



1、New Year is coming, wear new clothes and new hats. Hang lanterns and steam rice cakes. Stick Spring Festival couplets and buy firecrackers. Twenty-three, come to the kitchen. When you run in a young year, your troubles disappear. On New Year's Eve, people laugh. Spring Festival, happy New Year. Happiness and good luck run with you!

2、Be eager to return when you are young, and accompany you all the way home.

3、As the New Year approaches, the golden pig invites the golden mouse. Welcome money and enjoy happiness, and firecrackers sound like firecrackers. Good things come true with the kitchen god, and incense and worship are very happy. A blessing is sent in advance, and the young year is happy.

4、send you a healthy generation, and wish your family sweet.

5、Happy New Year! I wish you more popularity than the virgin Mary, more wealth than the mother of Bill Gates, more heroic than Saddam Hussein, handsome and catching up with Beckham, and you must be the international superman! Happy young year!

6、I wish you all the best and good luck in the New Year!

7、When the New Year is coming, the blessings of the New Year will spread far and wide. May your heart rejoice: I wish you happiness and no worries, I wish you happiness and a slight smile, I wish you good health and good luck, and I wish you good luck in the New Year. I wish you a happy young year!

8、Clean all corners, clear and refreshing.

9、Sweep the house to remove dust, and the New Year pictures are covered with auspicious doors.

10、Please come to Gao Lu Xing, wishing you a bright future and a successful career.

11、May the New Year be happy and accompanied by happiness!

12、When the young year is over, I wish you a happy family with more than one year!

13、Searching, friendship is deep in your heart. Cold and clear, let each other warm heart. Year by year, let connections add friendship. Really, care is always in the heart. Truthfully, I wish you a happy New Year's greetings.

14、Ruixue is fluttering in the new year. Everyone is beaming, cleaning the house is happy, getting the new year's goods ready, getting together with friends and family, talking and laughing is really lively, and I wish you a happy new year.

15、Fill the cup with good luck, and wish you a beautiful drink.

16、In today's small year, blessings are sent, small year arrives, happiness is indispensable, worries are swept away, worries are washed away, happiness is welcomed to enter the house, good luck is given, joy is high-profile, and happiness is really lively. I wish you all a happy family and all the best in the new year!

17、Festive firecrackers are loud, and red lanterns reflect red faces. Send away the kitchen god to welcome the god of wealth, and every household will be busy with the year. Cook cattle and slaughter sheep, sacrifice the five internal organs, and sweep the courtyard for a new look. Good luck is countless, and happy and happy years are long.

18、In the off-year period, people are busy with cooking, food and clothing, and security.

19、Happy New Year! Everything is fine! Happy family! Great wealth! Good luck! Flowers bloom with wealth! Happy ever after! Fu Lu Shou Xi! Congratulations on making a fortune!

20、Drink a little wine and hit a big luck; Pull a small hand and have a big love; Knock a big drum and welcome a big joy; Send a small text message and a big blessing; I wish you a happy new year and a new year. Have a small mouth and make a big fortune!

21、Work is comfortable, salary is satisfactory, days are warm, friends are intimate, lovers are United, relatives are United, everything is satisfactory, every day is satisfactory, every day is happy, every year is beautiful, and my blessings to you are sincere, wishing you a happy new year!

22、Blessing in the Spring Festival: a short message to Shenzhouxing, a string of blessings to convey family ties, a pair of couplets to celebrate, a plate of dumplings in a good mood, a paper window cut to celebrate, a glass of wine near New Year's Eve, and a new firecracker.


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