




希望之星演讲稿 篇1



























希望之星演讲稿 篇2



there are a lot of beautiful things around us, such as, closing the open tap, helping the falling old people to stand up, and picking up the rubbish on the ground. let us begin with the **all thing and do it from me. and then everyone can be***e "living lei feng".

are you ready?



希望之星演讲稿 篇3


Staying Connected Or Losing Connection?

Recently, I was walking in a park with a friend, and his mobile phone rang, interrupting our talk. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and oops, I become invisible, absent from the conversation.

I’m wondering how strange it is that the telephone used to connect you to the absent, but now, it makes people who sitting next to you feel absent.

That’s the funny thing happened on the way to the communications revolution, we stopped talking to another. It is that all the communications technology tools make me feel lonely.

Every advance in communications technology is a setback to the intimacy of human interaction. You can’t even call a person to get the phone number of another person anymore. Directory assistance is becoming increasingly automated.

I’m not a Luddite. I know that if I dial 110,I could get instant help in only 3 minutes from policeman whenever and wherever. What’s more, I own a cell phone, an ATM card, a voice-mail system, and E-mail account. Giving them up is an option. But as a matter of fact, they are great for what they are intended to do, it’s their unintended consequences that make me cringe.

The communications industry devoted to facilitating my anti-social instincts. So, I’m starting my own technology revolution: no more instant messaging with people who live near me; no more talking on the mobile in the presents of friends; no more letting the voice-mail pick up a call when I’m free.

Can you imagine that: if there is no one in the room to hear you exclaim: that’s miraculous! So, tell me what good is all this miraculous technology?










希望之星演讲稿 篇4

一、harmony between man and nature is economic and social development to a certain extent, a certain stage, the only way is to sum up experiences and lessons of humanity after the inevitable choice, time goes by, the dramatic increase in population, human experience and the accumulation of knowledge and the development of science and technology , especially after the industrial revolution, human transformation of nature, affect the ability of the natural growing .more than 100 years ago, engels pointed out that human beings can change the natural order to make the natural world for their own purposes, to dominate the natural world, but every stepwe take must bekept in mind that human domination of nature is not standing outsidenature

人与自然的和谐,是经济和社会发展在一定程度上,一定阶段,唯一的方法是总结后的必然选择,时间的经验教训和人类的推移,人口的急剧增加,人类的经验和积累的知识和科学技术的发展, 特别是在工业革命,人类改造自然,影响自然增长的能力。一百多年前,恩格斯指出,人类可以改变自然,以弥补自己的目的自然世界,主宰自然世界,但我们采取的每一步,必须牢记,人类统治自然不是站在外面的性质


青春youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a mater of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. nobody grows old merely by a number of years.

we grow old by deserting our ideals.

years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusia** wrinkles the soul. worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. in the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long are you young.

when the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynici** and the ice of pessimi**, them you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimi**, there is hope you may die young at 80.






三、the more loving one



looking up at the stars, i know quite well 仰望群星的时分,我一清二楚,

that, for all they care, i can go to hell, 尽管它们关怀备至,我亦有可能赴地府,

but on earth indifference is the least 可是尘世间我们丝毫不必畏惧

we have to dread from man or beast. 人类或禽兽的那份冷漠。

how should we like it were stars to burn 倘若群星燃烧着关怀我们的激情,

with a passion for us we could not return? 我们却无法回报,我们作何感想?

if equal affection cannot be, 倘若无法产生同样的感情,


admirer as i think i am 尽管我自视为群星的崇拜者,

of stars that do not give a damn, 它们满不在乎,

i cannot, now i see them ,say 现在我看群星,我却难以启齿,



i should learn to look at an empty sky 我应该学会仰望空荡的天空,

and feel its total dark sublime, 同时感受天空一片漆黑的崇高,

though this might take me a little time. 虽然这样可能要花费一点时间


hello,everyone.my name is gu tianrun,i'm an intelligent boy of 14.don’t you thingk im still a pupil because of my height?

in fact,i'm now studying in grade 8 class 5 in no.1 middle school.

i like football and english very much,and i often play football with my clas**ates after schoo.my english teacher is cui jianbo,he is very nice to us,i like him a lot.because he is such a funny person.

i’m really a good student at school.all of my clas**ates and i get on very well.they all say that i am a good person.

so do i.

there are three members in my family:my dad,my mom and i.my parents are both teachers,both of them love me and i love them too.

that's all,thank you!

peter is a boy of nine.and now he’s in grade 3.he lives near his school,but he is often late for class.

he likes watching tv in the evening and goes to bed late.so he can’t get up early in the morning.

this term mrs black teaches in peter’s school.she teaches grade 3 math.she often asks the students to e to school on time.

yesterday morning peter got up late again.when he hurried to school,mrs black was waiting for him at the school gate.”you are 10 minutes late for the first class,peter,”mrs black said angrily.

”why are you often late for class?””every time when i get to the street,i see a road sign,it says,’school!! go slowly!

’”peter answered.

希望之星演讲稿 篇5

so dear friends,letsxx together.

thank you!











希望之星演讲稿 篇6








我最喜欢的一句话是:self-trust is the first secret of success.

我眼中的英语:english is the most powrful tool .












小学毕业后,我们认为学习拼音很重要。我们担心中英文字母会混淆,所以没有刻意强调英语学习。直到上小学三年级时,孩子无意间告诉我们,在我们所工作的大学校园内,有一个“小星星英语启蒙班”,并且说他的一些同学参加了学习。我们问他是否有兴趣。 他说他会尽力的。



有了一定的基础后,我们买回一些英语教学的影碟,先从《新英语900句》开始,然后到《艾丽丝漫游记》、《黑神驹》《狮子王》、《白雪公主》,直到后来的《走遍美国》等。通过系统地学习这些教材,孩子们的英语水平有了很大的提高。有了一定的英语水平后,我们将**电视台10套节目《希望英语杂志》等作为泛听内容,孩子特别喜欢elyn和rebecca主持的let’s talk等节目。











good morning everyone! my name is jie lidi. today, my topic is:

“confidence”. as we all know, failure is the mother of success. but what i want to say is that success is the child of confidence.

without confidence, things can be***e negative and un***fortable. i remember, during an english class, i wanted to make a sentence using the word "listen". i should have said:

"i listen to the voice of america" but i was too nervous and said "i listen to the noise of america". everybody in the class laughed. since then i wanted to train myself to be confident.

now, confidence makes me brave and courageous. take this speech for example. i wanted to enter this ***petition, but i would feel very embarrassed if i made mistakes.

just then, i thought about my dream. my dream is to be***e a scientist when i grow up. if i am not confident, how can i over***e difficulties i face?

if i am not confident, how can i succeed in developing myself in the future? i will do it! today, i am ****** a speech in public and i feel proud and confident!

i am sure, in the future, with confidence, i will go forward-always forward. confidence will make my dreams ***e true!

thank you!









a wonderful time

last week was the 4th annual star of outlook english talent ***petition at cctv. many contestants, judges and audiences were present. among the children group contestants, there was a boy.

he was from wuhan city, hubei province and wanted to be a scientist. yeah, that is me, jie li di. now, i am going to tell you my feeling about this ***petition.

as you see, the scientist always expresses his ideal clearly. first, i want to say that it’s my pleasure to meet so many friends, such as “***puter master”-yu li, “hard scoring goal”-jing yunan, “crazy guy”--zhang bo and so on. we were creative, humor, and enjoyable.

we talked each other, congratulated each other, and cheered each other.

then, as you know, i have learned a lot from the ***petition. for example, when i was standing on the stage, i was tense at beginning. i knew the best way is relaxation and confidence.

i said to myself. ***e on, brave fellow. it is a piece of cake, and gets it.

then i felt at home and did a good job. when you feel lost, you must believe yourself--hold on! that is my experience.

last but not least, i want to thank for outlook english magazine give me this opportune to learn english, to make friends. have wonderful time in the ***petition. i really enjoy it and cherish it.

it is possible that i can’t describe all my feeling in this article. if you really want to know more about this contest, why don’t you ***e, too?

join us, please!

希望之星演讲稿 篇7

Showing China to the world.Everybody knows that China is a very big country in the world.China covers 9,600,000(9 millions and 6 hundred thousands)square kilometers.56 nations make up the whole population of China.About 1.3 billion people live and work together on the land.It has a long history with five thousand years.there are many interesting places in China.such as the Great wall(长城),the Summer palace(故宫),Changjiang River(长江)and so on.so lots of people will come China to visit every year.and it held Olympic in 20xx.and it will become more and more beautiful.I love China,Welcome to China,That’s all, Thank you very much.2 The Advantages of Travelling Travelling is good for everybody's health.When you travel outside, you must walk a lot, so that you will take lots of exercises.You can also see many beautiful scenes in the places you travel.That is good for your eyes.Moreover, travelling can broaden your knowledge that you can't get in the textbooks in class.Travel is beneficial to us in at least three ways.First, we can visit some famous cities by traveling.Second, we will meet people with different culture and interest when we travel.Third,travelling will help us to gain knowledge of geography and history.In a word, we can benefit from travelling.That’s all, Thank you very much.3 My Chinese teacher Miss Zhang is my Chinese teacher.She is young and beautiful.She graduated from Chongqing university.She comes to our school for five years.I like her class very much, because she always tell us interesting stories.In her class, everything seems to be easy.she can lead the teaching joyful.I can learn a lot from her, because she is knowledgeable.I like her lessons.That’s all, thank you very much.4 Thanksgiving day Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in December.Thanksgiving Day is very popular in western country.On that day, people will make a big turkey.The day is to in honor of Indian people’s great kindness.Last Thanksgiving, I spent Thanksgiving day with many American friends at the church.American Friends of the church shared delicious turkeys.Although the turkey doesn't taste as good as the chicken from my homeland, I remember this special Thanksgiving day and the friendship of American.That’s all, thank you very much.5 My favorite sport There are many kinds of sports.Some people like playing basketball, some like playing football, others liking swimming, However, the sport that I like most is badminton.It is very popular in China because of lin Dan.Because of him, many boys in China get to know about badminton.He is so excellent that everybody wants to play like him.I started playing badminton in the third grade.Before playing badminton, I was a cheerleader(拉拉队)for sports meeting in our class.After playing badminton, I became an sports man in our class.I found I had loved deeply this sport.The badminton games have given me the most wonderful time in my life.

希望之星演讲稿 篇8

y english teacher.” i have many teachers but the one who gives me impressions is my english teacheryu ’s handsome,tall and has got short black hair and brown ’s 30 years ’s very kind and always helps students and can easily makes us sir always makes his classes interesting and in my class likes listening to teaches words by telling teaches sentences by asking and teaches conversations by sir is an excellent teacher and a wonderful person.

thank you .

now i have a song to share with title is “can you swim in the river

篇三:good studentwe students are the builders and masters of the country. it is important for us to know how to be a good student .

as far as i think, there are many important traits, the traits like this:

nowadays,some students may have wrong ideas of what a good student is. they think a good student should study all the subjects well and listen to the teachers all the time, but actually these ones don't care about anything except study.

firstly, we must have clear world values. we must knows what we should do and what we shouldn't do.

secondly, a good students should learn as much as possible. so a good student always tries to learn from both textbooks and other books. besides reading, doing some sports and manual works.

however, we can’t always study alone, sometimes you need a discussion, don’t f***et to work hard with your friends, it will be great help to you.

thirdly, a strong character and willpower are also need. because we have troubles every day. how to face the difficulties in study and our lives is very important.

a good student won't be afraid of difficulties, we'll always try our best, we will never give up.

in short, let us try our best to be***e a good student!





但是,我们不能总是独自学习。 有时您需要讨论。 不要忘记与朋友一起努力。 这会很有帮助。



篇四:youth and faithladies and gentlemen:

my name is tiffany, a year 2 student from the university of macau. i am currently an active member of the university public speaking team, president of the honours college student association, and also the vice president of the event department in marketing society. i am very active and outgoing.

i enjoy being with people, engaged in conversations with them so that i can understand them more. i like public speaking as it can help increase my selfesteem and selfconfidence. aside from public speaking, i am also good at english recitation.

i have joined the macaowide english individual recitation for a number of times when i was studying in the secondary school.

imagine a car without a steering wheel. tough to imagine, right well, actually that’s the image you see if a person has no faith. faith helps to guide us in our lives, encourage us to persist, and give directions when we are lost.

in this peaceful era, our life paths seem to be already wellplanned and determined. what we have to do is to follow. yes, we may face different sorts of challenges, but at least they are less harsh when ***pared to those in the past.

we do not need to worry about starving to death, or how to earn enough money to buy food for our siblings and sustain our lives.

it is like driving from a muddy road into a highway. in the muddy road, path, you would say, as it is formed only by crossing on it many times, flattening the ground to form a **oother area so we can pass. the road is so bumpy and rough, with holes here and there and rocks lying all over.

when we drive along this road, we have to be very careful, having a firm grip on the steering wheel, ready for a sudden turn or a large boulder that may appear any second. however, when we drive on a highway, everything be***es different. the road is **ooth, straight, and visible.

since there is no unseen obstacle, we may lower our guard, relax a bit, and loosen our grip on the steering wheel. one may even think, if we only have to drive on a **ooth straight road like this highway, why would we need a steering wheel

nevertheless, one cannot foresee the future. accidents do happen. for example, a car may suddenly appear in front of you.

at such times, if you did not have the steering wheel, how could you make a sudden turn just as no one could foresee the sichuan earthquake nor the japan tsunami. if the one being trapped under the debris did not have faith, he/she would not have survived until being rescued. if we did not have faith, we could not recover from our sadness and rebuild our home.

faith is unique, just as happiness is. we feel happy for different reasons, we believe for different things. how can we know what we believe in recall the last time you are discouraged, and you felt you had lost all hopes in your life.

what pulled you back into the world what pushed you to stand up and continue to strive again that is your faith, your belief. faith is what makes you feel you can when others say you can’t.

faith is important…, faith is vital…, faith is necessary for us to live our lives. if we do not have faith, we are like a car without a steeling wheel. we can only afford to move along a straight and **ooth path, and cannot meet any challenge in our lives.

one must understand that no matter how **ooth the road is, it is impossible for a car to go without a steering wheel. or, put it in another way, have you ever seen a car without a steering wheel on the road so, act now, my friends, find out what you believe in, find out your anchor in your life, hold on to your steeling wheel of your car, drive on, and reach your destination.

thank you very much.

希望之星演讲稿 篇9


Good afternoon, teachers! Today, I’m very happy to make a speech here. Now, let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Zixi. My English name is Alice. I’m 9. I’m a lovely girl. Look at me. I have short black hair. I have two small eyes and a small mouth. I am so lovely. My favorite fruits are peaches and

watermelons. They are sweet and yummy. They are good for my health. And I have many hobbies. Such as drawing pictures, dancing, watching cartoons. Singing is my favorite hobby. I am good at singing. Do you want to enjoy? On the weekend, I like reading books in my room. I like to read the books about teaching. My dream is to be a teacher, because I want to help the poor children in the future. Thank you for listening! Please remember me!


My lecture’s name is “A Perfect Holiday”.

Now it’s the 21st century, everyone is busy. Especially our

parents are very busy. Every boys and girls, please imagine this: your parents go away on business, but you have to stay at home alone. Would life as easy as when your parents are around? Would it be a perfect holiday for you?

Once, my parents both go on business. I worry “Where would I find food? How would I cook it?” Actually I know little about cooking.

I can fill an empty stomach with tomato and egg soup, but that’s all. I think many of my classmates are the same. We wouldn’t know what to do, or how to look after ourselves. So I don’t think teenagers get enough practice.

My friends said that they did their homework until 10 o’clock, it’s so late! Most teenagers only have time for their homework. They don’t learn any life skills until they go to college.

But why it happens? In my opinion, many teenagers depend too much on their parents, and there is much more to learn than cooking, like“tidying up your room or even dressing yourself properly”.

If we want to solve this problem, there’s a way: Try our best to do some things on our own. A human first need be a self-help person, then he will be a successful man.

My lecture is over. Thanks for everyone.


Hello, everyone, I’m Liu Dingdong. There are three people in my family—my father, mother and I.

My father is 40 years old. He is a worker. I think he is a good worker because he works very hard. He is always busy; he looks very tired when he gets home. He likes reading newspapers. He usually reads it after supper. So he gets lots of news.

My mother is 38 years old. She is a worker too. She works in a very small factory. She is not tall and she has two big eyes. She loves me and she is nice to me. She always buys books for me. She wants me to be a top student. She also cares for my diet and life.

I’m 15 years old. I wear glasses. I like reading. I always read books after school. I like singing, too. My favorite singer is Jay Chou. His music is very nice. What do you think of him? I also like making friends. If you want to meet me, please write to me.

Oh, my parents love me and I love them, too. My family is a happy family.

希望之星演讲稿 篇10

that’s all. thank you.

food makes me happy

i like eating many kinds of foods. cold food like ice cream makes me feel cool.


warm food like a cup of hot milk makes me feel warm.


sweet food like candy makes me feel ***fortable.


spicy food like hot-pot makes me feel active.


bitter food like coffee makes me remember the hard time.


i am fat but i am happy, too.


collecting makes me happy

i’m a collector. i collect many things. what’s this? oh!it’s a beautiful stamp.


many girls are dancing. what’s this? oh!it’s a nice leaf, a maple leaf.


its color is red. what’s this? oh!it’s a photo of my family.


this is my mother and my father. i love them and they love me, too.


i also collect other things. i like collecting. how about you?


dancing makes me happy

i like dancing. i like listening to music. i like dancing while listening to music.


music makes me happy. i learn from animals by dancing.


dance like a peacock. i learn to be clam. dance like a swam. i learn to be elegant.


dance like a tiger. i learn to be brave. dancing to the music is my favorite.


what about you?

你呢?p. e. class makes me happy

p.e. is my favorite class. in this class, we can do many things.


i like playing basketball. my mother tells me that i will be taller if i do sports.


i like running in the p.e. class, too. sometimes, we play football.


sometimes, we sing and dance on the playground. we have fun in the p.e. class.


do you like this class? what’s your favorite class?


drawing makes me happy

draw a big tree to my father. hope to share the hardship with him.


draw a pill to my mom. wish she be healthy.


draw a flower to my teachers. thank you for their helping.


draw a candy to my best friend. may our friendship last forever.


draw a green earth to us. we’ll live in this wonderful place.


i fill my dreams in my painting so i like drawing.that’s all. thanks.


helping others makes me happy

i like helping others. at home, i help my mother do some cleaning.


i help my father write a letter. i help my little sister carry a chair.


at school, i help my teacher clean the blackboard.


i help my clas**ates with their study. i help them and they help me, too.


i feel the love by helping others. that’s all. thank you.


colors makes me happy

colors are here. colors are there. colors are everywhere. the rose is red.


the banana is yellow. the tree is green. the sea is blue.


my hair is black but his hair is gray.


seeing these colors, i feel happy because i’m so lucky to know this colorful world.


let’s make our life colorful, too! that’s all. thank you.


希望之星演讲稿 篇11






我最喜欢的一本书:简爱(jane eyre)






她就读于一所很不错的小学,上四年级(year four)。那里的师生对她非常热情友好,这增强了她的自信心。母亲给如馨分配了一个系统的学习计划。




在短短的四个月的时间里,她读完了oxford reading tree 系列读物的小学三年级的全部书籍。由于如馨学习刻苦努力以及在语言方面所取得的进步,学校多次给她颁发证书,比如, “outstanding effort in english”, “working really hard on reading”, “being very quick at maths” 等等。在英国一年的学习中,鲁昕读了150本儿童读物,写了几十本读书笔记。

回国以后,如馨每天坚持读英文**和看电视英语节目, 如**十套的《希望英语杂志》和**九套的新闻节目。同时,我父亲每周都会买一些优秀的英语电影给全家欣赏。这不仅锻炼了听力,而且巩固了英语基础。




my sweet home

hi, everyone, my name is jia ruxin. i am from shijiazhuang and in grade 5. today my topic is “ my sweet home”.

there is an old saying “east and west, home is best.” so, we can see how important home is to everybody. i’ve got a sweet home because it is cozy.

my family lives in a flat. the sitting room is the biggest and my room is the **allest, but it is a world of my own. the wall is white, the curtain is pretty, the bed is fortable and the bookshelf is filled with different kinds of books.

in the right hand corner is the zheng, a traditional chinese musical instrument, and on the table is the puter. when i feel tired, i can play puter games; and when i feel depressed, playing the zheng can cheer me up. this is my sweet home, where i can find peace and fort.

i’ve got a sweet home because it is full of love. my dad loves me. he is kind and patient.

it is my dad who watches outlook english magazine with me; it is also my dad who is ready to answer my questions. my mom loves me, too. she is considerate and hardworking.

every day when i go home from school, the rooms are always clean and tidy. every time when i play out and f***et dinnertime, it is also my mom who calls me back with her tender voice, “e home, my little darling, dinner is ready”.

this is my home, my sweet home.



















hello,everybody! i’m very glad to be here.now i feel my heart beats very faster.

it is a joke. let me make a deep breath for relax.my chinese name is chenyuheng,you can call me steven in english too.

i came from yucai boarding school in ,i wanna show my best to everyone.

ok, now, do you want to know more about me?my favourite food is egg fried rice,because it is yummy,easy and healthful .i like it!

my favourite colour is black,it is so mystery and cool! i have so many black t-shirt.my favourite movie is harry port.

i feel the actor very handsome. i have so many hobbies.i like swimming very much.

in summer,i can swimming in the pool with my friends.i feel i am a fish when i in the pool .i also like playing the puter games.

if you like, you can join our team.

this is me, a clever and energetic boy. i like ****** friends,too. so i have so many good friends, do you want to be my friends?

thank you,thank you give me a chance.

thank you……all!



dream, it is a fantastic word! i like it! everyone has a dream, so do i.

we can’t do anything without dream!

i like wild animals. tiger, elephant, panda, polar bear, koala and dolphin! they are so lovely!

there are so many animals live in the wild! i like them!but many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction.

for example, with the development of cities, their living areas have bee narrower and narrower. many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. at the same time, man is killing them just for getting their fur, skin, teeth and meat.

protect them, protect our resources of ecology too. all of us should realize that the loss of any species is the loss of ourself. killing wild animals certain is prohibited.

we should say “no!”to leather clothing. we should say “no!

” to eat them. we should set up many national parks as wild life. let them live there, happy and safe.

希望之星演讲稿 篇12

If you become the famous person,what will you do?


Well, what a wonderful topic! How I wish it could become true now! Oh, a famous person, but if it did become true, I would fly to the war-torn Iraq right away. Why? I would go to meet the people there who have been afflicted by famine and devastation. I would work as a goodwill ambassador and try my best to raise the public awareness of the plight faced by people in Iraq.


Too many times, I saw the bloodshed in Baghdad, the tears on children’s faces, and the desperation in mothers’ eyes, I can’t help crying. The war was called "Iraqi Freedom", but the true freedom can’t be given. Freedom is like the seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations, sprouting, blooming with the care and love, no fighting or gun. Everybody dreams of doing great things, but everyday we are called to do small things with great love. Therefore, I am always ready to give my hands to those who need them. I am confident that my hands with all of the loving hands in this world would bring peace and happiness to the needed. And if I became the famous person, my hands would reach further.


I do hope Iraq will not be enveloped in smoke again, and the splendid sunshine could warm the frozen land. No sirens, no fears and smiles will shine through over these tearful faces and all of these would never be taken away.



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