
最新教案1A Unit 8 Oxford English Book 1A Unit 8 第一教时


小学英语教案 牛津1a。

众所周知,一位优秀的小学英语教师离不开一份优质的教案。作为老师的任务写教案课件是少不了的,教案有助于让同学们很好的吸收课堂上所讲的知识点。你有了解过小学英语教案应该怎么写吗?急您所急,小编为朋友们了收集和编辑了“最新教案1A Unit 8 Oxford English Book 1A Unit 8 第一教时”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

一、 教学说明:


2.这节课的句型pick up…在unit2的儿歌中已经学过:“pick up sticks.”学生们已经能琅琅上口的表演了,为本节课的学习打下了埋伏。

二、 教学内容:

1) 认知内容:

a. 单词slide, doll, bicycle, balloon, ball, swing达到“三会”要求。

b.能听懂会说go to the slide. pick up the doll. 等指令。

c.能发指令到某处及干某事. eg: go to the desk. eat a cake, please.

  go to the playground. pick up the ball.  etc.

2) 能力要求:在学习和生活中能通过指令,到某处去和干某事。

3) 情感态度:通过情景创设,让学生们能相互发指令,并完成该项动作,鼓励他们在学中玩,玩中学,学中用,用中学。

三、 教学过程:


contentsmethodspurposepre-task preparationwarmer1.     enjoy the rhyme of page 11.   配以动作的儿歌既让学生能进入英语学习的氛围,又为新课的学习打下埋伏。2.     quick response.eg.  open your book.  close your book. pick up the pencil. etc.t→s   s→s通过快速反应这个环节,能进一步激发学生英语学习的兴趣,同时既巩固了旧知,又为引出新知作铺垫while-task procedure1. words teaching: slide, swing, bicycle, ball,                       1.     students say the rhyme. p 5replace: pear lemon; taro bean etc.2.     teacher shows the fruit and says such a rhyme. a slide, a swing i can see. a slide, a swing  for you and me.(replace: bicycle   ball.)3.     encourage the pupils to say the rhyme.4.     present the words: a slide  a swing.5.     teacher shows the picture and asks the question.eg. what do you like to play?p1: i like to play…6.     encourage the pupils to say the rhyme.eg: a slide. a slide. i like to play. a swing. a swing. i like to play.(replace: bicycle   ball.)teacher shows the word cards and reads.用旧儿歌引出新单词,琅琅上口,激发了学生学习的兴趣。           让学生说出自己喜欢玩的项目,是英语思维的初步涉入。让学生通过问答后编出新的儿歌,使之学中用,用中学。 2. words teaching balloon, doll,                       

      1.     teacher shows several balloons and dolls and asks the questions.e.g.: what can you see in our classroom?2.     ask children to follow the new words. balloon  doll.3.     encourage the pupils to say the rhyme.e.g.: a balloon. a balloon. i like to play.a doll. a doll. i like to play.4.     teacher shows the word cards and reads.5.     if the students like to play the balloon. teacher asks them to touch it and says.e.g.: i can jump. touch the blue balloon.i can jump. touch t6.     if the students like to play the doll. teacher tells them this is bobby doll. and asks them which doll you like.p1: i like the pink bobby doll.7.     then teacher asks them to touch it and says.e.g.: i can jump. touch the pink bobby doll. 教室里多挂一些彩色气球和芭比娃娃,使学生言之有物。         让学生通过自主选择自己喜欢的气球、芭比娃娃,跳跳,触摸一下,激发兴趣,使大脑继续保持学习的兴奋状态。教洋娃娃时,补充学生喜欢的芭比娃娃,和生活结合起来。  3.     commands teaching: go to the…pick up the…            1.     teacher shows the word cards and reads.2.     teacher puts the word pictures on the desk and asks.e.g.: what do you like to play?p1: i like to play the slide.t: go to the slide.p2: i like to play the ball.t: go to the ball. pick up the ball./ touch the…3.      encourage the pupils to say the sentences.4. listen and read after the tape. 5. quick response. post-task activity1. activity: what is missing?1.     read the words 2.     encourage the children to find which word is missing.    让学生通过仔细读单词,巩固今天所学单词,同时找出哪个单词老师藏起来了。2. activity: play the chess.1.     teacher asks the students to choose the cartoons they like.e.g.: do you like cartoons?which cartoon do you like?p1: i like kitty cat.2.     teacher asks the students to stick the cartoons they like.3.     play the chess in the groups.让学生选择喜欢的卡通形象贴在食指和中指中间,可以用来走路。下棋,不仅复习了新句型go to the…,也复习了数字、新单词和各种句型。assignmentread page 37 & 39 after the tape

play the chess with your parents.四、教学提示:



1)关注整体认读卡片单词slide, doll, bicycle, balloon, ball, swing。


3) 指令性的知识,让学生在儿歌中学习,游戏中操练,学生则会在一定的情境当中运用这些指令;


有关1A Unit 1 Hello的教案

unit 1  hello


教学内容:认识三个人物,su hai ,wang bing ,helen 。

          问候语hello ,hi

教学目标:能够认识三个人物,见面会用hello,hi 和别人打招呼。

教学重难点:会说hello ,hi ,认识三个人物。


教学过程:一 warming up

         t :class begins

         ss :stand up!

         t  :good morning ,class。

         ss :good morning ,teacher。

         t  :sit down,please!

二 presentation



t :小朋友坐的真好,老师决定给大家介绍几个新朋友,大家想认识他们吗?


t : 想知道他叫什么名字吗?想知道他们长什么样吗?

ss: 想

t : 老师从书中慢慢抽出头饰,先露出头发,依次眼睛,鼻子,嘴巴,整个象头像。老师让学生看清楚他长什么样?头发什么颜色?眼睛什么颜色?短头    发还是长头发?


t :wang bing 。

ss:wang bing。


t :我们认识了新朋友,和新朋友问声好吧。hello ,wang bing !

ss :hello ,wang bing 。


t  :向我们的同桌问好。

同样方法学习 hellen ,su hai

三  practise

  1   让学生到黑板前进行角色扮演,戴上头饰。坐着的学生向讲台前学生问好。

s :  hello ,。。。  ss : hello ,su hai /wang bing /hellen 。

  t :我们见到同学,老师可以说hello,除了hello 还可以说 hi 。

   教授 hi 。

(练习 hi, su hai /wang bing /hellen )

2 打开电脑 :出现小动物 ,让学生和动物们问好,以巩固所学的hello,hi 。

 教学后记:本节课内容很少而且简单,学生对于认识新朋友很感兴趣,所以人物很快就认识了,但是孩子对中国小孩的名字很容易就记得,而外国的hellen却是练习很多才记得,发音也是个难点。对于问候语学生能够见到同学老师说出 hello ,hi。估计长久的说才能形成习惯。

unit 1  hello


教学内容:新人物 mike ,句子 i'm 。。。《hello》song

教学目标:会用i'm。。。自我介绍。能认识新朋友 mike 。会唱歌曲。

教学重难点:会说 i'm 。。。会唱《hello》。

教具准备: 小孩头饰,卡纸,cai。

教学过程:一 warming up

        t :good afternoon, class.

        ss:good afternoon, teacher.

        t: i want to see who's remember is good.

            who is she?


        t :who is he?

        ss:wang bing

        t :what's her name?

        ss:su hai.

        二 presentation

      1  t :today,i invite mike to our classrooom。

             he will be our new friend。

         t :teach :mike

         ss:follow teacher

        (read in group,boys girls )

         ss:hello,mike ,hi ,mike 。

      2    cai 电脑中出现mike,他向大家介绍自己,hello,i 'm mike 。

         t :teach  i'm ...


         t :let some students to introduce themselves.

         ss:hello, i'm ...


      3   《hello》song

        1  let students listen to the tape three times ,then sing after teacher sentence by sentence.

        2  ask ss to try to sing the song sentence by sentence, one by one.

        3  ask one student to sing the first sentence,the others to sing the next sentence. one by one.

        4  sing after the teacher wholely.

        5  sing after the tape together.

     三 homework

        sing the song《hello》to parents。

        introduce them self to parents.


有关1A Unit 2 Good morning(教案)

1a unit 2 good morning  (the first lesson)

藏书实小   吴唯唯

teaching content: oxford english for primary school 1a unit 2 good morning (the first lesson).

teaching aims:

1 to understand and speak the words: morning , evening.

2 to understand and say the sentence structures: good morning. good evening.

3 to use the words and the sentence structures to do some simple greeting.

4 to stimulate students’ interesting in learning english and english-speaking.

teaching points and difficulties:

1 learn to say the words: morning , evening.

2 let students greet with each other using : good morning. good evening.

teaching aids: tape, recorder, four headdresses, a picture of a sun, a picture of a moon, the computer and ppt

teaching procedures:

step 1 warming up

1.greeting: t: hello!

s: hello, miss wu!

2.sing a song “hello”(shake bodies)

step 2  presentation

 t: hello, i’m miss wu.

 s: hello, i’m …

 s1: hello, i’m …

s2:hello, i’m …

 (praise with students: good ,good ,good good good.)

1.learn to say good

 (show the picture “good”. teach to say)

  t: good.

  s: good.

2.learn to say good morning.

  t: show a picture.listen to the sound of the cock shouting, guess when is it.


   (write “morning” on the blackboard , stick the sun on it, teach to say)

  t: a bird comes here, guess what the bird says?

  s: good morning.

   (write “good morning”, teach to say.)

  t: good morning.

  ss: good morning.

  t: let’s look at the picture of the snow white, guess what she says ?

  s: good morning.

  t: good, let’s do some praise.

  s: good , good ,good good good

   (take out some headdresses, using them to greet )

  t: good morning, su hai.

  s: good morning, mike.

   (let students greet each other, under the sticking sun)

  t: ok. now, let’s have a break, say a song with me,ok?


   (sing the song “good morning to you”)

3.learn to say good evening.

 show another picture about the snow white, speaking with some deers. stick a moon on.

  t: what’s the time now? ( pointing to the moon)

  s: evening.

  t: good, clever boy.

   ( write evening on the blackboard, stick the moon on it. teach to say.)

  t: what does the snow white say to the deers?

  s:good evening.

   (write “good evening” on the blackboard. teach to say.)

  t: good evening.

  ss: good evening.

  t: what are the sheep saying, under the moon?

   (show a picture at night,guess)

  s: good evening.

   (take out some headdresses, using them to greet under the moon )

  s: good evening.

  s: good evening.

step 3 consolidation.

  t: please choose a place to greet in front(under the sun or under the moon.)

  s: good morning.

  ss: good morning.

  s: good evening.

  ss: good evening.

step 4 play a guessing game

 show the picture of wang bing, mike, helen. let the students guess, what them says, while greeting.

  s: hello.

  s: hi.

  s: good morning.

  s: good evening.

step 5 winding-up

        t: bye bye!

        s: bye bye!

blackboard designing:

                           unit 2 good morning

good morning.                              good evening.

(stick the sun)                     (stick the moon)

最新教案牛津英语1A Unit 1 my Classroom(第3课时)

教学目标:1. to make the students use nouns to identify common classroom objects

2. to make the students pronounce properly

教学过程教学重点:to learn the words: pen pencil book bag ruler rubber

教学难点:to make the students connect the words with the objects

教学准备:objects  word pictures  cards  cassette player


step 1: warming up

t: class begins

s: stand up, please.

t: good morning.

s: good morning.

t: sit down, please.

t: first, let's listen to a song.

(let them listen to the song quietly)

t: now, let's do. i say and you do.

(practise four sentences in let's act)

step 2: presentation

t: look! what's this?


t: it's a box. guess, what's in it?


t: pencil

(read after the teacher)

t: who can read?


(give compliments when they read well)

(teach "rubber, book" in the same way)

t: open your book, turn to page 4. let's read together.

s: (read after the teacher)

step 3: consolidation

t: now, let's play a game.

s: ok.

t: i read and you point.


t: now, listen to the tape and tell me what do you hear?

s: (encourage the first student who puts up his\her hand and answers right.)

s: (practise by yourselves)

step 4: ending


read these six words to your parents.

t: stand up, please. goodbye! boys and girls.

s: goodbye!


unit1 hello第一课时:教学内容:认识三个人物,suhai,wangbing,helen。         问候语hello,hi教学目标:能够认识三个人物,见面会用hello,hi和别人打招...

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1aunit2goodmorning (thefirstlesson)藏书实小  吴唯唯teachingcontent:oxfordenglishforprimaryschool1aunit2good...

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