your learning habits and learning methods. I hope not to be biased. First of all, generate interest, and I am confident to tell you that you will do well. You have the ability to do it well.
19, the dawn begins, and the diligent is good. "May you love the spring of life, cherish the morning of time, learn the plum blossom and strive for" the first branch of Dongfeng ".
20, children, the examination is not the whole of life. Have you ever cheered for one hundred points, and you must have felt so sad that you failed in the exam. You feel that everyone around you is paying attention to your test scores. Do you feel like you have a good job or a lot of trouble? But I want to tell you that the examination is really not the whole of life, and it is good or depressed to make it a part of life, as long as you work hard and live happily.
21, fly, fly, in the field of life, you wish, like the dandelion's little velvet flower, will take root and blossom everywhere.
22, children, computers and networks are not used to play. It's just like an atomic bomb is not used to sound. Powerful Windows powerful network, games are only incidental products. Use it wiser. It is more knowledgeable than all the teachers and wiser than all the other scholars.
23, baby, what you want to say to you is that your life may be plain and brilliant, but whatever it is, as long as you feel happy, mom and dad will not put their dreams on your own. The road to the future depends on your own decision, mom and dad will only accompany you, give you Necessary advice for reference. Life is not only the sun, but also wind and rain, when the rain comes, baby you want to face the brave, after the wind and rain you will see a beautiful rainbow, I believe my baby will have a full life of its own! Bless you! And once again, happy birthday to my baby!
24. Today, I attended the parents' meeting of your class. I saw that your classmates performed very well at the parents' meeting. For you to learn in such a class. Life is happy. In particular, your learning has made significant progress, your mother's heart is also proud of you. You are a smart child. If you work hard again, you will do better. I hope you can make further efforts. We expect you to repay your parents' hard work with better results.
25, when you are two years old, your life takes one step and another step. This time next year, you will be a child into the kindergarten, a newer world will be displayed in front of you, will you be a lovely little princess in the kindergarten or a smart little girl? Will you make a new good friend? Would you like a cute little boy? When you are in kindergarten, will your mother get used to the days without you?
26, you grow up! Although you come to a new school, new class is only two weeks, father and mother from your own evaluation see that you have grown from an ignorant pupil into a self-aware freshman, a person is worth "self-knowledge", with her, you can correct their shortcomings, play a good role, become a good. The usefulness of health, pleasure, and success
27, my sunshine daughter: my father and I love you very much. Really! As you grow up, you learn to improve, we feel very relieved, but I think your ability not only has the potential to improve: for example, your language is not in place in English. Can you do everything according to the requirements of the teacher's school? Yes, yes. We expect that we should also be obedient to collectives. That's a big problem, too. Try hard!
28, the royal family has been handsome since ancient times. The baby is happy in May, and the peace of love is always along with each other. Happy life all because of you, music seems to bloom.
29, mother is not Superman, unable to meet all your requirements. If you want to live a happy life, you must learn to be content.
30, through the first semester of one semester's study, Qiqi has broken many bad habits, and love to study in school is a good performance. And for one aspect, as long as you are interested in something, you can do it silently for a while until you finish it. Qiqi is a lively, active, talkative and occasionally unhappy person who loses his temper and even scolds a few dirty words. I hope Qiqi in the new semester, work hard to learn to speak actively, change the class do action, do careless homework, Qiqi must be in the study of life more up.
31, to help others, you will be strong. All things are interacted. Helping others is helping themselves. Helping others will bring happiness to them.
32, you are an innocent and lovely child. You can listen to your teacher's story and learn children's songs in class. Your paintings and origami are very good. Your math skills are very strong and the math homework is done quickly and well. You can play games with your children in class, but you don't like to speak with your hands actively in class, and you can't communicate with others actively. It's going to be a primary school. If you can overcome these shortcomings, the teacher believes you will be better.
33, I look forward to this moment and look forward to kissing your rosy cheeks. Baby, I am so careful to care for you in my stomach for nine months of life, do not dare to lie in the quilt reading and writing, afraid of crushing you; dare not eat bad food for you, no matter how much I love to eat. Afraid to go online, afraid to use cell phones, for fear that these radiation will be bad for you. This long and short nine months is the real dependence of our mother and daughter.
34, there is no pie in the sky. No pain, no harvest. The plum blossoms come from the cold. Sunshine always comes after the rain.
35, since you went to junior high school, you really have grown up. You are very sensible, and you are very demanding. You have done a lot of hard work and great efforts for the future, though the result is not very satisfactory. But Kung Fu does not bear the heart. I hope you can make persistent efforts, not hurry, not dryness, keep your feet on the ground, strive for better results and make greater progress.
36, countless times looking at your sleeps, can not help but to kiss you, it is a kind of happiness without expression. In the day when you grow up happily day and day, you will sneak away, one month you will laugh, eight months all over the ground, remember the baby crawling competition, the original climb well you were suddenly attracted by the crying little friend, let me adopt what method, you hold the child, full of sympathy! One year old, just a few days after you take you to Hongshan square, suddenly you take a balloon to leave your mother's hand and walk away alone, and want to hold you, it is not so easy to stop you, and you are so happy to walk around!
37, baby! Now you are the beginning of a beautiful fairy tale, the future of the story may contain a hundred flavors, but it must be beautiful, beautiful dawn, also wind and rain, but there must be bright sunshine to meet.
38, dear baby, no matter how big you are, no matter how far away from us, whatever you do in the future, in our mind, you are always the concern of my parents. Whenever and wherever, we are willing to share the pleasure of your way with you and share the sorrow of your life on the road! Baby is always healthy, joyful, and joyful. This is a wish for your parents to grow up, so that the love of your parents will continue on you.
39, although the mid-term exam is very poor, but we are still full of expectations and confidence in you, believe that you through your own efforts and sweat, the end of the harvest more satisfactory results. There is also a little suggestion: when we check our homework again, we hope to smile and satin to cooperate. Demand is not high, hope can be satisfied.
40, do not wait until it rains, just remember to forget to bring an umbrella, and do not easily borrow umbrellas when it rains.
41, I hope Jiaying will make further efforts in the new semester and achieve better results! Be a good helper of teachers and good friends of our classmates!
42, to be a reluctant person. Time is wealth, and time is life, which is accepted by people. Indeed, life is made up of materials called time. Those who waste time are wasting their lives. Whoever achieves the most in the shortest time will win more.
43, the collective life of a semester made Qingqing form a good habit of learning and living and learning attitude. In the first semester, the final examination achieved good results. Not only that, but also in the collective with children and harmony, make many good friends. After the help of the teacher, she also overcome the weakness of cowardice. She has made good progress in all aspects of morality, intelligence, body, beauty and labor. It is a great pleasure to be a parent. Thank the teachers for the cultivation of their children. In the new year, I hope we can learn more clearly and make progress in all aspects, and try to persuade three good students.
44, baby, do you know, how many jokes and laughter you have brought to our home, when you don't have your father and mother are busy themselves, rarely have the time to sit together, but after you have you, we often look at the TV and chat together, and do not know how happy! This is your credit. You are the source of happiness at home.
45, after entering second grade, you obviously feel that you are sensible and know how to study. You will also ask and do what you should do. As parents, of course, I hope you will learn excellence and success, and I hope you will try your best. But anyway, if you work hard and pay, you deserve our pride, because you are our children and your parents' flesh and blood.
46, mom hopes Chen Yichu will be healthy in the new year, learn and progress, and become a useful person in the future.
47, dad will prepare a nest for fruit and fruit. Buy a crib, let the fruit go to sleep, the fruit can play in the bed, that is the fruit and fruit own small world. We need to prepare a walker for fruit and fruit, so that fruit can learn to walk. The fruit must grow up and not crawl. We must stand up and walk. To know the height of the station, you can see it further.
48, dad should buy fruit, fruit, meat and grain for fruit and fruit, make fruit and fruit to make delicious, nutritious food, so that fruit and fruit grow strong, big and strong.
49, children, from you to the ground, your first cry, the first smile, the first crawling, the first time to stand, the first step, the first time to yell, the first time called mom and Dad... Too many of the first time, Jane was in the memory of her mother. I can't forget you smiled at me for the first time. I was surprised to call your dad. Then we laughed and talked and looked at you because of your smile. In those days, every drop of your growth will bring us countless joys and vibrations. Seeing that the life that combines our flesh and blood is constantly plentiful and growing, and great joy and fulfillment will fill our hearts at the same time.
50, the road ahead is long, but you let hope carry on my wings. I'm willing to take you to fly.
英语评语 篇14
希今后继续努力,争取更大进步! 你思想纯朴,待人随和、诚恳,处事稳重;同学关系好,热爱集体,乐于助人是你的美德。你身体太差,但又不愿锻炼身体,这必将对你的各方面产生不良影响。对待值日工作总是很主动。老师相信你,来期会好好学习,上课专心听讲,积极回答问题的。会做一个老师同学刮目相看的好学生。
老师为你加油! 你思想纯朴,待人随和、诚恳,处事稳重;同学关系好,热爱集体,乐于助人是你的美德。你在学习上好学上进,积极要求进步,能够比较严格地要求自己。你身体太差,但又不愿锻炼身体,这必将对你的各方面产生不良影响。对待值日工作总是很主动。 你用实际行动证明你是一个诚实、乐于助人的好同学。
你在学习中不畏困难,勇敢地克服学习的难题,做到按时按质完成老师的作业。你能积极参加有益的文化体育活动。每次值日工作都能出色地完成。 你思想纯朴,待人随和、诚恳,处事稳重;同学关系好,热爱集体,乐于助人是你的美德。你是一个很老实的孩子,其他方面表现很好,就是学习有点跟不上。
老师希望你下期:上课认真听讲,认真完成作业,把学习成绩追上来,让同学刮目相看,你能做到吗? 你是一个诚实、乐于助人的好同学。你在学习中不畏困难,勇敢地克服学习的难题,做到按时按质完成老师的作业。你是我们班里出了名的小画家。你踏实肯干,每次劳动都可以看到你任劳任怨的身影。
你总是笑呵呵,好象从来都未经历过忧愁。在学习上,你能一如既往地努力学习,看着你端坐着工整地书写作业的神情,笔下流泻着一行行整洁、漂亮的字,老师心里有说不出的高兴。假若你在课堂上还能多多开动脑筋,勇敢地多举手发言,相信你会更让大家喜欢。盼望你有新的进步。 你品学兼优,奋进向上,是老师最满意的学生。
你是一个积极上进,勤奋好学的好孩子.你爱好体育,积极参加各项体育锻炼,你还是我们班上的小画家。你踏实肯干,每次劳动都可以看到你任劳任怨的身影。如果你上课时,在专心一点,坚强一点就更好了。 你能积极参加班级开展的各项活动,遵守纪律,团结同学,尊敬师长。
你对待学习态度端正,上课能够专心听讲,课后能认真完成作业,你学习成绩应该说是班上最好的。运动场上,你是班级和学校的骄傲,总是用优异的成绩向老师和同学们报喜。你踏实肯干,每次劳动都可以看到你任劳任怨的身影 。 你用实际行动证明你是一个诚实、乐于助人的好同学。
你很聪明,在学习上很用心,课上积极大胆发言,课后认真仔细的作业都说明了这一点。你对班级工作认真负责,有较强的组织能力。你爱好体育,积极参加各项体育锻炼。劳动时,老师和同学们总能看见你忙前忙后,大家都很感动。 你诚实、热情,尊敬师长,关心集体,学习自觉是你最突出的优点。你对待学习态度端正,上课能够专心听讲,课后能认真完成作业。
你对班级工作认真负责,有较强的组织能力。你是咱们班的运动健将,经常为我班争光。每次值日工作都能出色地完成。 你基本能遵守学校的规章制度,偶尔有迟到现象。你虽很聪明,但成绩不够理想,希改进学习方法,早日将学习成绩赶上去。运动场上,你是班级和学校的骄傲,总是用优异的成绩向老师和同学们报喜。
对待值日工作总是很主动。 你为人诚实,与同学关系相处不错。你的钻研精神极强,喜欢独立思考,而且常提出一些颇有见地的问题。在体育上,你一定要加强锻炼,加大运动量,增强体质,消灭体育成绩不及格的现象。每次值日工作都能出色地完成。
英语评语 篇15
as a class cadre of you, a serious and responsible work, teachers are grateful to you for reducing the burden on teachers. your ambitions are, i think you already realize the "where there, things become" truth. you have a broader knowledge. i hope you have been outstanding in the next semester even more strict demands on themselves, for all-round progress!
you are a pleasing child. you love learning, usually there are always hard to see you seriously figure. your job seriously, in order to reduce the burden on teachers. this semester, you are through their own efforts, and achieved gratifying results. i hope that you learn in the future life, dare say, the courage to express their own opinion, that the new century is the most outstanding students.
enthusiasm and generosity of you, class of expression is so focused, so the question is positive, bold. however, reading the language need to be strengthened. if you can carry forward its own merits, and give full play to their potential, you will become a pan-yong of the strong academic peak. teachers look forwarrd to your arrival day!