




互联网英语作文 篇1

The Internet is very useful in our daily life. We can use the Internet to send e-mails to friends and talk with friends online. The Internet is also used for downloading information.


However, some of us only use the Internet to play computer games. Playing computer games can make us relaxed, but playing computer games too much is bad for our studies and heart. The Internet can both help us and hurt us. We should be careful when we enjoy the Internet.


互联网英语作文 篇2


On the Internet.

The Internet is playing a more and more important role in our daily life. On the net, we can learn news at home even from abroad and all kinds of other information as well. We can also send messages by email, make phone calls, go to net school, read varies kinds of books and learn for languages by ourselves. Besides,we can enjoy music, watch sports competitions and play cards or chess. On the net, we can even do shopping, have a chat with others and make friends with them. In a word, the internet has made our life more colorful.



互联网英语作文 篇3


The Internet has dramatically altered our lives over the past few decades. Although some of these changes have been negative, the overall effect of this technology has been positive. What are your opinions on this?

The Internet has brought significant changes to our lives in recent years. However, there remains some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of this technology has been positive or negative. While there are certainly valid arguments to the contrary, I personally believe that the benefits of the Internet far outweigh its drawbacks and these benefits are twofold.

First of all, it is an indisputable fact that the Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate. Despite the risk of social isolation-a problem occasionally seen in people who spend too much time at their computer terminal rather than relating to people in the real





互联网英语作文 篇4







互联网英语作文 篇5

The Internet becomes very popular in our life. It brings many advantages, but I think we primary students should keep far from the Internet.


Firstly, we should focus on our study, so we cant spend too much time on the Internet. We can be easily addicted to it. Secondly, there is much harmful information on the Internet. They would do harm to us. Finally, surfing the Internet for too long is harmful to our eyesight.


Therefore, primary students should stay far from the Internet.


Today is mothers birthday. I give mother bought a nice big cake, and sing a song for her, wish her a happy birthday.


In the evening, grandpa grandma, aunt and mother some friends also came to congratulate. Mother ate a hearty dinner, please thanks.


Today, its so nice to mum. I am also very happy.


Ostriches are big birds, and they come from desert places.But some farmers in Canada keep some on their farms.They seem to like there, too, though Canada is much colder than the desert places.In China there are very big farms, with 4,000 to 5,000 birds already.


When summer comes, there are two things Id like to do most. The first is to go swimming and the second is to eat ice cream. Ice cream is my favorite food, It can make me feel cool and drives away my hotness. The flavor of strawberry always attracts me. I know I cant eat it too much and have to control myself.


My hometown Hainan is a beautiful place. It is in the south of our country. It is the second largest island in China.It is famous for its wonderful sights, especially the blue sea and the white beaches.The weather here is neither too hot nor too cold all the year round.On the island you can go sightseeing, fishing, swimming or scuba diving.You can also enjoy the fruit here, for example, coconuts, mangos etc.


互联网英语作文 篇6

Nowadays, the Internet has become very common in our daily life, in that we can surf the Internet everywhere anywhere by computer or mobile. However, the debate on the pros and cons of the network has never stopped. Some people say that the network is a platform for information sharing. Due to it, we have a convenient channel for the dissemination of information and access to information. But some others argue that some people commit a crime by the Internet, so we should stay away from the Internet. From my point of view, I prefer to agree to the former view.


There are some reasons accounting for my point. Firstly, with network, we can exchange information frequently and conveniently. In the information area, information is wealth. In many cases, whether we can succeed in something, it depends on how much information we get. In addition, except for its serious functions, network is a good tool to entertain. Preciously, we only have TV or game machines to have fun, but now we have a functional platform for fun. On the Internet, we can watch TV programs and movies, or we can play online games as well as chat with friends freely, which is a good way to relax.


In short, there is no denying that the Internet has its own disadvantage, but I think its advantages far overweight its disadvantages that we can make good use of those good but avoid those bad.


互联网英语作文 篇7

The Internet is becoming more and more important to us.Without it,we can’t do work better.

We can go shopping without going out of our houses.And we can listen to music or watch movies on the Internet.It can also help a lot with our study.We can learn much knowledge on different subjects,and get information as soon as possible.But now,some of us work,study or play on the Internet for a long time,and especially some young children play computer games continuously.

It’s bad for our eyes and health.If we make good use of the Internet,it will be our best friends and help us a lot .




互联网英语作文 篇8

The Internet is becoming more and more important in our daily life. On the net, we can learn news both at home and abroad and all kinds of other information as well. We can also send messages by e-mail, make phone calls, go to net school, read different kinds of books and learn foreign languages by ourselves. Besides, we can enjoy music, watch sports matches and play chess or cards. On the net, we can even do shopping, have a chat with others and make friends with them. In a word, the Internet has made our life more colourful.


互联网英语作文 篇9

Internet is playing a more important role in our life.

We work with it, giving and receiving orders; we communicate with it, through e-mail, on-line phone, or MSN; we entertain with it, playing games, watching movies, and enjoying music; we study with it, looking for and exchanging information; we live with it, doing shopping and banking.

Besides, we can log on to the Internet on campus, in a bar, at home, or in a hotel, almostanywhere anytime.

However, if we want to enjoy the service, we have to register with many websites, typing in our name, age, gender, address, andtelephone number.

And these become part of contents stored on-line.

With the “professional” hackers, despiteful and harmless, as well as irresponsible website未知istrators, the information might be stolen and made open and even sold.

A case in point is the junk mails.

A better example is the privacy of pop stars.

As a result, while enjoying the great convenience and speed of Internet, we are called sometimes by strangers, visited by promotions and junk ads, and cheated by someone unexpectedly.

Therefore, think twice before deciding to register on-line.

互联网英语作文 篇10

I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in our school about their purposes of surfing the Internet. All the boys and girls like chatting very much. ’favorite. Both boys and girls like to read news or send e-mails through the Internet. Maybe they think it’s the most convenient way to get information or keep in touch with friends. Only several of them use Internet as a tool to study. So I think students should be guided to use the Internet better.



互联网英语作文 篇11

We know the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. On the Internet, we can get as much information as we can. We can send e-mails to our friends and talk to them as well. Besides, on the Internet we can read books, enjoy music and watch ball games. We can also do shopping without leaving our homes. But many students spend too much time playing Internet games. They waste a lot of time.

We must make good use of the Internet.



互联网英语作文 篇12

As can be seen from the cartoon, an inpidual is using a mouse which is connected with a computer by the iron chain. The purpose of the picture is to show us that due attention should be paid to Internet addiction.


The vivid cartoon is based on the social reality. We can find the concerning examples everywhere. Some classmates of mine spend much time playing computer games, chatting online and watching movies through Internet. They are addicted to Internet and forget their main responsibility —study.


It is imperative for us to solve this severe issue. For one thing, we should appeal to the mass media to advocate the scientific and healthy lifestyle and avoid web addiction. For another, we should encourage every citizen to communicate face to face instead of being fascinated with Internet. I am convinced that human is able to use Internet properly and scientifically.


互联网英语作文 篇13

The Internet is playing a more and more important role in our daily life. On the net, we can learn news at home even from abroad and all kinds of other information as well. We can also send messages by email, make phone calls, go to net school, read varies kinds of books and learn for languages by ourselves. Besides,we can enjoy music, watch sports competitions and play cards or chess. On the net, we can even do shopping, have a chat with others and make friends with them. In a word, the internet has made our life more colorful.


互联网英语作文 篇14

In the technology society, the Internet has become an important part in daily life.


There area growing number of people interested in the Internet.


People can study, entertain, and watch the news on the Internet.


For our students, we are able to get the latest information and learning materials in the Internet.


Besides, we can join group discussions with other students, and the distance education on the Internet is very useful to us.

此外,我们可以与其他同学加入讨论组,而且网上远程 教育对我们很有用。

Except for study, students can have fun on the Internet, such as watching movies, listening to the music and getting news.


It helps us to broaden our horizons.


But, we should control ourselves and can not spend too much on searching the Internet.


互联网英语作文 篇15

As we can see from the picture, Internet connects the human society together, but sadly, walls of barrier are estricting people in their own space.


It is undeniable that Internet has changed the way people live. With many programs such as instant messaging, online communities, micro.blogs and so forth, communication can nearly be carried out everywhere at any time. But despite the great convenience, we find the distance among people becomes farther, instead of nearer. We play online games and forget to call the family; we sit alone surfing the net with mobile phones when classmates are gathering together; children today often play with the tablet computers, rather than with other kids from the neighborhood.

无可否认,互联网改变了人们的生活方式,有了即时通讯软件、网络社区、微博等等,交流可以随时随地实现。但尽管互联网带来了如此大的便利,我们却发现人与人之间的距离变得越来越疏远,而不是越来越亲近。我们可能只顾着玩网络游戏而忘了给家人 打电话,也可能在同学聚会的时候独自坐在角落里用手机上网;如今的小孩经常是在玩平板电脑,而不是和邻居家的小孩一起玩。

In my view, we should use the Internet reasonably, and keep in mind that the real life is much more meaningful than the virtual one. To be closer to other people, we should talk with them, using our voice, instead offinger tips. And we should pass this idea on to the younger generation.



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