





2、Traditional Chinese opera is often performed during the Spring Festival.传统的中国戏曲经常在春节期间演出。


4、The Spring Festival is a time to express gratitude and show appreciation to loved ones.春节是表达感激和向亲人表达谢意的时间。




8、Fireworks are a common way to celebrate the Spring Festival.烟花是庆祝春节的常见方式。

9、Traditional Spring Festival food includes dumplings, rice cakes, and fish.传统的春节食品包括饺子、年糕和鱼。WwW.YJs21.COm

10、The more you read, the more you know, the more you learn, the more you grow.

11、The Spring Festival is a time to set goals for the new year and make resolutions.春节是设定新年目标和做出决议的时间。

12、A good book is like a good friend, it can accompany us through the ups and downs of life.

13、The Spring Festival Gala on TV is a popular way for people to celebrate together.春节晚会是人们一起庆祝的受欢迎的方式。


15、The Spring Festival is celebrated on the first day of the lunar calendar.春节在农历的第一天庆祝。

16、In the quiet time of the Spring Festival, it's the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in a good book.

17、Reading books can bring us joy and enlightenment, and cultivate our inner world.

18、Reading can be a way of escaping reality, immersing ourselves in a different world and forgetting our troubles.


20、The Spring Festival is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and has a long history.春节深深植根于中国文化中,具有悠久的历史。

21、The color red is a symbol of happiness and good fortune during the Spring Festival.红色是春节期间幸福和好运的象征色。

22、The more you read, the more you learn, and the more you learn, the more you want to read.

23、Reading is a way of connecting with the past, present, and future, and understanding our place in the world.

24、The practice of lighting firecrackers during the Spring Festival is said to ward off evil spirits.在春节期间放烟花据说可以避免恶灵。

25、The Spring Festival is an opportunity to embrace Chinese customs and traditions.春节是拥抱中国风俗和传统的机会。


27、Reading can be a form of self-expression, helping us connect with others through shared experiences.

28、The Spring Festival is a time to cherish memories and reflect on the past year.春节是珍惜回忆和反思过去一年的时候。


30、Reading can help us expand our knowledge, challenge our assumptions, and develop a deeper understanding of the world.

31、The Lantern Festival is the last day of the Spring Festival and is celebrated with lanterns, riddles, and sweet rice dumplings.元宵节是春节的最后一天,人们会通过灯笼、猜谜和甜米团庆祝。

32、Reading can be a way of escaping the mundane, bringing us into a world of wonder, excitement, and adventure.


34、Reading can be a source of inspiration, helping us find our true selves and our passions.


36、The Spring Festival is also known as the Lunar New Year.春节也被称为农历新年。

37、The best books are those that make us think, question, and challenge our beliefs.



40、The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China.春节是中国最重要的传统节日。



43、The Spring Festival is a time to relax and enjoy time with family and friends.春节是放松和与家人、朋友享受时光的时间。

44、Reading can broaden our horizons, enrich our lives, and help us become more open-minded.


46、A good book can change our lives, transforming our thinking and behavior.

47、Spring Festival travel rush, also known as Chunyun, is the largest human migration in the world.春运是世界上规模最大的人口迁移现象。

48、A good book can inspire us, motivate us, and help us overcome challenges.

49、The power of reading lies in its ability to cultivate empathy, compassion, and understanding, all of which are essential for building a better world.



52、A good book can be a lifelong companion, offering us wisdom, guidance, and inspiration as we navigate the ups and downs of life.

53、Reading books during the Spring Festival holidays is a good way to relax and broaden your knowledge.


55、Reading is like having a conversation with the author, learning from their experiences, and gaining new insights.

56、Reading can be a way of escape, a way to rest for a while in another world, before returning to this one refreshed.

57、Reading is a journey of discovery, exploring new ideas, perspectives and cultures.

58、The magic of reading lies in its ability to take us on a journey of self-discovery, to explore our passions, fears, and hopes.

59、The Spring Festival lasts for 15 days.春节持续15天。


61、The value of reading is not just in the information we acquire, but in the emotions and experiences we gain.


63、Reading can help us develop empathy, understanding, and respect for different perspectives and cultures.

64、The Chinese zodiac is a cycle of 12 years with each year represented by an animal.中国的生肖是一个由12年组成的周期,每一年都代表着一个动物。

65、The Spring Festival is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts.春节是新的开始和全新的起点。

66、Reading is a way to feed the soul, to nourish it with stories, poems, and wisdom.

67、The Spring Festival is an important time for businesses in China, as it is a peak shopping season.春节期间是中国企业的重要时节,因为这是一个销售旺季。

68、Reading is a powerful tool for personal growth and development, helping us learn about ourselves and the world around us.





73、It is important to clean the house before the Spring Festival to ensure good luck in the new year.春节前打扫房子非常重要,以确保新年里好运连连。

74、The power of reading lies in its ability to transport us to new places, times, and worlds.

75、During the Spring Festival, people travel back to their hometowns to celebrate with their families.春节期间,人们回到家乡和家人一起庆祝。

76、The Spring Festival is not just celebrated in China, but also in other countries with significant Chinese populations.春节不仅在中国庆祝,也在其他拥有大量华人的国家庆祝。

77、The Nian monster is a legendary creature that is said to appear during the Spring Festival.年兽是一个传说中的生物,据说在春节期间会出现。


79、The more we read, the more we realize how much we still have to learn, and the more motivated we become to keep reading.

80、Reading can help us de-stress, take our mind off our worries, and create a sense of calm.

81、Reading can be a way of discovering our own voice, our own passions, and our own sense of purpose.

82、A good book can provide us with comfort, wisdom, and inspiration, that we can carry with us long after we've finished reading.

83、The beauty of reading is that it can be enjoyed at any age, from childhood to old age.

84、Red decorations are a symbol of good luck and prosperity during the Spring Festival.春节期间,红色装饰代表着好运和繁荣。


86、The Spring Festival is a time to honor ancestors and pay respects to family members who have passed away.春节是纪念祖先和向已故家人致敬的时节。


88、The joy of reading is in the discovery, the journey of exploration, and the sense of accomplishment that comes from learning new things.


90、Reading is a way to connect with the world, to learn about different cultures, and to appreciate the diversity of humanity.

91、The Spring Festival is a time to renew relationships and form new connections.春节是更新关系和建立新联系的时候。

92、People often exchange greetings such as "Happy New Year" and "Wishing you happiness and prosperity" during the Spring Festival.人们在春节期间经常相互问候,如“新年快乐”和“祝你幸福和繁荣”。




96、Reading is not just about acquiring knowledge, it's also a way to enhance our empathy and understanding.


98、Reading is a great way to relax and unwind, especially during the busy holiday season.

99、Reading can be a form of self-care, providing us with a peaceful and reflective space.


101、A good book can provide us with a sense of community, connecting us with others who share our interests and values.


103、According to the Chinese zodiac, 2021 is the Year of the Ox.根据中国的生肖,2021年是牛年。

104、Giving red envelopes with money inside is a traditional way to give blessings during the Spring Festival.在春节期间,给红包里面装有钱表示祝福是传统的方式。



107、The Spring Festival is a time for family reunions and strengthening bonds.春节是家庭团聚和加强联系的时候。


109、The dragon dance and lion dance are popular cultural performances during the Spring Festival.龙舞和狮舞是春节期间流行的文化表演。



112、A good book can take us to places we've never been, introduce us to people we've never met, and teach us things we've never known.

113、The joy of reading comes from getting lost in the story and experiencing the characters' emotions.



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