





1、In your opinion, what are the most important language skills to master for success in your future career?

2、I was able to recall information easily during the exam, thanks to my thorough studying.

3、This is a reading comprehension question.


5、What is the tone of the passage?

6、Despite my nerves, I was able to remain calm and composed during the exam.

7、How would you summarize the main idea of the passage?


9、The exam will determine my final grade in the class.

10、The exam was quite long, and I started to feel fatigued towards the end.



13、Can you recommend books to improve my listening skills?


15、The exam will be monitored by the invigilator.

16、Stay out of this matter, please.请别管这事。






21、The exam covered a lot of material that I found interesting and engaging.

22、Can I ask the examiner to repeat a question in the speaking section?

23、This exam will determine your future success in this subject.


25、Is there a sample or practice test available for the English listening and speaking test?

26、I need to use my math skills during the exam.

27、Have you prepared well for the upcoming English test?


29、Can you provide more detail?

30、The exam required a lot of math skills, which I had practiced extensively beforehand.



33、Can I bring water into the examination room for the English speaking test?

34、The exam required a lot of writing, so I made sure to practice my penmanship leading up to it.


36、Yes, I agree with you completely.

37、make one’s mouth water 使人垂涎三尺,想吃

38、I need to review all the material before the exam.

39、How does the author create suspense in the story?

40、The exam covered a lot of material, so I made sure to study every day leading up to it.


41、I'm sorry, my mind is drawing a blank.

42、The exam will begin in five minutes.【wWw.lIUxue86.Com 出国留学网】


44、I need to bring my ID card for the exam.

45、Is it possible to retake the English listening and speaking test after passing it?


47、I need to understand more idioms and phrases.

48、How can I improve my pronunciation of difficult words?

49、The exam will be on a single or multiple topics.


51、Please make sure to review your notes before the exam.



54、The exam was quite subjective, meaning that my answers were open to interpretation.


56、I need to use my imagination during the exam.




60、The exam will be divided into three sections.


61、The exam required a lot of memorization, so I made sure to review my notes extensively.

62、The concert was a memorable experience with the band playing some of their greatest hits and engaging with the audience.

63、What happens if I pass the English listening and speaking test, but later it is discovered that I cheated?

64、I was able to easily identify the key points of the exam questions, thanks to my strong analytical skills.

65、In your opinion, what is the most difficult aspect of learning English?


67、Please make sure to write legibly on the answer sheet.

68、The exam will test my ability to apply what I've learned to new situations.





73、Could you please call me a doctor? 请您给我叫一位医生好吗?


75、The exam was challenging but I did my best and feel pretty good about my performance.

76、The exam was difficult, but I did my best and am proud of my effort.

77、I need to write neatly during the exam.

78、Is there a minimum score I need to obtain to be considered for college admission?

79、We need to hurry if we want to catch the train. 如果想要赶上火车,我们得赶紧。

80、How do I know when the English listening test is about to start?



82、I need to focus on my weaknesses before the exam.

83、The rules for the exam are very strict.



86、I need to arrive at the exam room early.

87、How long have you been living here? 你在这儿住了多久?



90、I need to avoid procrastination before the exam.


92、I need to study for the exam tonight.

93、What do you think of the weather today? 你觉得今天的天气怎么样?

94、a bitter pill to swallow 吞下苦果

95、Can you describe the setting of the story?

96、Will there be any breaks during the exam?

97、If you are caught cheating, you will receive a failing grade for the exam.

98、The exam was difficult, but I was able to complete it successfully.


100、The exam will require me to write a response to a prompt.


101、Please do not tear or damage the exam paper in any way.

102、Will I receive my score immediately after completing the English listening and speaking test?


104、What kind of topics will be covered in the speaking section of the exam?

105、How can I evaluate my performance and identify areas of improvement after the exam?

106、Can you tell us about any English language certifications you have obtained?


108、The exam will test my powers of observation.

109、Despite the challenging nature of the exam, I felt confident in my ability to do well.

110、I was quite nervous about the exam, but I tried to stay calm and focused.

111、Will there be any reading comprehension questions on the English listening test?

112、The exam will require me to use my critical thinking skills.

113、I was disappointed to see that I had made a few careless mistakes on the exam, which brought down my score.

114、How do you manage your time when studying for exams?

115、I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that term.

116、The exam will require me to interpret data.

117、I need to practice my listening skills for the exam.


119、How much is this? 这个多少钱?

120、I need to use different strategies to answer different types of questions on the exam.


121、I was disappointed to see that I had missed a few questions that I knew the answers to.

122、I studied hard for the exam, but still felt nervous on the day of the test.

123、How does the use of dialogue contribute to the story?





128、Can you identify the use of onomatopoeia in the poem?

129、Please make sure to use black ink when filling out the answer sheet.

130、How can I register for the English listening and speaking test if I am living in a remote location?

131、What topics are you most confident about discussing in English?


133、What is the theme of this poem?


135、The exam was structured in a way that tested both my knowledge and my ability to apply that knowledge.


137、a big appetite 胃口很好

138、I'm not sure if I can finish this project on time. 我不确定我是否能按时完成这个项目。

139、Can you describe a time when you had to be innovative?

140、How can I improve my writing skills?


141、I was relieved to see that the exam was multiple choice, as it made it easier to guess when necessary.

142、How do you see English-language proficiency impacting global communication and understanding in the future?

143、I struggled with time management during the exam, and wasn't able to answer all the questions.


145、Could you recommend a good book to read? 你能推荐一本好书给我读吗?

146、the least of my worries 次要的事情,小事一桩, 一点也不担心


148、During the exam, I had to think quickly and strategically in order to answer all the questions in the allotted time.

149、I was able to apply the concepts I had learned in class to the exam questions.

150、What do you think is the best way to overcome language barriers?


152、I was pleased to see that I had performed well on the exam, and achieved a high score.

153、You will not be allowed to retake the exam unless there is a medical emergency.

154、I was surprised by some of the questions on the exam, which seemed unrelated to what we had studied in class.

155、What are your qualifications for this job? 你有做这个工作的资格吗?


157、How do you spell your name? 你的名字怎么拼?


159、This exam will test your knowledge and skills in English.

160、I made sure to review all the material in preparation for the exam.


161、The exam was very challenging, and I struggled to complete it in the allotted time.

162、How do you think technology has affected language learning?

163、Your exam results will be kept confidential.

164、What inspired you to pursue your current interests?


166、You ain't seen nothing yet.你还没看过更好(烂)的;好戏还在后头

167、What happens if I have technical difficulties during the online English listening and speaking test?

168、My name is John. 我的名字叫约翰。

169、Can you suggest strategies to improve my listening comprehension of difficult accents?

170、I was surprised by the format of the exam, which didn't match what I had expected.

171、Can I ask for clarification during the English listening test?

172、Can you provide resources to help me with listening comprehension?

173、I was pleased to see that I had scored well on the exam, despite my nerves.



176、I want to increase my reading speed.


178、Please make sure to bring a pencil with you to the exam.

179、How was your weekend? 你的周末过得怎么样?

180、Do you think it is important to have a positive attitude? Why or why not?


181、The exam questions will be in English.

182、I was surprised by some of the questions on the exam, but overall I felt prepared.

183、The restaurant was very crowded, so we had to wait for a table. 餐厅太拥挤了,所以我们得等桌位。

184、The exam was quite challenging, but I was able to use my critical thinking skills to work through the questions.

185、How does the author create suspense in the novel?

186、The exam will be a culmination of the semester's work.

187、Please do not leave anything on your desk after the exam.

188、What was the outcome of the experiment?



191、to let one’s hair down 放松,好好玩

192、The exam was timed, so I had to manage my time effectively in order to finish all the questions.

193、How can I improve my note-taking skills during the listening test?






199、What time is it now? 现在几点了?

200、I need to use my problem-solving abilities during the exam.


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Is there a formula to follow?非常感谢您阅读编辑整理的“英文考试句子”相关内容。经过考试的选拔,优秀的人将会有更多的机会与资源,考试是为了发现自己的错误。通过考试可以体现一个人的学习能力,不管是谁将要考试,我们都会想送上一份暖心的祝福语。欢迎阅读以下句子,希望大家能够喜欢...

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College entrance examination is just around the corner. I hope you can overcome all kinds ~~还有哪些类似于此的句子?请你阅读小编辑为你编辑整理的《英文祝福考试句子》,欢迎大家阅读,希望对大家有所帮助。...

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The teacher encourages students to take ownership of their own learning and become active ~~句子虽短,却意味深长。经过收集,幼儿教师教育网编辑整理了评价考试的句子200句,请收藏好,以便下次再读!...

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